PUTA Indeed!
My piece last week on a chance encounter with the film Cockfighter didn't go down to too well with one anonymous animal lover. Hiding behind the safety of a Tor Exit Router, the evidently unhappy bunny flamed away: For promoting cockfighting, I hope Lester Haines entire body gets riddled with cancer and dies a slow and …
It's always deer season ... if you're friends with your local sherriff, that is. Most road-kill deer are at least 50% usable, if you get to them in time. I don't hunt anymore, but thanks to clueless tourists, I always have venison in my meat locker here in Sonoma, CA. Waste not, want not.
Shake & Bake? Are you ill? A little salt & pepper, and a very hot grill is all you need ... and indeed, any more ruins the flavo(u)r of wild game. IMO, of course.
Our local butcher dresses game for a lot of the hunters around here, and also makes some fine venison sausage and the like. So we can get fresh venison in season, and frozen or otherwise preserved much of the rest of the year. Just one of several reasons why a good local butcher is so much better than the meat counter at the local gigamart.
Hijo de puta would be more accurate, as given it is dearest El Reg, chances are it is a bloke!
Slightly off-topic, but what drives someone to post such bile? We can all get angry and throw our toys out of the pram, from time to time, but FFS, that is a seriously disturbed individual.
I`d get my coat, but it`s 32 here and, in my terrible Spanish, es demasiado caliente para un abrigo
My Rottie is currently acting as babysitter for the first litter[1] of kittens we've had here on the ranch in years. Gut feeling is that they will be pushing the big softie around in a couple months ...
[1] Stray came in *very* pregnant ... All our cats are spayed & neutered. She will be. Currently, she's in my lap, on a "kitten break" ... My main whippet is miffed that the Rottie took the nursemaid's job, but he'll deal with it :-)
"...those things are vicious little bastards."
Oh yes indeed!
I was once bitten *through* a pair of heavy duty gloves while trying to assist an RSPCA officer. The contractors had just dumped the old barbwire they were replacing and it had become tangled in it.
Ungrateful sod didn't seem to appreciate the fact we were trying to help...
Lester, I have a licence for kittens vs hammer. I'm pretty sure if you hold the rottweilers by their hind legs and hammer them down on the kittens that would be covered. Alternatively, you could just paint a hammer on the rottweilers. Or on the piranhas (take waterproof colour in that case). Or on about everything that is willing to tear up kittens.
R U just down the road ? Very cold and foggy here, just like the inside of the Oz labour party headquarters.
Better quality comments are required.
Where is Paris lately BTW ? oh wait, she must be an advisor on that new TV thing, The Shire, without Bilbo, his offsider and Orcs to lighten the story.
We here at People Against Total Horribleness & Extreme TormentIng of Cuddly Critters, or PATHETICC for short are horrified at the viciousness of setting Piranhas on Chihuahua.
Piranhas have none nothing wrong and are a lovely animal, unlike those little rat bastard fake yappies!!!
Won't someone think of the Fish?????
Seriously however... awesome response LH but you owe me a keyboard.
"If it wasn't for Lester's article I wouldn't be on my way to Devon to pick up a load of chickens *right this very second* and looking for a small out of the way arena."
If you are saying that you are about to hold a cockfight then I hope you get caught and go to jail: there is no excuse for animal cruelty, which is why it is illegal.
@ Martin Budden: So exactly how many of the n thousand people who read that article do you think sat back afterwards and thought to themselves: "Do you know what? I've had a change of heart. Cockfighting isn't the absolute embodiment of every single thing that's wrong about humankind after all"...?
... for a five year old.
People, what's wrong with you? This stuff *was* funny in the playground, but then, as time goes by, you ought to have:
*) started developing a sense of empathy for the suffering of other children (around the age of 7, generally)
*) as educated adults exposed to Science rather than unfettered religious human centric superiority, bigotry and ignorance, cottoned onto how closely related all animals are to one another - both biologically, and psychologically. This is where your empathy ought to be kicking in a bit to cover other living creatures - our only companions on this little pebble spinning through space.
