back to article Facebook! and! Yahoo! kiss! and! make! up! with! tasty! ad! juice!

Facebook and Yahoo! are friends again after their lawyers cobbled together a settlement in their shouting match over patents. The two internet outfits had been at loggerheads for much of 2012 following a sueball slung at Facebook from Yahoo! The Purple Palace had alleged that the dominant social network had infringed on 10 of …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Just who the hell are Facebook anyway?

  2. wowfood

    Anyone! else! getting! annoyed! with! these! headlines!

    I mean the fist time it was midly entertaining, but now its just turned into a running gag gone on too long.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Just! be! patient!

      Yahoo! will! go! titsup! soon! enough!

    2. Chris Parsons Silver badge

      Re: Anyone! else! getting! annoyed! with! these! headlines!

      Actually, it wasn't that funny the first time. Still, little things please little minds.

  3. simlb

    What? More Yahoo adverts???

    Just how many more ads can Yahoo ram into their webpages and webmail?

    Jusk asking.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What? More Yahoo adverts???

      No idea. I've used ad-blockers since 1997

  4. James Gosling

    I visited Yahoo once....

    A long long time ago... still I recall it was still better than Facebook. So now two sites I can't be arsed with are working together, that's nice!

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