back to article Apple pulls in TomTom, kicks Google off iPhones

Buried among the data in Apple's new iOS is a win for TomTom, which will be providing the maps for iPhone-navigators. Apple is ditching Google Maps, as expected, and providing its own mapping service on its iWare, which will come from TomTom's TeleAtlas database. Eagle-eyed fanbois spotted the C of TomTom in screen grabs from …


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  1. Roger Stenning

    Well, there's another reason... avoid the IdiotPhone, then. TTs maps are not, it must be said, the most up-to-date, really. The open Street Map ( tends to be, though!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Well, there's another reason...

      Given the revenue stream from Apple that this will create I'm sure they'll be able to improve the maps. Not to mention lots of users submitting problems with the maps.

    2. mccp

      "the most up-to-date". Really?

      I've heard that OpenStreetMap is not much good in many parts of the world so I just looked at the map of a village in the south of France that I happen to know well. On the little square that I know best, OpenStreetMap shows a pedestrian street (with steps) as a road and, what's worse, it also shows a road that simply doesn't exist - there is a 5 metre high and 1 metre thick wall where the 'road' is supposed to start.

      I think I'll stick to Google for the moment as Google Maps is correct. I've no idea about TomTom.

      1. John Hughes

        Re: "the most up-to-date". Really?

        On the little square that I know best, OpenStreetMap shows a pedestrian street (with steps) as a road and, what's worse, it also shows a road that simply doesn't exist - there is a 5 metre high and 1 metre thick wall where the 'road' is supposed to start.

        So why don't you fix it?

        1. mccp

          Re: "the most up-to-date". Really?

          I will fix it next time I'm there if I can be arsed, but that's not the point is it? If I was using OSM to navigate around there I'd be up shit creek with no paddle, so to speak.

      2. JEDIDIAH

        Re: "the most up-to-date". Really?

        I dunno. I think you need to treat any mapping service with some degree of skepticism. Examples of every service screwing up abound. The criticisms that Tom Tom tries to lay on OSM are true for ANY mapping service. You just have to keep your wits generally and know better than to blindly trust the computer.

        YMMV. Seek out the best option for your particular circumstances. Don't be afraid to dump you chosen option if need be.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Well, there's another reason...

      Don't worry OP, Apple is using both TomTom and OpenStreetMaps (says so in the map credits)

    4. Lee Dowling Silver badge

      Re: Well, there's another reason...

      OSM has been pretty useless every time I've used it. For years it didn't even have my road in it, and I lived next to the A13 in the middle of a town near a main-line train station. Nor did it have several of the adjoining roads - just one nearby one that someone had obviously driven down while mapping.

      This is a road that's been there for many decades, most likely, has its own postcode, is on every satnav and online map I've ever tried and they didn't have a vector for it even existing on the map (not even just an unnamed vector from the associated map). It's there now but for years it just didn't exist on their map (I wasn't bothered about adding it because with such accuracy I just couldn't rely on OSM to actually do anything interesting anyway - certainly nothing that Google Maps didn't do a thousand times better).

      Even now, there still a lot of missing information - it actually plots the contents of an obscure village in the middle of Italy better than it does my local town and I can't find my local schools or pub on it anywhere (and the maps suggest that it doesn't know about several roads, houses and other features in that same area - but hey! It's got electricity pylons mapped!).

      I honestly can't see how anybody navigates by an OSM map on a regular basis. Sure, it's fine for casual use and it's no problem for a small local map ("Find Us" on a website kinda-thing), but in terms of actually finding somewhere (the postcode search appears completely flummoxed today, but I'm assuming that's just a glitch), locating it using local landmarks, or even finding a particular pub, school or whatever, it's next-to-useless.

      By comparison, a TomTom IQ Routes Europe 2Gb map that I refused to update since even before TomTom put in their "now you have to change the map every time you change country while driving through Europe" policy (at least 2-3 years now, probably a lot more) has very minor errors on it (due to new road layouts), has one roundabout that it likes to send you in circles upon (go around the roundabout, go around the roundabout, go around the roundabout, ....) but for which the mapping is correct, and hasn't failed to look up a postcode even in the Highlands or Cornwall and get me to it. I drive 500 miles a week and it's invaluable. Hell, even Google's Navigation app for Andriod does a stupidly good job at things that OSM fails at miserably and that's free (but it does often disagree about the best route with my TomTom but I know from experience the difference is a matter of seconds).

