Not so good for my living room
Given that my PS3 lives under the telly, a toploader would be a bugger. Or it would if I used the PS3 for anything other than iPlayer.
Sony is set to release a third design of its PlayStation 3 console, with a higher storage capacity and a top-loading disc tray. The unannounced PS3 - spotted in testing labs in Brazil - will apparently touch down with a choice of three new storage capacities: 16GB, 250GB and 500GB, Brazilian site Tecnoblog reports. New PS3 …
Wow at least it will be easier to clean the laser mechanism with a top-loader instead of having to completely dismantle the unit to do so. Perhaps this is an acknowledgement from Sony that their Blu-Ray drives are liable to stop working after a year in a smoky environment and that cleaning them is essential maintenance not a warranty invalidating act.
Ah, smokers! Bunch of eye-wateringly foul-smelling pillocks who seem to enjoy pissing staggering sums of money up the wall to feed their drug addiction.
And a jolly good thing too! The UK needs the tax revenues. The shortened lifespans and agonising deaths are merely icing on the cake. Keep it up! (Just don't do it near me, please. I have enough problems with allergies as it is.)
Sean, everyone dies of something, and it's almost always unpleasant. I doubt if you die of bowel cancer you'll be laughing about having avoided the lung variant. Quite frankly, if we were to meet it's a good bet I'd find some (who knows, maybe all) of your personal habits distasteful. Personally, I tend to find smokers to be a genial bunch of people.
Everyone dies of something. Smokers just get to do it a good bit sooner (which is certainly good for the welfare/pension system, so I'm all in favour).
Personally, I don't have a problem with people smoking (or doing other recreational drugs of their choice) on their own time, with their own money and in their own place (whatever floats one's boat as long as it doesn't sink anyone else's). I do get a bit annoyed when people who choose to smoke whine on about their chosen vice's effects on them (or their property).
I feel I should point out to the overly smug non smokers a few facts:
1) Fewer than 1 in 10 people who smoke develop lung cancer.
2) The majority of smokers who develop cancer go on to beat it.
Most smokers in the end die from some form of vascular disease often culminating in heart attack or stroke. Ironically these are the same illnesses which plague office workers (such as those in the IT industry *hint* *hint*) because of their general inactivity and traditionally poor diet.
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Guess what? games consoles get hot and use fans which suck in air to cool them down. If you smoke then the games console sucks in smoky air which coats the console with shitty yellow smokey crap (the same thing that is lining your lungs).
Smoking gives humans health problems, so why do you expect an inanimate object to be any different?
I bought a house off an OAP who smoked and everything smells of smoke and is yellow the best thing you can do is go outside or give up.
I don't really care about Linux support, although it was no doubt a fun toy, but the PS2 backwards compatibility is what kills it for me.
I have an original fatty PS2 with a hard drive, and it works fine, but it'd be nice to have one machine that could play PS3 and PS2 games so I could store it away. I don't have a PS3, but the odd game has taken my eye. Not enough to buy one though, especially with the lack of backwards compatibility.
My PS3s auto-loader mech struggles a bit and I don't think I'm alone, it doesn't eject fully and takes a few presses to get the disc out far enough to pull it. I've heard of some getting knocked out of alignment and loading discs into the wrong position so they won't read and even one that had a penny posted in and promptly broke, with a top loader it's easy to take the pennies, toy cars and jam sandwiches out and there's no risk of the load/eject mech braking because there isn't one.
Top loading mechanism = Sony making sure there is plenty of ventilation because you need to get to the top of the unit???
Also... with another new design for this console... the question needs to be asked... what features are being dropped with this revision? Seems every other hardware revision has dropped something...
You assume that anyone who owns it is only interested in it being cutting edge. I have one, have had it for years, and have never played a game on it. I am tempted by this new one, to get bitstreaming HD audio, and if its quieter than the old one I have.
Assuming it matches both of those, it will be far from irrelevant in a year for me, and I imagine many others.
@The FunkeyGibbon you're out by a country mile. PS2's continued to sell FAR into PS3's lifecycle. If I remember correctly PS2 was at some points outselling the combined efforts of PS3 and XBox360. Same thing will happen again if/when Sony release their next console. PS3 game prices will plumment and cheap PS3's will sell by the bucket load.
Really? Compared to pretty much every previous console, the smooth curves and shiny 'piano' black finish is a vast improvement in my eyes. just look at teh ugly grey box that was the original playstation, the cubist monstrosisty of the PS2 or the shoddy plastic thing that was the Nintendo Master System to get an idea for what came before.
