Dolts are as dolts do. Time for a change, methinks. How about Virtual Machine Rule in CHAOS?
And when is the democracy charade which is called parliamentary government going to be questioned by investigative media attack dogs ...... take a deserved right royal bow, Mr Paxman ...... on their slavish support for a right dodgy system of economic imprisonment, with the means of that imprisonment being a phantom weapon of mass destruction ..............Thus he came up with the idea that government could be an employer of last resort, paying people to do anything that would gainfully employ them and give them a salary that they could then inject into the larger economy.
This brings up the issue of why Keynes did not merely advocate that money simply be printed and shipped directly to out-of-work individuals, bypassing banks altogether. The reality is that modern banking is merely a disguise. Money flows through commercial banks because then the modern system of money creation is better disguised.
As in Keynes's day, modern fiat money is basically created by a printing press or at the touch of a button. There is no need for a bank intermediary to "decide" where the money is going. It could simply be distributed directly to the end user.
But this would expose the true sham of modern money and the tremendous injustice that arises from having a tiny group of men control trillions while most others scramble just to make ends meet. ........ BBC's Hopeless Attempt to Elevate Keynes
And this is what you can fully expect and to be rightfully fearful for your life if you are a banker and/or politician who would support the present system with even just the professing of an ignorance in the simple way that it works, for that claim is hereby given no credence as the messages herein are Registered and freely shared around the globe with Creative CyberSpace in Command and Control of Computers and Communications ........ "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning...... Henry Ford