      I'm not saying TomTom are perfect either (hell, I'm not buying any more of their devices until this current one dies and they put out models with some kind of map availability guarantee), but OSM are significantly worse. I'd put them at the bottom of the list of any mapping effort, below even things like Google's free apps.

      I truly support the "make it ourselves" open-source philosophy of OSM but in terms of actual data, it's still lacking despite a lot of hefty data donations by entire nations. And there just aren't enough users mapping to keep it anywhere near up-to-date.

      1. Steve Sims

        If OSM didn't have your road on it, you know what you should have done?

        Added your road to the map.

      2. Roger Stenning

        Re: Well, there's another reason...

        there's an answer to your missing streets, old boy. map them with your GPS, and upload it to the OSM. Job done. It's called a crowd-sources product for a reason, after all.

    5. ravenviz Silver badge

      Re: Well, there's another reason...

      Just checked openstreetmap where I live, both street names and geographical features near me are way off.

    6. Ru

      Re: Well, there's another reason...

      OSM coverage is a bit luck-of-the-draw. Some areas are mapped with extremely impressive levels of detail, far more so than any commercial mapping service (my local town has better OSM coverage than OS, and the Ordance Survey seem to make some of the best easily available maps in the world).

      Most places however just don't have the density of frequency of contributors, and as can be seen from the preceding comments not many people feel like contributing their time and effort towards improving things, making it a less than brilliant choice for a company who can afford to buy whatever they like.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Well, there's another reason...

        Probably not related but I found with one implementation of OSM in a mobile app that it displayed not road names ("Blueblue Crescent") but road reference numbers (C12354) which is what the local council used for tracking maintenance etc.

        the latter (needless to say?) existed nowhere in common use outside the local transport and planning department and made following the apps instructions rather tricky.

        1. Matt 21

          Re: Well, there's another reason...

          I've also found Google Maps to be pretty useless. I had to map a couple of hundred addresses for on customer and it got about 10% wrong, one was even put on the wrong continent, despite having a UK post code!

          I then tried using them to find the hotel I was going to stay at and the office I had to go to when visiting a client site. It got both wrong by about 1 or 2 km, which is hopeless in a big city!

  2. groovyf

    TomTom iPhone/iPad app

    If the new maps are using TT data and as they're also going to be turn-by-turn, I wonder how that'll affect the TomTom app for iDevices.

    1. Voland's right hand Silver badge

      Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

      Tom Tom has some experience of living in a world where its licensees compete with it.

      Sygic (which is probably the best navigation app for Android) uses licensed TomTom maps. It also ships it for ShinyShiny and for Nokia/Symbian. I bet it is not the only one to use TomTom maps - there are others.

      1. Annihilator

        Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

        And wave goodbye to the TomTom app, Co-Pilot Live etc as Apple banishes them from the App Store for "duplicating in-built funtionality", and screwing over iPhone 4 users who can't get the new "magic" features of iOS6 (check - turn-by-turn is 4S only).

        Suggest iPhone 4 users consider upgrading very carefully...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

          But but but the iPhone doesn't suffer from device and OS fragmentation like Android does as we keep getting told by the Apple faithful. Surely what works on one works on another, no?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

            Iphone 3GS is getting iOS 6, how's that Android update coming along? Oh, thats right, you get Android updates every 3 months, just as long as you keep buying new phones.

            1. Annihilator

              Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

              "Iphone 3GS is getting iOS 6, how's that Android update coming along? Oh, thats right, you get Android updates every 3 months, just as long as you keep buying new phones."

              You might want to check up on the reality of that. The 3GS and iPhone 4 won't get any of the fancy mapping stuff. Besides, the 3GS is still a "new" phone currently sold by Apple, so kind of has to be supported.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: so kind of has to be supported.

                Someone should mention that to the Android phone makers.

            2. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

              Iphone 3GS is getting reduced functionality iOS6

              There, fixed that for you

              1. Test Man

                Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

                "Iphone 3GS is getting reduced functionality iOS6"

                Is the iPhone 3GS actually losing features or gaining features but not as much as 4 or 4S? Because the latter is definitely NOT "reduced functionality".

