back to article Military-grade IBM kit senses love, hate in Wimbo fans' tweets

Although Andy Murray lost to Roger Federer at Wimbledon this month, he managed to ace the pair's Twitter contest. Britain’s best tennis hope since Fred Perry didn't just feature in more tweets than his Swiss rival, he also surfed a tidal wave of plaudits on the social networking site. More than 490,000 tweets mentioned Murray …


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  1. Tibbs

    Sentiment Analysis

    There are so many reasons whySetiment Analysis is crap.

    Mat Morrisons sums it all up very well here:

    Given that most humans can't understand what another human is saying without context and cultural reference points, how can computers?

    And how does the IBM supercomputer handle sarcasm?

    1. Ambivalous Crowboard

      Re: Sarcasm

      And how does the IBM supercomputer handle sarcasm?

      Heh... "super"computer...

  2. Ambivalous Crowboard
    Thumb Down


    Your search for '"military-grade"' returned 28,000 hits..

    1. HMB

      Re: 'Military-grade'

      It's because it's a military grade site. Originally all this news was set up as a dedicated feed for the A-Team, but it was kindly opened up to us too.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: 'Military-grade'

      "Your search for '"military-grade"' returned 28,000 hits.."

      What's the Reg unit for that? An "Afghan wedding party"?

      Bad taste I know, but you can't help but have a low opinion of the "war machine" these days.

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Please back-off, I can smell your breath.

    Big brother wants to put a chip in your noggin. Twitter today, email tomorrow. What's next ... is that another Google Street View drive-by again? It's the third one in the last hour. I believe they are circling.

  4. HMB

    While David doesn't feel human emotions, he does understand them. ;)

  5. disgruntled yank Silver badge


    So, does Obama unleash Predator drones if he finds tweeters hating on the US team?

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