"Microsoft now preparing to launch its own news service this fall"
So long as there's no bias on reporting IT industry news ... anyone wanna wager on that one?
Microsoft’s sold its stake in the 16-year online news venture it shared with US TV giant NBC. NBC has bought out Microsoft’s half of MSNBC.com with the partnership dissolved so both companies can update their online offerings. Financial terms have not been disclosed but the deal is reported to be worth £300m. Microsoft is …
Before they bought NBC, Comcast tried to ditch MSNBC from their cable lineup. Turns out they couldn't because MSNBC is linked to NBC - businesses that buy advertising on NBC are often forced to buy ads on MSNBC as well (as if anyone wants to buy ads on MSNBC? HA!)
Now Comcast can finally kill off MSNBC. Microsoft saw this coming.
And since Comcast took over NBC...it has COMPLETELY ruined several channels I used to watch.
The "Weather Channel" rarely gives weather reports any more. Just hour after hour of crap programming about fireworks, Alaska pilots, lifeguards, and other totally useless drivel. And the buffons now working "on air" are pathetic. Al Roker? What an arse. And let's not forget "The Italian Stallion", Jim Cantore. What a Narcissistic piece of work he is. And someone want to get Stephanie Abrams some De-Caf coffee please??!! Holy crap...she is annoying.
The "Versus" channel used to have lots of good sports programming, it now is filled with too many "talking heads" from NBC who are brain-dead.
"Universal Sports" has disappeared completely from the cable system...another really good sports channel gone.
And it goes on...and on. No wonder NBC's ratings are in the toilet. Its programming sure is.
Gosh what a fucking moron.
However, I posit that the notion of scientific and objective journalism was a figment of the imagination. In a sense, you have to give FAUX credit for the "fair and balanced" slogan. Putting the lie right up front makes the big lie so much more impressive.
I'm not saying there is no such thing as objective reality and truth (or beauty). I'm saying there was confusion in thinking that scientific reality was a good model for news reporting, since much of the social reality is defined by social convention or consensus. You can't take a poll on the weight of the Higgs Boson. You just have to measure it. In contrast, FAUX news can report whatever poll results they can fabricate, and those poll results will influence the next round of poll results.
By the way, my first degree included sociology. One of the reasons I'm no longer involved with sociology was the realization of how difficult it was to create and administer a reliable survey. However, at that time I still thought there was some reality to be detected, and now I'm convinced social reality is more like the weather in relation to climate. There is a reality to climate, but you aren't going to live long enough to know what it is.
Whenever you went to msnbc with a browser or (God forbid) operating system Microsoft didn't produce, you had less features, bad rendering and even had to monkey with their win media videos. I talk about times when Netscape was clearly sinking and ie declared domination. Microsoft clearly showed their true culture.
Their sick, childish, unprofessional culture hit that site so much that even today, it isn't in my "sites to browse to check news" list. seriously, just figured, I never ever visited that site on a mobile or desktop for months.
Good job Ms (!)
This is their next screw up Microsoft is a software company .. they fail almost everything else they try
Why would they do any better this time ? I cant wait the endless articles about Linux being dead though may be worth having a look for good laughs :D Personally .. think this one's going to be just one more failure on their scoreboard. MEanwhile .. time for suds.
The late Steve Jobs never managed to pull off a seamless TV/Internet Appliance integration. And Apple (under Jobs) was the master at integrating hardware, software and services with an intuitive UI.
I'm not betting on Microsoft pulling this off either. In fact, as soon as Microsoft figures that they aren't selling additional copies of Windows, they'll give up right there.