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

                  When your friend with the 4S shows you what he can do with iOS 6 and you know that you have also applied iOS 6 to your 3GS or 4 but find you can't do the same things then that really is reduced functionality no matter how you try to spin it

                2. Kimberly Burgess

                  Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

                  It depends on the feature. For instance, the map app is losing public transit and bike routes if it updates.

            3. JEDIDIAH

              Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

              > Iphone 3GS is getting iOS 6

              PhoneOS updates on older iPhones are actually a dubious prospect. Those of us that don't restrict ourselves to some sort of single vendor are able to observe this for ourselves.

              So your crowing is less impressive than you think.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

                So Android users are now saying that getting updates are bad, LOL. Here is a clue, try restricting yourself to buying good phones instead of shit.

                My crowing is more impressive than your excuse for buying shit, Oh and how is that galaxy "whatever" update working for you. What are you on now 2.31`? 2.32?

                1. James O'Brien
                  Thumb Down

                  Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app 22:42

                  Are we saying that? No I don't believe we are saying getting updates is bad. What is bad about it is that w get our updates given to us slowly to be sure, but with CLEAR outlines on what will do what when we get it without being told the new shiny PhoneOS is going to work on all devices (that are current) with little information on what features are going to be for the latest and greatest JesusPhone to date.

                  I also wouldn't call my phone shit when it comes to the hardware. Rather like it personally since the EVO 3D is a nice phone in and of itself even when I never use the 3D feature. Got it for the hardware.

                  In response to your comment about updates I will treat these as two distinct questions.

                  So the platform is the Galaxy update? Ill assume you meant the phone being updated which in this case I can say this: Beats the hell out of me how it is.

                  And in reference to your comment about version numbers, yep, you got us there. I guess if that's what it takes to make yourself feel justified in slamming people so that you feel high and mighty, so be it. Twat.

        2. Silver

          Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

          That "duplicating in-built functionality" rule was relaxed years ago, evidenced by the fact that you can download Sparrow, Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo mail clients from the app store.

    2. cs94njw

      Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

      Are TomTom suicidal?

      I don't bother buying a SatNav as my phone has Google Maps. And if I can get all the TomTom functionality on an iPhone, why would I ever bother buying a SatNav.

      Smacks of desperation to me.

      1. Miek

        Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

        "Are TomTom suicidal?" -- No, I have Google Maps on my phone but prefer using my dedicated TomTom device for navigation and my phone for audible entertainment.

        1. FartingHippo

          Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

          "Are TomTom suicidal"

          No, probably the reverse. Smartphone penetration will continue to eat into the SatNav market, if not reduce it to a small fraction of its former size. TomTom's products are feeling increasingly clunky; the touchscreens are a generation (or two) behind the phones; they just don't have the resources to keep up. The deal with Apple allows them to remain a relevant player for a few more years, and the massive increase in user base will should allow them to keep their maps more current through their crowd-sourced corrections scheme.

          I'd guess they'll end up as an Apple subsidiary (with a nice fat payout to their shareholders) somewhere down the track.

          1. Roger Stenning

            Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

            You may not recall, but TomTom used to make smartphone packages. TomTom Navigator 6 was the last major version to be widely released over here; I'm a former customer of theirs. They lost me when they refused to release any more map updates or WinMob update versions two or three years back, and then went to great lengths to try to persuade people to buy PNDs instead; I said at the time (boiled down) that smartphone users would outnumber PND users massively, and that SatNav packages on said smartphones would force them to change their tune or die trying.

            Looks like while not being suicidal, they're still as blinkered, though.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

        "Are TomTom suicidal?

        I don't bother buying a SatNav as my phone has Google Maps."

        No, and weirdly, your next sentence went on to explain why the deal they've brokered is the opposite of suicidal. Perhaps read your own post before hitting send?

      3. David Cantrell

        Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

        Google Maps never had all the functionality of a Satnav, and I'm guessing that the maps app built in to the iPhone won't either. Here's a few differences ...

