Re: 'A gruesome picture of my lunch'
Rather overdoing the soy sauce, aren't you?
Not a fititng reward for a most inventive piece - for which my profuse thanks.
When I saw that my editor had written 'Metro isn't the problem: catapulting into Metro land (and back again) is', I said: 'There's an idea - I could do try out the Betj pastiche macro in my HTML editor'. And scurried out the door before anybody thought to stop me. Metroland Bright with non-translucent tiling, Pastel blobs …
I believe they have said that the Metro version of IE10 will now support flash (Which is the same version running on the ARM version).
The browser is "Plugin Free" but I think they are embedding the Flash Support into the browser, and so it's technically not a plugin.
So it will support Flash on both ARM devices and full-flavour Windows (The latter being the obvious choice for myself personally)
with their, 'Crucially, Met Office forecasts save lives' mass delusions of grandeur.
I also notice that they are breaking the new cookie law as the cookie info is not 'prominent' on their pages, but tucked away in a bottom strip of other info. Won't do at all...(wonder what they are on, I need a dose of it to get over the rain and flooding that they didn't forecast.)
quite a ropey indoor roller-coaster and a few other token rides.
Back in the day it was a great place to have a smoke and a look at the orange folk of gateshead.
Whats that? Oh, the wanky metro design thingy and not the metro centre in the north east. Shame!
Still maybe the Metro centre could sue and build another wing
Yes this is the 20th century calling on behalf of Mr. Mondrian's lawyers?
"Yes, he wants his shitty design back, with royalties, bitches!".
"Hello? There seems to be a fault on the line..."
Phone goes dead. Phone picks up. Dials discrete secret number.
"Bill, Bill? Is that really you Bill?. Ok. Er, we are not fooling anybody. They have worked out that only a mad egocentric old fool like you could have cooked up as mad a plan as this (inbetween forcible vaccinations). Mondrian's lawyers called. They want their shitty design back. Er, I mean their very cool forward looking and futuristic design, back.
Billybob hangs up. Shoots some more fricking sharks with laser beams.
It's not poetry.
It's free verse.
See mine, above.
Or, posted the way I intended:
02:12 here ...
The main Whippet & I
just did our nightly "security sweep"
of the Ranch.
All's well.
Night-night, everyone :-)
Gifted, I am not ;-)
(ElReg really needs to work on fixing the CR/LF/CRLF problem ... )
for making the link test "Betj pastiche macro" instead of "Betj pastiche". I was really, really, hoping for that macro.
Marvellous documentary, though, so no complaints in the end. Also, poetry gratefully receieved; I especially admire the way you sneaked the lorem ipsum in. Metro-Land's opening stanza is very catchy. And regarding to the conceit of transferring Cargoes to the realm of computers, this quote from "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" comes to mind:
“I would have thought it was quite obvious. Anyone could have thought of it.”
“Ah,” said Dirk, “it is a rare mind indeed that can render the hitherto non-existent blindingly obvious. The cry ‘I could have thought of that’ is a very popular and misleading one, for the fact is that they didn't, and a very significant and revealing fact it is too.”