There must be
at least 100,000 people out there with 2+Ghz Quad core machines who would willingly help crunch this data. Why do they not create an application along the lines of Seti@home?
Physics boffinry centre extraordinaire CERN would love to be processing its reams of research data in the cloud, if only Europe would hurry up with a regulatory framework. Bob Jones, head of openlab at CERN, said that not having standards and a legal framework in place that applies across Europe is holding up its move to the …
The entire Higgs hunt has become a do or die event for nothing. When Einstein drummed his equations with conditional posers there were no takers and in a desperate search for sanity went on inventing dark, light matter, energy, string, quantum improbabilities and son. The GR challenge of the critical matter density with its time relationship based on unique matter coupling constant would have provided all the answers but Physics had to get out on limb and get bogged down into the "mass" question again and of all things the Higgs of a femtosecond that would never be seen in reality. The critical matter density can be calculated accurately based on self similarity and scale in variance at all levels that confirms he existence of super symmetry . The critical matter density is 3.6E minus 25 kg/cum and the creation of a detectable postive dnsity value is the threshhold of detectable mass . Working it out by sheer logic the so called bosonic state of higgs could never exceed 140 GEV for even at 10 femto secs. Had Physics gone to the trouble of basing its fundamentals on axioms we could have diverted this monumental waste of expenditure to human welfare. See
to learn how a perfect axiomatic theory can be derived and used accurately
Seeing as they're already at what? 4 Sigma for a Higgs at 124GeV (+/-5 furlongperangstromfortnight) and are apparently just being super-duper paranoid by wanting more data at higher beam strengths, doesn't it seem more like a "Higgs now or never"?
(OK, yes, standard model Higgs. I admit most of this I have from reading various sites such as Not Even Wrong and much of it just goes absolutely *whoosh* over my head. But I try to pay attention!)