"It ain't the PS3 dragging down your games... it's the xbox360. Games taking full advantage of the PS3's arch aren't looking that outdated"
Sorry mate but he is right. Both consoles are holding back PC games, the PS3 with it's stripped-down ancient Geforce 7600 graphics core (which even predates programmable shaders) and the lacklustre Cell (which always has been a technological dead-end in a console) probably even more than the XBox360.
Certainly there are nice games for both consoles, and some do look quite nice, but none of the games can hide the fact that both console platforms use midrange technology from 7 years ago.
Wow, how much can you get wrong in a single post?
Any PS3 developer knows that the RSX (which isn't actually a GF7600, but a derivitive of), is only actually the end og the rendering pipeline framebuffer and used for some post-processing, the Cell doing the actual GPU heavy lifting (each of it's 7 SPE's is onpar with a Pentium4 for "grunt"), only on crappy multi-platform titles, where lesser consoles have to also be catered for, and games are coded in a sloppy fashion does the RSX get used as the main GPU amd the cell's PPE used as the logic and game engine, and the SPE's sat there twiddling their thumbs at worse, or doing physics at best.
The XBox360 has massively held back the PS3 this generation, with it's ancient PC-Like design and last-gen storage specs. So many games could have been so much better had they not had to cater for the Xbox360 system. I'm guessing Microsoft knew that the Xbox hardware design was disruptive, and gamers were too stupid to work it out, they also knew the American gaming media would back the American console no matter what, even RROD was "let off" by the media (which we all know, had it been Sony, would have been treated totally differently).
You are Barry Shitpeas and ICMFP
PS3 vs XBox360
Well from what I have read from various places
X360 has a better graphics chip which is better when used in a similar fashion to a PC game, but the PS3 can offload a LOT of processing to the Cell, which nullifies this when used in an Uncharted fashion.
The Cell is substatially more powerfull than the Xenon, and the interchip link between the Cell & RSX is a lot faster than the link between Xenon & Xenos.
It seems like PS3 is about 10% to 20% more powerfull than the 360, but unless you are Naughty Dog or Guerilla 360 is easier to exploit.
Holding back - yes I have seen it - example is Rage, this has two regions, with a slow transfer between them, this coincides with the 360 disc swap, would have been nicer as one area.
Poor PS3 ports - seen these too.
Multiplatforms looking good, yes they can, but seem to lack something compared to the best exclusives, best 3 so far in my opinion Uncharted 3, Killzone 3, Uncharted 2, and the quality of Killzone 3s multiplayer is something to behold, so much detail and such a fun game.
For me graphics are not something im after changed incredibly, I want interesting genres, good voice acting and depth to games, no devs spending years on detailed graphics.
So therefore I want the devs to keep working on the current spec, what's this fascination of them wanting to spend all their money ploughing into a new console/hardware all the time? they like throwing money away??
"For me graphics are not something im after changed incredibly, I want interesting genres, good voice acting and depth to games."
Interesting genres, good voice acting and depth are required for a good game. But so is adequate graphics. Good games tick all the necessary boxes, crap games may only tick a few or even none at all.
Good graphics can make a good game even better as it increases the immersion level and makes the environment more lively. Just because 20 years ago games came with a text console doesn't mean that this is the best way to do it.
"no devs spending years on detailed graphics"
Son't worry, devs don't spend years on detailed graphics, thanks to modern development environments. Even more, often enough a lot of effort is put into scaling the gaphics details down so that current consoles can maintain reasonable frame rates, something which is only necessary because current consoles use such outdated technology.
"So therefore I want the devs to keep working on the current spec, what's this fascination of them wanting to spend all their money ploughing into a new console/hardware all the time? they like throwing money away??"
FYI: the current console generation is 6 (ps3) to 7 (XBox 360) years old, using technology which at the time these consoles came out were already midrange only, so I don't know where you get the idea from 'spending money ploughing into a new console/hardware all the time'.
Interesting, & good voice acting, well guess what.
Some of the best games of this generation have some of the best console graphics.
I still remember when I first played Uncharted 2, that ticks every box there is, only seen two console games with better graphics and one is Uncharted 3, good game but just doesn't have the same wow because the wow came with Uncharted 2 - that said the ships graveyard is absolutely fantastic.
The second set of pics are indeed mock-ups, but the full thread from your link shows they were made as cleaned-up versions of the photos taken in the Brazilian article. Also, looking at the front & rear views of the Tecnoblog photos seems to show half of the top is higher than the other, giving credence to the sliding door.
I dont care what it looks like outside, i care if i can yank out that measly 16(0)GB thingy and shove an 1TB jobbie back in without a fuss. For half the price of a 500GB out of the box. And call it a sony-walled-garden pc. Without voiding warranty.
PS. I hate torx screws. My dvd-hdd combo recorder will never see one of those again.