IT not fun
IT or more accuratly computers, were a hobby, when i was 16, tinkering installing uninstalling trying new things, tinkering more, it was fun, a couple of years later i had a full time job, it was not very good but paid a crapton for a well known english aviatory company, in the mean time thinking i was much better then the average (well paid awesome benfitted employee) i changed and did a sort of apprenticeshipp thing in audi visual stuff it was fun ever getting closer to my ultimate goal of IT, I got the books, bought more stuff and worked like buggery i thought it was da bomb diggity! i was cool, i worked on computers, i was going to buy a bow tie and a fez!
I moved to the US w00t! land of golden arches i was gonna make it big! ok after spending a while waiting for ald sammy to sort out my actual worky without deporty stuff, i was doing side work, it was fun also it was not all the time, challenging everyday was a new conundrum! i could focus on IT i could be arty farty if i wnated again i thought this was goign to be the jammy dodger of the proverbial biscuit tin!
then i got a real helpdesk job...
ok it was ok.... clients (public) were at times a little frustrating, but it goes with the territory, it was helpdesk, i increased my skill set where i could and left that job for another where i am now, been here for a few years now, IT, sysadmin, stuff, IT stuff, Computers! yeah it sucks, i no linger deal with "clients" at least not in the sense of the general unwashed masses, i do have to deal with employed unwashed masses, who are actually really dumb, really really dumb, and annoying, and smug, pretty much it is the same stuff all the time, no pioneering, no, hollywood fixing this or that or cool stuff nothing that approached the idea of what i thought i wanted to do in my heady yoof, no it is tedious frustrating monotony, and we are not allowed to even be the slightest bit sarcastic with our fellow workers ( i started that and got dinged for it, told my boss they asked for it they work for a technology compnay and cannot work out how to turn on their laptop...)I am on call 24/7 like the rest of my department, i cannot NOT think about my job when i go home (even if i try there is always someone who wants computer "help") now i look back at my menial job, that paid well, for what i did, the benefits were superb! i could stop thinking about my job at exactly knock off time, i could also be somewhat of a prick to my colleagues in a horseplay sort of way and get away with it, even my boss..
kids want to USE technology they want SOMEONE ELSE to fix it, does not matter what it is , if they have to spend a few minutes not doing what they want ( music listening games TV chatting) then it is too hard for them, they are under the impression the fixit fairies come and do it for them - for free.
bitter about my career? it has done me ok, wished i knew what it was really about before comitting yup..
IT is not cool, engineering is cool, flying planes is cool, tormenting linrarians with incorrectly placed books is cool..
IT is a service