back to article In the red corner: TV star and prof in Beijing blogger brawl

Two prominent Chinese micro-bloggers decided to settle their differences offline on Friday, after a Sina Weibo spat between a female regional TV presenter and a pro-government academic ended up in fisticuffs in a Beijing park. The stand-off in Chaoyang Park, a transcript of which has been provided by Beijing Cream, pitted – …


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  1. Thomas 18
    Thumb Down


    I'm way more impressed by the Jordanian show where one of the speakers pulled a gun out and started waving it around (not that it stopped his opponent who carried on regardless).

  2. NukEvil


    The article sounds to me more like it's describing what's happening in a Playmobil reconstruction, than what's happening in a park somewhere.

    So where's the pic of the reconstruction?

    Here, I'll supply my own pic...

  3. Ian Ferguson

    I don't see this ending happily for Wu, despite her (from our point of view) occupying the moral high ground. (except, maybe, from the punching somebody in the head point of view)

    I hope this retains enough publicity to ensure she is treated fairly.

    I like the sound of the Chinese Fiddy Cent club.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oh, Mr Wu

    It looks to me like an ambush of Mr Wu, complete with some salty oriental dialogue:

    Zhou: There are lots of people who are cursing you…

    Wu: I’m not talking about anyone else. It’s you who’s cursing me.

    Crowd, various cries: Beat him! Beat him to death! Beat the running dog! Stupid cunt!

  5. IT Hack

    Pics or it didn't happen.

    Pint coz...well its a pint innit?

  6. Peter Murphy

    I'm not going to have a go at Mr. Wu for being beaten by a girl.

    A lot of grown men feel uncomfortable about getting into fisticuffs with women; it feels ungentlemanly and wrong to even raise their fists.

    I'm going to have a go at Mr. Wu for being an intellectual prostitute. Molybdenum and copper can be quite nasty for the environment, even in the first world. For example, there were floods in Queensland some years ago where some of the creeks ran blue with copper tailings. It was not a good look, even in the sparsely populated Outback. Sichuan has more people, and the Chinese government has a worse environmental record. Do I need to say more?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      beaten by a girl

      Hmm. I have met a few women of 6'2" and solidly built (about 200lb) who I think could easily down Mr Wu, but Zhou Yan is tiny!

  7. mhenriday

    Why am I not surprised to see Phil being far more interested

    in «the scuffle in the park» and «[t]he assistant professor’s excuse for being beaten by a girl» than in the issue at hand, i e, whether the construction of yet another metallurgical plant in the Shifang area would, indeed, be damaging to the local environment (which is already very severely damaged) ? But given that he seems to find his intellectual mentors at «Beijing Cream», alles in Ordnung, as my German friends say....


  8. Tom 13

    Good for Zhou!

    It's good to see an oppressive bully who is accustomed to having his backup thugs intimidate the opposition get his comeuppance. Hopefully it doesn't come back to bite her in the ass the way it all too often does when people in China stand up for themselves.

    1. Harthin

      Re: Good for Zhou!

      Yeah, he got hit. She goes to jail. Good for her! I think she is getting the short end of this one.

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