back to article 41 London tube station platforms now WIRED for Wi-Fi

Virgin Media has now installed Wi-Fi kit in more than 40 London Underground stations as it continues to connect its fibre backhaul network to around half of the capital's tube stations – although the service will only be available at platform-level. Passengers will be able to use VM's monopoly underground wireless network for …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's a great idea

    ... your going to need *something* to do whilst trying to elbow yourself into a tube, through a crowd 10 deep.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It's a great idea

      Is that you every morning? How about being taking a breath, being more civilised and not pushing? If you need to get somewhere sooner, get an earlier train.

      1. Miek

        Re: It's a great idea

        Why not forgo the journey to work and simply sleep at work?

      2. Anonymous Coward

        Re: It's a great idea

        "Is that you every morning? How about being taking a breath, being more civilised and not pushing? If you need to get somewhere sooner, get an earlier train."

        Why don't you try riding the tube first before posting stupid comments. It only takes a couple of minutes in central london in the rush hour for a platform to go from empty to overcrowded especially on the victoria line. Many a time I've had to queue in access passageways , never mind on the platform!

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: It's a great idea

          "Why don't you try riding the tube first before posting stupid comments."

          I'm the original AC and I do, every day. Being courteous to others (even if they aren't back) costs a few minutes at most. Hopefully those people then act a bit more courteously to the next person, and eventually we don't have people acting like idiots because they think that their journey is more important than everyone else's.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: It's a great idea

        I live in Hampshire and drive to work.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

      4. Amorous Cowherder

        Re: It's a great idea

        "How about being taking a breath, being more civilised and not pushing?"

        I do, but every other **** still does it!

        I just go to work an hour earlier than I need to, get off the tube early and walk the last few stops, calms me down before I head into Hell's Gaping Maw, otherwise known as my company's support desk!

  2. JediHomer


    What's the definition of a Virgin Media customer? I've read stories here before with VM offering things to VM customers that turned out you needed more than one service... e.g. Their streaming app required a TV package... and VM broadband... Will this be the same? Free for VM Broadband customers rather than VM customers?

  3. fridaynightsmoke

    "Hello helloooo....

    I'm at a place called Walthamstow,

    It's everything I wish I didn't know..."


  4. Bc1609

    Not the only network

    Tried it this morning for the first time, and read through the FAQ telling me not to worry about data security on an open network because I'm vulnerable even if they were using WPA2. However,I did notice another network, properly secured,, called BBConnect. Anyone know what that is?

    1. dotdavid
      Black Helicopters

      Re: Not the only network

      It's what Big Brother uses to keep tabs on you, runs the CCTV and whatnot.

  5. TRT

    It would be somewhat useful if...

    the WiFi base stations had their geo-locations entered into the various location services's databases. Then Apple's "Find My Friend" app might work to alert you that the person you are waiting in the ticket hall for has just rolled up to the platform, and so on. Trouble is, as the data are crowd sourced and there is not even a whiff of GPS below street level, these access points are not going to end up being included. It could even be useful for the rescue services, lost property etc.

    1. dotdavid
      Thumb Up

      Re: It would be somewhat useful if...

      If TFL did that geolocation stuff you could write apps that directed tourists from station to station, including directions between platforms at the station.

      Would be worth it I think if it stopped even just one tourist getting off a tube train and standing blocking the entrance while gawpingly looking for the way out ;-)

      1. The Baron

        Re: It would be somewhat useful if...

        I like your thinking, but I reckon they'd just stand blocking the entrance while gawpingly looking at their mobile instead.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: It would be somewhat useful if...

          "I like your thinking, but I reckon they'd just stand blocking the entrance while gawpingly looking at their mobile instead."

          They do that already except they're playing some stupid game or catching up on email.

  6. dotdavid

    Mixed Results

    I've been using this in Kings Cross for a while and it has occasionally been useful to check what platform my overground train is leaving from while in the process of leaving the tube, but it's a little clunky in that I find I have to open a web browser and let the landing screen load before any of my apps will work.

    And what a landing screen too. They could have made it a mini status portal for the platform (or at least station) you're at, showing the next few trains, delays on the line and forthcoming engineering work - but no it's just a generic portal page to a load of stuff I'm not interested in.