People that are indifferent to other people's suffering are psychopaths. If you are indifferent to the suffering of living creatures then I'd say you're suffering the same malady - which seems to be common among a lot of reg readers.
"Oh, it's just a joke". Really? What you find funny says a lot about your values. Propagating the idea that the world is ours to do with as we please because it's our god given right - and that sadism is fine as long as it's not people that are being bated and made to fight to the death - is about as funny as the cancer our anonymous contributor wished on Lewis Page.
Oh get a grip Ben 50.
1) Nowhere does the author say "I love cockfighting, I think it's ace" so at no stage does he promote it. In his article he promotes 1970s film making. Yes he says he went to one, but anyone who refuses to experience local culture because "it's wrong" is a narrow minded eijit and a tad judgemental. I'm guessing you've never been on a Fox Hunt, but I'd lay money on you being pro the ban on it.
2) When a "raving foam-at-the-mouth loonie" launches for you and wishes a long slow painful death riddled with the most horrific disease we know... it's only polite to display your contempt. When the world presents you with a toy that requires no batteries, it should be played with.
3) This is the Register, it has journos like Lester and Lewis, I suggest if you don't like their articles you should probably avoid reading them and go off and write reviews for the Christian Action Project or some other such group.
4) You're on fairly shaky territory telling others to grow up.
1) The "local culture"? Really? Know much about the origins of fox hunting do we?
2) mmm.... long slow painful deaths to be treated with contempt. I think you've just about summed up why fox hunters are treated with contempt for their treatment of foxes. But I guess, other animals don't count for much in your world.
3) Really. That's so stupid. Didn't you get the bit about Christian bigotry, arrogance and ignorance? I'm not in whichever prettily painted little pigeon whole you've put me in. I can guarantee it.
4) Shaky? Why? Care to address any of the arguments I made? Care to say why?
"People that are indifferent to other people's suffering are psychopaths. If you are indifferent to the suffering of living creatures then I'd say you're suffering the same malady - which seems to be common among a lot of reg readers."
There shall be put into operation by the Ministry Of Reeducation a mission whose purpose shall be to reeducate the reg readers as to their proper place in nature. Drones will be sent off to capture or dispatch members of this fellowship forthwith.
There shall be put into operation by the Ministry Of Reeducation a mission whose purpose shall be to reeducate the reg readers as to their proper place in nature.
You mean some unelected, lard-assed twat filling a chair in the Ministry of Education has decided to give himself a promotion and corresponding raise. He'll probably get away with it because his boss is too busy watching the cockfight in the basement of the Education building.,..
Where's my wine glass Lester, It's wine o'clock here...
We got off Cock Fighting and seem to have moved on to Ben 50 Baiting.
Either: Don't feed the troll
Or: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT (and Can I have a monkey on Ben to loose? No, not money, I have this monkey I want to bet)
Lester, Ben. That was actually Lester, who was promised cancer, not Lewis.
On the subject of empathy:
How many do you think of those posting here would actually do what they joked about given an opportunity? Now, please tell me how many of PETA activists would give Lester cancer if they suddenly got the ability to do so?
If you want to know my opinion - I'd say 0% of the former and 100% of the latter. And in there lies the true reflection of human empathy.
@Ben 50
The exclamation marks in your headline, and its inconsistency with the body of your comment, suggest that it is intended to be ironic.
Have you considered the possibility that there was an element of irony in the article and posts you're commenting on, or do you think you are the only person capable of irony?
"Oh, it's just a joke". Really? What you find funny says a lot about your values. Propagating the idea that the world is ours to do with as we please because it's our god given right - and that sadism is fine as long as it's not people that are being bated and made to fight to the death - is about as funny as the cancer our anonymous contributor wished on Lewis Page.
Yes, really. No need to bring imaginary deities into this discussion. I don't recall anybody mentioning an exclusion for human-on-human action either. Ahh, the Romans; now they knew how to party!
