Perfectly reasonable
Last I checked, LinkedIn neither is required, nor has agreed, to serve as a platform for social justice activism. There are plenty of places on the Internet where you can do that sort of thing, most if not all of which are better suited to it than LinkedIn; say what you like about that company, but they have both a declared purpose for the service they provide, and every right to set and enforce policies for the use of that service.
No doubt this will be an extremely unpopular statement with plenty of crypto-Quakers, who consider (if they have considered it, rather than simply being raised in the faith) that there is no higher purpose than to bring about the earthly kingdom of God, and that any other purpose for anything is at best frivolous and at worst sinful -- the accumulation of profit, naturally, falling into the latter category. Unfortunately for them, not liking it doesn't make it any less true, at least unless progressive hegemony succeeds in extending itself sufficiently far to legislate otherwise.