        * a Satnav has to work even when you don't have a data connection

        * a Satnav has to give directions

        * a Satnav has to recalculate your route when you deviate from its instructions

        * a nice-to-have is that it knows about heavy traffic and can navigate you around it

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: TomTom iPhone/iPad app

          "Google Maps never had all the functionality of a Satnav, and I'm guessing that the maps app built in to the iPhone won't either. Here's a few differences ...

          * a Satnav has to work even when you don't have a data connection"

          Google Maps doesn't do that, no ...

          " * a Satnav has to give directions "

          Google Maps DOES do that

          "* a Satnav has to recalculate your route when you deviate from its instructions"

          Google Maps DOES do that

          " * a nice-to-have is that it knows about heavy traffic and can navigate you around it" "

          Apple's new software will do this. Google Maps I think also can too, may be wrong ... My TomTom doesn't.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    TomTom, pretty shit here.

    Prepare for a downgrade Apple owners...

    Google Maps is pretty much bang upto date, and this will surely push Google to make it even better...

    Of course TomTom is JUST the route maps, they won't be getting Streetview, Google Earth, or any of the Google Places data, which is superb.

    1. jason 7

      TomTom - Still thinks its 2003

      Around the city I live.

      Also they make such a big thing about the user updates to correct and improve things.

      However, they appear to do jack. Totally useless.

      1. Mikel

        Re: TomTom - Still thinks its 2003

        Google tried to license their map data, which was based on Keyhole satellite photos. But they wouldn't play. So Google bought Keyhole and saved some money. In 2003.

    2. Another User

      Re: TomTom, pretty shit here.

      Where I live google maps was using 6 - 8 years old maps. Only last week there was an update.

      Streetview? Yes, I saw the Google car a year or two ago but this is still not available for non- paying customers.

      TomTom is also lacking. It was great several years ago but the cards do not get updated in my area.

      I uploaded a score of error reports to Tele-Atlas. Hopefully they will fix it now.

      OpenStreetmap has current cards of my area but Apple is using some old snapshot missing a lot of the newer streets.

  4. g e

    At least

    It'll piss Garmin right off.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I wonder if apple will be including speed camera database, which seems to actually be one of the most common uses of sat nav devices these days? Or will tomtom get to charge extra for that still?

    1. g e

      Maybe they'll charge Apple to include it

      30%, sir ?

      1. Another User

        Re: Maybe they'll charge Apple to include it

        What would be different? TomTom sells this as an inApp purchase currently. Apple gets is 30%. Unless Apple is buying TomTom nothing will change.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    So once the big lorries get the magic iButton installed they will be sent directly to the smallest road where they will get stuck......but hey they can use the iButton to phone for help.

  7. Gashead

    Ah yes, TeleAtlas. Google Maps used them. It took almost two years for them to change the fictional Lugsmoor Lane in SW1 to the actual Cleveland Row after i reported it. London walking guides are full of references to the fictional Lugsmoor Lane, rather gives away that the person who wrote the guide had never actually done the walk and taken notes.

    1. Chris 3

      I wonder if you discovered a Mountweazel.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Time for some turnabout

    Considering all the stupid crap apple have sued google for, wonder if google has a patent for using a map on a mobile device. I hope they do, because that'd be entertaining.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Time for some turnabout

      When did Apple ever sue Google? This is how we know your an unemployed hater. Hater because you can't be bothered with simple facts, unemployed because you find simple facts hard to deal with.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Time for some turnabout

        Have you not been reading the news for the last, oh, few years? You know, where Apple have been throwing lawsuits at all and sundry over their use of Android, alongside Microsoft's Mafia trying to extract protection money? Maybe not Google directly, at first, but it's not like Apple or Microsoft have been trying to beat Android via innovation, have they?

        In response, Google are suing Apple over FRAND patents they bought from Motorola Mobility. I'd hoped that Apple would have seen this as a warning and said something like "yeah okay, we're dicks, fair enough".

        But no, Apple sue Google (in the US) to get Google to stop suing Apple (in Germany). Really you couldn't make this up.

        And it's "you're". As in, "you're an unemployed hater".

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Time for some turnabout

          So Apple has not sued Google, as you admit. Oh and Motorola sued Apple first over FRAND, Apple counter sued Motorola so Apple responded to Motorola not the other way round, but facts have never been a strong point with haters.

