These, about languages, might interest some...
From the 2nd URL:
"Hangeul exceptionalists also take pride in how economical Hangeul is. All of the letters are composed of a combination of two common shapes: lines and circles. Hangeul has only 24 distinct letters, 14 consonants and 10 vowels, making it easy to learn. Hangeul is also easily adapted to computers, mobile phones and other electronic devices. Some people argue that the ease of inputting Hangeul into a computer or mobile phone stimulated the early diffusion of IT in Korea."
From the 1st URL:
"The Egyptians probably learned the idea and some principles of writing from the Sumerians. The other principles and all the specific forms of the letters were then quickly designed by some Egyptian who was clever, but not quite as clever as Korea's King Sejong. "
Regarding the 3rd URL, I read somewhere (maybe on Hancom /Han office's site) that the Korean language is much more processor-efficient and enables intensive, text processing to run 20%-40% faster than the same research in other languages' words.