My Impersonation of these Questionnaires
1 + 1 =
A. 100
B. 2
C. -100
Competition closed
Well Phil, I think you need to take your calcunow out of hex mode and but it back into dec mode.
I can see why hex mode is better though, especially for a Microsoft programmer, since B00B1E5 is a lot easier to spell out (184594917 btw).
Keep up the good work...
I just had a look at the official website, it's another one where geolocation overrides common sense.
I type in "samsung.co.uk" and it decides that as the point of presence is somewhere else (some of our proxies are more forgiving than others), it'll give me a site I can't fucking read EVEN THOUGH THE .CO.UK ADDRESS IS VALID!
Obviously I typed in .co.uk in error 'cos I'm a complete bloody idiot who hasn't got a clue what he's doing. That's the message I got anyway.
They just got shitlisted for being too lazy to link the "real" in-country address to "samsung.com/${isoc}" and instead just linking the lot to their automated geolocation resolver. Dickheads.
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I'd have loved a shot at it. My experience of Samsung kit has so far been WANT! WANT!! WANT!!!!! My Samsung Fondleslab beats the bejeezus out of me every day. (Beat me at chess yesterday, but it was no match for me at kickboxing...)
(I'd have 'linuxed' that lovely Lappie puppy in a heartbeat, natch...)
Hey, El. Reg - how about awarding it to a commentard (UK resident) who has the most DOWNvotes! That'd be amusing....(Still probbly me, if I lived in UK...)
So, the image says samsung memory should be though of as an serious RTA with casualties (ambulance) etc.
Q to samsung marketing execs - what sort of muppet considers a FUBAR'd pickup and ambulance to be a good image? Is samsung memory as bad as their CD drives - i.e. do they consider memory bricking itself if used by anything other than windows as a "feature" ala thier CD drives? :-)
OK, I will admit I can see some japaneese execs going for the manga characters in the foreground but IMHO they look way too "smelly homeless wierdo" to me.
p.s. I think I met the guy in the middle some 20 years ago[0[ - he was an IBM consultant, wore sandals (even in winter - he called it blue toe weather) and only drank real ale and was a CAMRA "founding member". Nice guy.
[0[ it may have been his dad :-)
Is that it runs Windows 7 Home Premium.
Maybe this is the sysadmin in me but I'd somewhat had expected Win7 Professional to be used.
But apart from that this looks pretty promising indeed. I'm pretty curious; this thing should be able to run multimedia software (Ableton Live 8 / Reason 6.5.1, etc.) even faster than a regular desktop. And if the internal multimedia is any good, hmmm......
Pro doesn't really offer any benefits over Home Premium for the laptop's intended purpose, at least not that I can see -- RDP access and ability to join a domain, sure, but how does that actually benefit anyone who might buy the laptop, rather than only those who have need of the capabilities? -- and the Pro SKU I believe costs extra, which would be reflected in the price at point of sale. (Not that driving that price up a hundred bucks further is likely to make all that much difference...) I suppose the idea must be that most will be satisfied with Home Premium, and those relatively few who need Pro or better can use Anytime Upgrade to get it.
As Windows 7 allows you to upgrade to Pro/Ultimate online, the vast majority of laptops just come with Home Premium nowadays. There's no difference in cost to the end user, it's just a bit more work involved for you and a bit less for the supplier.
I am a UK resident, but our corporate network appears behind a German proxy.
I always get the answers to these competitions correct, often spending litterally seconds in researching the answers, but amazingly I've never won.
Is some automated process likely to be throwing away my entries because of assuming I'm German?
It's got a 2 GHz current gen i-7, so nothing special there, 6 GiB of DDR3 is admittedly a lot of RAM (though probably not that useful, in truth) and 900 pixels for the height is indeed FAIL on the screen (that's why people keep saying so) of a "17 inch" format laptop. Even the graphics is pretty mediocre, really, for the term 'beast'. Not to be a git about this but I'm typing from an M18X with 2x HD 6990M in Crossfire and a considerably faster i-7 and I'm still not close to the 'maxed' builds possible for the line. These machines and their competitors are "Beasts of a laptop" not this nice executive toy.
Needless to say, I entered anyway :-P