          Also, yes you can and did make it up.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Time for some turnabout

      What like say a portable machine inside say a car that shows you on a map where you are?

      Golly that sounds like science fiction dream stuff

  9. Nathan Ronchetti

    You forgot the Joke Alert! icon.

    "The open Street Map ( tends to be, though!" I have used several apps that use openmaps and never found them to be very accurate.

  10. W.O.Frobozz
    Thumb Down

    Tom Tom?

    I have a Tom Tom GPS in my car. Never again. Nevermind that the hardware likes to lock up in moderate heat, the maps are not reliable and the cycle of updates is a never-ending cycle of "pay even more." Google Maps is much more reliable around here, plus I don't have to pay Google yet another stipend for the latest "update." Tom Tom is NOT a selling feature. Wonder if iTards are going to have to pay for the latest maps? Ah who am I kidding...they're used to paying out the nose for things with a smile on their faces.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Tom Tom?

      It's a built-in feature of the phone, when has a phone ever required users to "rent" the feature? nobody will go for that unless it is clearly advertised up front.

    2. M Gale

      Re: Tom Tom?

      Unfortunately, unless you specifically pre-cache areas and don't mind the satellite view disappearing, you can't use Google Maps without a network connection.

      Even with pre-cached areas, Maps tends to use the network for everything else, such as search.

      Tom Tom on the other hand has its (admittedly expensive) maps built into the device or on SD card. Instant advantage, especially if you're going to use it anywhere outside of a city.

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: Tom Tom?

        Firstly, Google have said full offline caching is coming soon to Android.

        Secondly, you are assuming alot to think that because your TomTom satnav in the car has full maps on the SD Card, so will iOS6. You know they are only providing the map data, not the app right?

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Their full acknowledgements page...

    DOES list OpenStreetMap in the credits...

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Microsoft's approach would be different..

    Microsoft's approach would be different.. they would simply partner with TomTom and steal all their technology, then dump them.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Microsoft's approach would be different..

      Google did the same while they "partnered" with TeleAtlas.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I have <insert mapping software> and it has <insert street/road/square name> on it which is wrong!

    Why oh why oh why does <insert mapping software name> not have this correct?

  14. Eddie Edwards


    And this on the day I saw Google's amazing 3D city rendering technology that's coming down the pipe ...

    1. Chris 3

      Re: :(

      Jump to about 2 mins in this video see the 3D mapping stuff in iOS 6

      1. amanfromearth
        1. Chris 3

          Re: :(

          Gor bless you, have an upvote.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Why is this even a story? Are people still even slightly interested in what Apple are doing? If so, why? The markets surged onwards & upwards, who cares what out-dated technology Apple want to chuck in their latest opsys for overhyped, overpriced devices?

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Why the hate? What Apple is doing now is exactly what Samsung will be doing in one year or two...

      Samsung Pulls an Apple, Tells Users How Not to Hold Their Galaxy SIIIs

    3. ratfox

      Who cares, you ask?

      150 millions of users, probably. And growing.

      Have you never noticed that other people sometimes make choices different from yours, and that apart from a statistically insignificant exception, the world consists of other people?

    4. Maliciously Crafted Packet

      Err, I think Google might be interested.

      Especially now they've been shoved aside in the mapping department cutting off a rather valuable user profiling vector.

      And let's not sniff at the Facebook integration either. Whist many here prefer Google+ (me included) just about very other person on the planet that has access to mains electricity has a Facebook account, -their dogs included-.

      Making the iPhone the de facto Facebook phone will bring millions upon millions of additional users to iOS which will not be good for Android market share.

      Android peaked? who knows, but its not looking as good for the OS as it did last week.

      1. Rob

        Re: Err, I think Google might be interested.

        "Making the iPhone the de facto Facebook phone will bring millions upon millions of additional users to iOS which will not be good for Android market share."

        I completely get what you're saying but I don't think people will think of the iPhone as a de-facto Facebook phone, just like most users at the moment don't think Android is de-facto Facebook phone. Most FB users just consider a smartphone or tablet as an extra device to access their Facebook on, they all have the same functionality. What's iOS going to offer that they can't already do on their iPhones? For the same reason I don't think these FB specific phones with an FB button are going to sell that much more because of that feature.

