Do they ever learn?
The use of Blackberrys In other Forces failed to make any impact and failed to make the beat bobby more efficient in his work. It became a vanity project that failed in the execution.
Now another force, not having learnt the lesson wants to spend extra on tablets, the outcome will of course be the same. It actually reduced efficiency before and it will again.
Chief Constables always think that technology is the be all and end all, yet I'd rather have a policeman who turns up. Now he will be weighed down by a flaming tablet. That will certainly slow him down in sprint to catch a fleet of foot offender. Another half kilo hanging from his belt.
I can only conclude that watching a film on a Blackberry, while sitting in a lay by waiting for a speeder caused complaints about the quality of the screen. Now of course they are demanding retina screens for better viewing. In the older days they used to catch criminals pretty regularly and even turned up to crime scenes. Now they tend to take their time, turn up days later or ask that you come in to report the crime.
Now I know the reason why, they are all playing on their mobile phones or new tablets and the fact that what they have to carry is so heavy they only swan around in cars.