    I'd be interested to see how it changes post-Olympics - as others have said I dunno how they will define a "Virgin customer".

    1. Amorous Cowherder

      Re: Mixed Results

      Guessing it's most likely that you will need your VM customer ID and VM Support portal password they gave you for checking up on your bills.

  7. El Bertle

    I gave it a try and it looks like it doesn't remember you between sessions. So you have to sign up for the service again every time you enter a live zone, even if you go back to the same station. Either that or my phone is not Virginal in some way.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    3g is better but you'll never get it in the underground

    It's too late, data and voice packages means theres no extra money (incentive) for the operatos to do it.

  9. Roger Kynaston


    Yes I know that there are delays on the District Line (again). Other than that, what am I going to want it for? Can't download pr0n I pr0n I presume.

    Bit like twitter - a technology in search of a use.

    1. Chris 3

      Re: Why?

      Well, what do you normally use the Internet for? Download some e-mail? an e-book?

      1. Tibbs
        Paris Hilton

        Re: Why?

        The internet is for porn. Everybody knows that!

        Paris becau- (do I even need to go there!?)

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Why?

          The internet is for Porn, which is why Metro's IE has so many ways of removing your history.

          Try it. Spend sometime on then give it to your daughter.

          MS's Libraries containing public folders were stupid enough, but it's now clear that MS' design team have given so little thought to covering up porn so your kids don't see what you've been doing by accident, that they must be all female Tea Party members.

      2. Roger Kynaston

        Re: Why?

        The tube is one of the last bastions of being able to be out of touch. Last Worst Western's train line to the west country is also largely free of phone coverage west of Reading but I can't afford their train fares.

        Grumpy bugger I know but I would far rather be out of touch in the middle of some bit of the Med than completely connected here in ...

        Beer because I need one.

        1. TRT

          Re: Why?

          Pity you can't re-label the Airline mode switch on your device then. Call it "f* off world" or something.

  10. Dave Perry

    VPN passthrough?

    Does this work on it? Don't live in London, but sure I could live without connectivity for 20mins at a time when I will be there later this summer

  11. KroSha

    Only at the platform? So when you're stuck for 10mins in a tunnel whilst the train ahead is at the platform because somebody has thrown up all over the floor, you still can't get signal. Sorry to all you who can't bear to be out of touch, but this is a colossal waste of time. Unless you have a real, solid connection, all the time for everyone, who cares?

    1. TRT


      it does stretch a few yards into the tunnels as well, but for free, it's great! And I get better speeds (currently 20meg) on it that I do at home.

  12. Local Group

    Unintended consequences of the good kind

    There will be no charge for WiFi when the tube stations are being used as air raid shelters. When Russian Iskander rockets are falling in Mayfair (as per the Russian threat for the installation of the NATO Missile Defense system on their border), everyone will be able to twitter each rocket as it hits.

  13. joejack

    Why not in Chicago?

    Oh... right.

  14. Frank Bough


    Successfully achieved at Marylebone on the southbound Bakerloo platform a could of days ago. I was surprised and impressed.

  15. Only me!


    Well I have happily used it on my tablet for the last couple of days.....once you have signed up it connects instantly every time, so none of this signing in each time, which would really make it useless.

    So if your wifi is your tube enters the station ..... click send/receive on your email and ping it is there.

    Well it will be ok for the the week or so.....then everyone on the tube will be doing it and at that point all you will see is people face pulling in the hope they are the one that gets their email.

  16. Ben Rose
    Thumb Up

    Works Well

    Been using it on my Samsung Galaxy S3 for a while now and it works well.

    I generally use it on the Waterloo & City Line platform at Waterloo but this morning, as that line was suspended, I used it on the Northern Line. Worked on the train, even with the door closed, and even managed to get a tweet out as we entere the dark tunnel. As soon as the doors opened at Leicester Square, I even got a reply to said tweet.

    Just about enough time in each station to refresh tweets...loving it.

  17. Anonymous Coward 15

    If you're waving your expensive phone about

    on a crowded tube platform, you're just asking for someone to stick their hand out from behind, grab it and go "Yoink!"

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: If you're waving your expensive phone about

      That's right you NEVER see top end phones on the London underground.....I am surprised you have not you seem to be living underground troll.

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