An original idea.
I use Macs - and occasionally Windows PCs.
I have an iPhone.
Are they the best?
Well, they are - for me.
You use Windows PCs.
You have a Windows or Android phone.
Are they the best?
Well, they are - for you.
I have no idea what criteria you use to decide what's best for you - and I don't really care. If you're happy, then great!
But please allow me to decide by my criteria, what's best for me.
I will not mock your choices; I will not say you're wrong; I will not use your choices to assess your wealth, your character, your intellectual status, your social status or even your inside leg measurement.
I am happy and confident in my choices for me: I do not need to harangue others who differed, due to any insecurities over my choices.
Could we all accept that whilst our choices are undoubtedly right for us, they could well be inappropriate for someone else?
There are far more important things about which to get worked up, so let's think about those: e.g. governments, surveillance, bankers, and a myriad of others who actually merit my wrath...