back to article Ethiopia: we are not jailing Skype users

The Ethiopian government has refuted reports that anyone caught using Skype in the country will go to jail. It insists the claims publicised by western media are completely groundless. Earlier this month, it was widely reported that a new Ethiopian law prohibited the use of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services, with …


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  1. Simon Buttress

    Ethio Telecom internet

    Presumably because there is already Government informing snooping kit of some sort on Ethio Telecom?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      No jail

      But they will get 101 lashes with a whip because it is unEthiopian!

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ethio Telecom internet

      That's just being paranoid - the Ethiopian government don't care about what you say to your mum at the weekend, they only care about making money off their suckers^H^H^H customers and jailing the competition^H^H^H criminals.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    No we will not

    jail not jail them,

    But the will get 100 lashes with the whip!

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A few pixels can make a big difference.

    Do they mean

    So you should not worry you will be held accountable.


    So you should not worry, you will be held accountable.

  4. frank ly

    Just a minute ...

    Apparently the law was put in place to "regulate cyber-related crimes and telecom-related frauds"

    I thought that a sensible government would want to eradicate them, not regulate them...... ? Oh wait... it's a government.... yes, i understand now. (Thinks - UK- banking)

  5. Esskay
    Thumb Down


    They're not jailing Skype users, they're just jailing those nasty criminals and "frauds" who try to circumvent the government's telco monopoly in order to jeapordise the "security" of the nation.... It's purely coincidental that Skype users fall into that category.

  6. Ole Juul


    I realize that civil liberties might look different in Ethiopia, but the facts reported don't sound particularly different from what we experience in North America. All communications are highly regulated and there is generally a heavy crackdown on anybody that tries to circumvent monopolies.

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