Whatever did Mankind do before we had automatons to recite the bleedin' obvious?
Please remember to take all your personal belongs with you on your way out.
Michigan males intent on celebrating the Fourth of July holiday with a few liveners are advised that when the time comes to send the booze back to the brewers, it'll be the urinal, rather than the beer, that's doing the talking. The urinal communicator set for deployment in Michigan. Pic: Office of Highway Safety Planning The …
Exactly. And because the phrase "please remember to take all your personal belongings with you" has been repeated so much, it is now background noise that everyone subconsciously ignores - which renders it even more pointless.
Now demolished "Spencer Street" Victorian Railways men's toilet - with white tiles above the urinal.
Message in large lettered tiles:
"Please adjust your dress before leaving"
Maybe it meant something different in 1887 than in 2003.
I miss these iconic things...
that it's by no means an easy task to get to České Budějovice, even if one is a native speaker of the language and knows the region intimately, as described in the chapter entitled «Švejkova budějovicka anabaze» (Švejk's Budějovice anabasis) in Jaroslav Hašek's great work, «Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války» (The adventures of the good soldier Švejk in the World War). But they may be encouraged to know that with the help of his friends in the Austro-Hungarian military, he finally does succeed in making it to the town....
Without built-in alcohol sensor (I would be satisfied with a simple sensor, no need to measure the actual alcohol level) it doesn´t make a sense at all. It will be pretty awkward, being pestered by female voice in men´s room, while sober.
There is a joke in there somewhere.
By the way, how much will the talking component cost above the price of regular cake? Will it also dissolve and be flushed down, or will some poor cleaner have to fish it out, when the cake itself is gone?
Was thinking the same thing re. pisserlyser. And @Chris W, there are people out there who go to pubs and *don't drink alcohol*. Kids being told not to drink and drive when they aren't legally allowed to do either?
Any enterprising cab firm would tack their number onto the end of the "Pub(l?)ic Service Announcement".
What a load of twaddle. If you don't know then don't just think and talk about something you don't have any experience of. Urine can be tested.
Back at the station you had the choice of giving a blood or urine sample. If you chose a urine sample you got to piss a bladder full away then they would take your next piss for testing. The police would keep a sample and you'd get one so you could pay for own analysis.
I used had because that's what used to happen. Nowadays they might think the modern breathalyzers are accurate enough without the need for a any other kind of sample. Personally I'd try to insist on a sample of some sort being used.
Why can't the damned things be really useful and sample for alcohol content before they nag? Nothing like being the designate driver and getting robonagged anyway.
Another vision occurs:
"Okay staff, the battery needs changing out in the urino-matic nagometric road-safety module"
"Not it!" "Not it!" "Not it!" "Not on a bet!"