@David D. Hagood - - Re: Interesting "difference-that-is-not" - - Re: Intereference
The Four Axioms of Interference
For proper spectrum management, regulation should extend to ALL four 'points' of interference so as to maximise the use (i.e.: max number of available channels) of the spectrum. In recent times, it seems, the interference axioms are often conveniently forgotten:
1. Noise/Non Msg ==> RX
From: non-message producing devices (suppression, shielding of electrical switch noise) ==>
To: message receiving devices, RX (selectivity, intermodulation & dynamic range)
2. RX ==> RX
From: message receiving devices, RX (local osc. radiation, shielding) ==>
To: message receiving devices, RX (selectivity, intermodulation & dynamic range)
3. TX ==> RX
From: message producing devices, TX (power to fit service area, spurious rad., location) ==>
To: message receiving devices, RX (selectivity, intermodulation & dynamic range)
4. (TX ==> Non-RXing devices)
From: message producing devices, TX (power to service area, spurious rad., location) ==>
To: Non message receiving equipment (audio amps, pacemakers, etc.)
(For the Smart Alecs: I know that there's TX ==> TX, Noise ==> TX but that's more a problem for users than regulators.)