Great program...
(TV program, that is.) Was on shortly before I left the UK.
An episode, "A Quiet Night In," still sticks in my memory after 30+ years.
Never let it be said: Apple employees have no sense of humour. If not, why else would HM Prison Slade's most famous inmate make an appearance in the Mac maker's Cocoa API reference library? As you can see, Apple's NSString object reference includes a method entitled componentsSeparatedByString: and the write-up mentions one …
It's pretty obscure but if you dig a bit deeper, in System profiler in the syncservices log you will find this, or variants thereof:
2012-06-13 20:45:44:432|SyncServer|1994|110fd0|Server|Info| Goodnight, Gracie.
I think it is a message when the mac goes into sleep mode. 'Goodnight Gracie' was a catchprase used by George Burns to his wife Gracie Allen at the end of his radio show, and no I'm not that old, I had to look it up.