back to article The Hague says Apple infringed Samsung patent

The worldwide lawyers’ progressive dinner that is Apple-versus-Samsung has stopped over for a quick dessert in The Netherlands, where a court has decided that Samsung has been wronged and should receive damages. It’s only a partial win, however: the case brought in The Hague covered four 3G patents, but the court has only …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    there can only be one black, rectangular fondle-phone in the world...

    Oh come on, it's well known that Samsung goes to great lengths to copy Apple, even changing Android itself to closely match iPhone features.

    Witness S Voice for example, or the ridiculous home button they still use after Android went all capacitative and even the different browser scrolling they use in Touchwiz.

    Nice try dropping your little opinionated dig at Apple in an article covering Samsung's bogus patent win that not even two courts can agree was broken.

    1. Chet Mannly

      Re: there can only be one black, rectangular fondle-phone in the world...

      "it's well known that Samsung goes to great lengths to copy Apple, even changing Android itself to closely match iPhone features"

      Perhaps by Apple fanbois, to the rest of us that's rubbish. Samsung changed standard Android to have custom live animated wallpapers to show weather, and also incorporates their own custom homescreen widgets - the iphone has neither of those things, so how can that possibly be copying??

      "Witness S Voice for example, "

      You mean Samsung's version of google voice search, which was released well before Apple created Siri? If the original tech came first it can't be copying...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: there can only be one black, rectangular fondle-phone in the world...

        >Apple created Siri?

        Apple didn't create Siri - the voice recognition and speech synthesis is third party (Nuance) and the Siri App was bought pre-baked from Siri Inc ..... there were Android and RIM versions of Siri at similar stages of development.

        ...and of course Siri is pants - people only ever advocate online, never when they're holding a handset as you might take it off them and ask it something.

        1. Gio Ciampa

          Re: there can only be one black, rectangular fondle-phone in the world...

          Steve Jobs - 1996

          "We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas."

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Steve Jobs quote

            There's a difference between stealing ideas - aka inspiration - and shamelessly copying them.

      2. vic 4
        Thumb Up

        Re: "If the original tech came first it can't be copying"

        If only people involved with awarding patents thought that

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Wow, so much denial

          Have I stepped into S RDF? Let's see, from The Verge review of the Sammy S3:

          "S VOICE

          Say hello to Siri for Android, as produced by Samsung. If you harbored any doubt as to whether or not Samsung ripped off Apple’s voice assistant, let it go now. That’s not to suggest that Apple invented voice commands on mobile phones — Samsung had the Vlingo-powered Voice Talk on the Galaxy S II — but the look and feel of this application takes so much inspiration from Apple’s effort on the iPhone 4S as to deserve being labelled a clone."

          Deal with it fandroidtards.

    2. Bob Vistakin

      Re: there can only be one black, rectangular fondle-phone in the world...

      You'll have to be clearer than that. Are you referring to the Beatles record label, or the one which came along much later and innovated their name?

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: there can only be one black, rectangular fondle-phone in the world...

      Is it worth the Legal costs to win one tiny concession while it will be appealed and overturned in the next court? It's becoming a bit 'Bleak House' now, eventually there will be no winners.

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: there can only be one black, rectangular fondle-phone in the world...

      "Witness S Voice for example"

      A little known fact is that Siri was actually developed for Android (well a linux box) before Apple bought the development company.

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: there can only be one black, rectangular fondle-phone in the world...

      So Why isn't Intel in court? How can it be OK for Intel to infringe Samsung patents but not OK for Apple to use Intel products?

  2. heyrick Silver badge

    Yeah but...

    Won't this be appealed, then the appeal be appealed, and then...

    I think a competent judge should drag them both outside and shoot them both in the foot.

    1. James O'Brien
      Thumb Up

      Re: Yeah but...

      While I like the shooting in the foot concept I vote we put them both in a room with half a brick. Last one standing is declared winner. Granted this could go against Samsung and Apple could win this but I dont see how. They would be too busy drooling over the upcoming shiney shineys all while posting pics of their raging "clues" to Instagram which would make them easy targets.

      I know I'm an ass :)

      1. heyrick Silver badge

        @ James O'Brien

        Just for added lulz, bricks with rounded corners.

    2. Voland's right hand Silver badge

      Re: Yeah but...

      Why stop with the foot?

      In any case, they have shot themselves there already. Litigation should be the last resort in an IPR dispute especially between opponents capable of mutual assured destruction.

    3. Toothpick

      Re: Yeah but...

      A very sensible comment.

      Regarding shooting them in the foot, I would change that to

      I think a competent judge should drag them both outside and shoot both of them in both feet. That way they couldn't limp back to court so quickly

  3. Dana W


    Our Motto, "Use our chips and we will sue you!"

    That should move product!

  4. Nights_are_Long

    Incremental win in excremental battle

    [b]Incremental win in excremental battle[/b]

    God I love that sub heading.

    1. J. R. Hartley

      Re: Incremental win in excremental battle

      The only thing better than a Reg article are the comments by Reg readers on said article. Love it.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    what a palaver

    The Apple/Samsung spat is a bit like Comfort and Joy (1984) only without Bill Paterson, or ice-cream, ...or the laughs.

    alright nothing remotely like it then. Still a palaver though.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My daddy....

    ..... is bigger than your daddy - again and again and again and again and again.

    It's really getting very tedious.

  7. amanfromearth

    "The Hague"

    Can we just stick to calling him William?

  8. Jeff 11

    "Incremental win in excremental battle"

  9. Irongut Silver badge

    Colour blind journo?

    "resemblance between the Galaxy SIII and the iPhone – because clearly, there can only be one black, rectangular fondle-phone in the world."

    The Galaxy S3 doesn't come in black, it's blue!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Colour blind journo?

      Because Apple have patented black

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Colour blind journo?

        Yes, they patented black right after they innovated black.

        I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who couldn't tell the difference between a GS3 and a 4S. Even iFans must have to admit they're pretty distinguishable

  10. Dana W

    Thank you

    21 thumbs down! After all the years I've been on El Reg, this is a personal record! And I could never have done it without the combined butthurt of brittle Android Fanbois. Its nice to know I'm being read. :)

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