Story made of inane nonsense (and badgers)
but a classic illustration from the Reg, as always. Well done!
Two-thirds of Americans reckon Barack Obama would be better than his Republican presidential rival, Mitt Romney, at defending the Land of the Free when Mars attacks. While Romney is punters' favourite for fixing the US economy, Obama will do a more sterling job of protecting planet Earth from little green men with lasers. Of …
They take one look at Obama and realise the human race is no danger to them.
Translation from alien language ' well if that ones supposed to be the brightest and the best...'
Other ailien heard laughing.
'maybe we come back in a thousand years to see if there's been some evolution on this planet, but that's doubtful when you look at him,'
You're being a bit silly aren't you? Of course it was a silly poll wasn't it? That's the wonderful thing about silly polls, they deserve silly answers.
I grant you that I would fall under both a and b but it is perfectly plausible to fall under b alone. That said I would fall into the roughly 3% who think the words unidentified flying object actually mean unidentified flying object and not the pimped out ride of tiny green space people who snack on the Limburger that the moon is made of. I also firmly believe the gubbermint is keeping secrets about top secret flights in experimental aircraft that likely make up ufo sightings. You see, it's a secret aircraft and therefore an object. If Joe Six Pack saw it flying about and couldn't identify it then it would be an unidentified flying object the gubbies are keeping secrets about.
Not necessarily a problem. In the US, the first question is understood to mean actual little green creatures from Alpha Centauri. In the second context it is understood to mean, "thing people have seen that haven't been explained, or at least to which the government won't cop a plea about their black box research". And those are two vastly different questions.
So in the event of an invasion by space aliens, we'd want the Hulk to defend us?
Eh, why not Superman? I mean, he's a space alien himself, right? That's gotta count for something.
Personally, I'm a Batman fan, but there are times, such as this, when Superman would seem to be the better choice.
No, it's not the whiny it angle bit but why is this in Reg Hardware? Odds and sods, sure. Science, ok. Even security, public sector or clouds I could see but if it's going to be in hardware there should be more discussion on which pieces of kit the Presidential contenders would use to, ermm, "beat off" the aliens. Perhaps Obama could ask Bill Clinton to pass a message on to Monica. I don't think Mitt has connections like that.
The aliens have already landed and have taken over
Bet they send messages back to their home world saying "It wont take too long to destroy these ape creatures, and then they can never evolve into any kind of a threat to us... heck 37% of them are against their own health care....."
Ekkk they know I know now!
If Aliens invaded, I can see it now. The alien overlord will be standing there surrounded by his officers addressing his new planet's population. He will ask mockingly if there are any humans that think they can defeat him and his amarda.
There will be some murmuring, shuffling and some yelling as Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith get shoved unwillingly out into the open before the alien overlord.
Yeah - She could confuse them with her inane babble, the aliens may ask her to "take me to your leader"
She would then go on to explain how the government have agreed to withhold a 3p rise in fuel duty and had been discussing it for ages, but couldn't actually divulge what she meant by ages.
In all probability she would take them to a petrol forecourt and tell them that the litre they wanted is cheaper under the blue meanies.
Ian R.Crane predicted a fake alien invasion staged for this year.
Sad thing is that he made this prediction back in 2007 at the Glastonbury Symposium that it would happen in 2012.
This would explain all the 'predictive programming' in the media this year (MIB3, Avengers Assemble etc) all depicting the above event.