        One of the main reasons Android has more market share is not entirely down to it's features/functionality, the killer that always said Android would outstrip iOS was saturation by varying price points. They are so many Android handsets in various form factors and at various price points all with various target audiences and various target budgets in mind. Which unfortunately is where Apple failed to go with it's product (although now Jobs has gone, Apple might change that stance).

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Siri updates and Facebook integration as well as the shiny new Maps app"

    It that it! WOW!

    iOS6 FAIL.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Amongst an hundred or so new features...

      for example Bluetooth MAP protocol support.

      Obviously! comprehension skills FAIL.

    2. the-it-slayer

      User @Obviously = FAIL!

      Hello fandroid #467853445!

      If you bothered to actually watch the presentation yesterday, there's a little more than that. Passbook, improved siri, DND mode, shared photo streams, and 200 other things.

      Hey, it isn't Apple that want to effectively try sell their OS as a "new" OS everytime it's released. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Just improve it and I see this again as a great step foreward. Keeps my iP4 fresh and same for older 3GS devices. As already said, Google and keep doing their ditch and resell method for only so long until the peak shows and then declines.

      Don't forget, the iPhone is a PHONE. Not a computer like most fandroids want to think their devices are. :)

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: User @Obviously = FAIL!

        "Don't forget, the iPhone is a PHONE."

        Are you going for a hypocrisy award?

        I can hold my Android however I like. Including like a phone!

        1. the-it-slayer
          Paris Hilton

          Re: User @Obviously = FAIL!

          I want a "point out the obvious award".

          Fandroids look/drool/wank/prod more at their computers more than they actually use it as a phone. I'll let Paris keep tutting at you.

        2. Stuart Castle Silver badge

          Re: User @Obviously = FAIL!

          You clearly don't have a Galaxy S3 or HTC phone then..

          1. the-it-slayer

            Re: User @Obviously = FAIL!

            That's correct. You can have a "point out the obvious award" too.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: @the-it-slayer "Don't forget, the iPhone is a PHONE"

        Exactly the iPhone is a phone,

        but my Android phone is more of a computer than a phone, and I use it more as a computer than I do a phone.. Hence the need for a large screen, expandable storage, replaceable battery....

    3. amanfromearth

      one more thing..

      Oh, it cures cancer and lets you phone the greys on Alpha Centauri as well.

      But they are saving that for the actual launch in the fall.

  17. DJ 2
    Thumb Down

    Street View.

    So does this mean that there won't be street view on Iphone? can you still get to it via the web?

    if that's the case, I might get a 4s instead of a 5 when it comes out.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Street View.

      Google will probably have an app for that.

      1. Mike Bell
        Thumb Down

        Re: Street View.

        Thing is, the current iOS map offering is pretty good and seamless. Who wants to go monkeying about with other apps when you can just tab to a street view of the location you're looking at?

        Plus, Apple's first stab at ditching Google maps in their iPhoto app has a technical description – SHITE.

    2. Lui-g

      Re: Street View.

      Street view is gone form the built-in map app.

      Google recently announced their own 3D maps, and that they would be bringing these to iOS.

      The issue will be if Apple approves a Google Maps app or not...

      1. Miek

        Re: Street View.

        "The issue will be if Apple approves a Google Maps app or not..."

        I wonder how Apple might argue that Google Maps replicates features already available in IOS?

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Makes me wonder...

    Why they didn't go with Route66?

    It has experience on mobile platforms and in my opinion does quite a good job. What I always liked were the many options off navigating. A quick route vs. a short route for example.

    And the fact that R66 also supports walking seems also quite an advantage when used on a smartphone.

  19. Anonymous Coward

    Nokia Maps

    I stopped using TT due to the ridiculously high annual map update charges and use the free Nokia maps in my smartphone. It's great and I prefer it to Google Maps because it includes a "drive" software that gives turn by turn, etc, just like Tom Tom but more instructive. For example I'll make a turn and then the voice announces that "continue for 5 miles", so need to keep checking the screen or wondering when the next turn will be announced. All

    All that, plus a Nokia E72 (for work SIM) and a C7 (personal SIM) with superb quality 8mp camera and 720p video recording, music, radio, the f'ing lot, and I am as a happy as a pig in sh1t and have no desire whatsoever to leave Symbian and become an iFashionista.

