"dancing with a girl"
After their Lucky Charms more like.
Don't fuck with leprechauns!
Seattle is expected to go into lockdown this weekend, as fears grow that a gang of rogue leprechauns is on the loose and attacking locals. Komonews.com reports that police were called to reports of a street fight last Saturday. When they arrived they saw a number of people run from the scene, before finding a man "covered in …
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or that the dopey yanks think that we all go round saying "top o' the mornin to yeah" or some such horsemuck....
OR the clowns who think stonehenge is in Ireland, and that Ireland is still part of the UK...
OR the morons who think that Ulster IS Northern Ireland.....
AND that its LondonDerry not Derry City....
I am going to start funding ET, Al Queda, The Pope, Ian Paisley, whoever it takes to wipe a whole continent clean and start with a cleaner genetic profile.
And having spend a time in Southern Ca. "working/remunerted for my employment" you would be surprised at the stupid things people believe there, or to Quote the Edge from U2 "You know your strange when you stop finding L.A. strange"
Well here's to the People's Republic of Cork!!
Mmm, couldn't be much more wrong if you tried. Southern Ireland is not an official name, it's Republic of Ireland if you want to be proper. The reason southern Ireland is an annoying name is the most northerly point and county on the Island is in the republic, so calling it the south is silly at best. Derry is the original name, London may have been added a few hundred years ago but Derry is still the original. And part of Ulster is in the republic/ south/ eire/ 26 counties, simply wishing it isn't doesn't make it so.