Everything is an acceptable target for humour. Everything. There are no sacred cows here, nor should there be. The easily offended can go find a rusty iron spike to bugger themselves with.
I do not agree with cock-fighting or similar animal abuse, but that doesn't mean it can't be made light of.
quote: "People that are indifferent to other people's suffering are psychopaths. If you are indifferent to the suffering of living creatures then I'd say you're suffering the same malady - which seems to be common among a lot of reg readers."
Homo Sapiens is an omnivore. As such, we are conditioned to eat animals when the opportunity presents itself. An organism that is overly empathic to its prey has reduced effectiveness as a hunter, and will eventually starve and die.
So no, I would argue that any Homo Sapiens that is indifferent to the suffering of animals is actually a standard member of the species with good survival prospects, and therefore (scientifically) good for the gene pool. I shouldn't even need to point out the sheer numbers of Homo Sapiens that are not just capable, but willing and eager to "defend their country", which generally involves the deliberate slaughter of other Homo Sapiens that have been classed as "Enemies". There are a startling number of psychopaths around in everyday life (not just military and banking circles), I'd recommend you take the time to look for them so you know how many you are dealing with.
Also, I hope the irony of someone condemning a human to a slow and painful death, because they have no empathy for animals, is not lost on you regarding your definition above of psychopathic bahaviour. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Bootnote: the harm was wished upon Lester Haines, not Lewis Page. Lewis is the climate denier and ex-Navy guy who disagrees with government military spending. Lester is the Iberian PARIS and LOHAN guy :)
Am I the only person who cannot stand them?
Horrid little things.
If I had a dog Collie or Labrador would be near top.
Smething small and furry - kittens are probably best, small rabbits are miserable and Guinea Pigs wee everywhere.
As to cock fighting - should we really play with our food?
Back in the day, there was the WWW Grudge Match site (still up, much to my surprise: http://www.grudge-match.com), which famously pitted a rottweiler vs. a rottweiler's weight in chihuahuas: http://www.grudge-match.com/History/rott-chi.shtml. Not sure what the point is, except that Lester's poster made me reminisce longingly for the Grudge Matches.
Lester, if the Piranhas are still unclaimed, there's an otter sanctuary outside Manchester (called the Chestnut Center) that may be interested in helping out. There's nothing like tossing a bunch of piranhas in an otter pool for fun and games....
... mainly for the otters, at least if you pick the right pool. Chestnut has a family/romp of giant otters, who think a piranha is a tasty snack.
The a/c was wrong to wish cancer on someone. By all means wish jail on someone who promotes animal cruelty (which is illegal) but not cancer.
Lester was wrong to promote animal cruelty (and before you say "oh but he just talked about it he didn't promote it" yes he did promote it by going to a cockfight and putting money on it).
Having lived for a few years in Brussels, I would dearly love to have a local ordnance allowing the shooting of shitting dogs, especially the Rats-on-Sticks variety that the Brusselai seem to adore. UGH! Vile little rat-like canines straining on their leashes and covering the pavements with their poo whilst their moronic owners look the other way. Poisoning is too good for them - shoot them! Oh what fun we could have!
It ain't the dogs that are the problem. It's the owners who purchased the poor critters as fashion accessories that are the problem ... the clueless owners have trained the pooches to exhibit that behavior. It ain't the dawgs that need licenses ... rather, the owners should pass a series of tests before becoming allowed to become dawg owners. I could say the same thing about computers/cellphones, for much the same reason.
I used to read 'el reg for the tech articles before slowly burning out on IT, then I started reading it mostly for the odds/sodds. This is just depressing through - Lester you've finally killed my love of 'el reg. I'll be handing my bofh mug to the office apprentice and blackholing the site. I guess I may return at somepoint in the future if ever I want to find out which companies are suing each other or which snuff films you recommend for the week, but nah probably not.
Obviously the flamer's sense of humour process failed.
While I'm definitely not in favour of animal cruelty I can determine humour from genuine intent which the flamer obviously couldn't.
Love the poster.
Really funny stuff as always Lester, keep up the good work.