    1. Miek

      Re: Nokia Maps

      " It's great and I prefer it to Google Maps because it includes a "drive" software that gives turn by turn, etc"

      Google maps offers Turn by Turn navigation, but, if you prefer Nokia maps, enjoy.

  20. Lallabalalla

    the fruity firm decided to go with a firm with which it has no conflicts


  21. This post has been deleted by its author

  22. steve 102

    Am I missing the point?

    Could have been that need to read again. Is this article saying IOS6 will give users free TomTom or just that it'll be integrated into opsys and activated on payment? If it's not free, whats the point? Surely people will just stick to basic but acceptable freebies such as SatFree / NavFree or whatever it's called or carry on ripping off TomTom by grabbing it through Cydia? If Google do start charging Android users that's another matter but in the meantime & based on my own experiences of TomTom the GoogleMaps is years ahead for mapping. Does TomTom do the handy stuff like auto zoom to road signs and show streetview of destination?

  23. Field Marshal Von Krakenfart


    Apple .... providing its own mapping service on its iWare

    iWare!!!!!, are the fruity ones going to have to sue Specsavers now because they supply eyeWare????

    Are they going to project maps on to peoples glasses?? There may be prior art on that, not that that ever worried the fruity firm.

    Eagle-eyed fanbois spotted the C of TomTom.....

    Must have gone to Specsavers to get their iWare eye ware

    OK, I've got it, I'm going...

  24. Stevie


    I expect to see hundreds of baffled iTat users flooding into Manhattan then. Every time I need to get on or off Long Island my bloody Tom-Tom insists that the route cross that benighted strip of traffic-choked, pothole-infested concrete, even if I've set explicit waypoints and told the bugger I want to use the Verrazano Narrows Bridge - Staten Island - Goethal's Bridge route like any sensible person would.

    I've even had Tom Tom plot a complex u-turn off Staten Island just so it can send me into Manhattan before I go where I intend to. Naturally, I pay the demented thing no attention. Clearly, Tom Tom have received some sort of quid pro quo (or buck pro quo, this being America) from the County of New York.

  25. Mikel

    Feature bundling

    Apple may learn soon that we like our Google apps.

  26. PAW

    follow the money

    Well on CNBC (U.S. financial news) yesterday, they attributed the drop in Apple share price to Apple's product announcements. They further suggested Apple's drop led the entire market south. How's that for leadership?

  27. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Google maps and Android is shit in my area

    Google maps on my Android phone was utter useless shit. It told me I arrived home at my destination two streets and by streets I mean very long streets about two major city blocks. I ditched it for an iPhone and the google maps their still is so out of date with the town center and geographical feature on the wrong side of the highway. My fellow local free yards have submitted error reports over the years and nothing is update or fixed. Utter pointless crap. I've not run TomTom on iPhone as I run Navigon which is light years better tan google maps on my android ever was but mates at work tell me they like it so I will reservedly wait and see but no worries here as I have Navigon to fall back on.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Google maps and Android is shit in my area

      Well Google Maps is free, and you are entirely within your right to buy Navigon for Android, it's about £20 I recall, and allows for offline maps, traffic updates and stuff, and is rather good.

      Of course Android allows you choice. Do you really believe Apple won't pull the rug from under all other mapping software when iOS6 launches....

  28. Nameless Faceless Computer User

    Except, of course,

    Except of course if you happen to own an iPhone 3gs. Yes, ios6 will run on it. No, you are being punished for not having an iPhone 4 since Apple disables turn-by-turn directions for those of you haven't upgraded to the very latest model.

  29. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Did Apple say it would be all FREE, or have people assumed it will?

    As the TomTom deal with Apple, TomTom get a payment from Apple on a per-user, per map basis for the TurnByTurn navigation.

    I'm suspecting that this will be a significant amount of cash, and Apple will be passing it onto end-users.

    I'm guessing that you will soon be buying iTunes credit for "Pay As You Go Satnav "on iPhone....

  30. This post has been deleted by its author

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