back to article iPhones, iPads to be FULL OF FACEBOOK and NOT GOOGLE

If you're harboring any doubts about bad blood bubbling between Apple and Google, Cupertino's iOS headman Scott Forstall dispelled them on Monday when introducing the next version of Apple's mobile operating system, iOS 6. "They released a dairy product, 4.0, about the same time that we released iOS 5," Macworld quotes* …


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  1. url

    auto stuff

    "Siri will also enable automotive use in what Apple calls an "Eyes Free" mode, being summond by a steering-wheel button; Apple is working with BMW, General Motors, Mercedes, Land Rover, Jaguar, Audi, Toyota, Chrysler, and Honda to add this capability to their vehicles."

    Is that jagwah??

    1. ThomH Silver badge

      Re: auto stuff

      Shush! You'll get yourself banned from reading Apple news!

    2. LarsG

      Have just

      Seen the details of iOS 6 while not radical there are some interesting features and minor tweaks. It also appears to be more wall and less reliant on third parties (maps).

      Didn't see NFC? Maybe that will be for the new phone.

      Sadly not a radical change and the Samsung looks the better featured system.

      However it will be how flawless it works, that will be the key.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "Didn't see NFC"

        See "Solution looking for problem"...

        1. Adam Nealis

          NFC = "No F@cking Chance"?

          WTF does NFC stand for?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: NFC = "No F@cking Chance"?

            Near Field Communications perhaps?

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: auto stuff

      I won't be buying any car that has an Apple specific button.

      I presume it will be an optional-extra and not forced upon us?

      1. It wasnt me

        Re: auto stuff

        "I won't be buying any car that has an Apple specific button."

        May I interest you in this Kia C'eed sir? No? Then it'll have to be the Nissan Note, or something from Tata.

        You don't think they might make it available to other handsets do you?

        1. Lallabalalla

          Re: auto stuff

          Oh, the Nissans are bound to have them. But I think Lada are relaunching, which satisfies the requirement for massive dickheads to always drive German cars.

          1. Alan 6 Silver badge


            " But I think Lada are relaunching, which satisfies the requirement for massive dickheads to always drive German cars."

            Lada are Russian, not German. Maybe you were thinking of Trabant? They're long gone thank God, although God's earthly ambassador Bono probably has a few old Zooropa stage props in his shed

            1. Lallabalalla

              Re: @Lallabalalla

              Oh yes - thought it was the other way around. But you get the gist.

        2. JetSetJim

          Re: auto stuff

          They should just fit summat with this stuff in:

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: auto stuff

      No-no, "jag-wire", please :)

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I thought it was a decent enough show. Thought they'd announce some partial upgrade for the iMacs at least. It was nice to see the 650M added to the MBP as well. The 555M in my current laptop is a great card. I don't game heavily on my laptop, but for the few I do play, like Skyrim, it handles them brilliantly.

    Still a couple of things that bug me about iOS6 though.

    Doesn't seem to be any mention of opening up an API for Notification Centre for third party widgets.

    I'd also like a simple extension of the restriction feature so that I can passcode lock certain apps. I know developers can do this individually for their own app, but it would be useful for the stock apps and the ones that don't.

    And, the new Maps. As a 4 user, I'd rather stick with what I've got now, which works perfectly for me, then end up with a gimped solution with a half feature set because they've decided to throw dildos at each other. Bye bye Street View I guess, which I found incredibly useful from my phone.

    But, I'm at least thankful they're unifying caller ID between phone number and Apple ID when using iMessage/FaceTime.

    1. Kevin Fairhurst

      I may be guessing here...

      ... but I imagine that Google Maps will be an available download from the iOS store not long after iOS6 launches!

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I may be guessing here...

        I imagine that Google Maps will be an available download from the iOS store not long after iOS6 launches

        You think the Apple Police will let that through?

        1. Bill B

          Umm .. why do you need an app?

          Type in '' into the browser ..

          It asks you if you want to install it as a web app on your home screen


  3. MacRat

    Sharp Stick?

    There is some reason that you think Apple is required to use Google Maps?

  4. Quxy

    What a silly argument!

    Of course there are more versions of Android than iOS out there in the market. The Android ecosystem is much more diverse than the iPhone's, with many manufacturers serving many different global markets with very diverse feature requirements and price points. "Fragmentation" isn't a problem for consumers -- only for a company like Apple trying to control the entire "experience".

    I have always bought specific Apple products when they best suited specific needs, but I'm really getting tired of fanbois' continual feigned surprise at discovering that consumers around the world generally seem to be more interested in buying a phone that does what they need at a price they consider reasonable than in buying into Apple's increasingly disturbing view of what mobile computing should look like and who should control it.

    1. Phormic

      Re: What a silly argument!

      Of course fragmentation is a problem for consumers. Any customisation of Android is invariably a degradation (particularly when done by phone carriers) and the prospect of normal people ever upgrading and improving their phone's software is often remote at best.

      When you add in the fact that most developers would be hesitant in using Google's latest API's and new functionality with the vast amount of legacy software still in use, you can only come to the conclusion that the slow upgrade rate is an anchor that holds back the platform's progression and improvement.

      Ice Cream Sandwich was meant to be the grand unifier for Android according to Google at its launch (in itself an admission of a problem). At that it has simply failed.

      1. Quxy
        Thumb Down

        Only us geeks care about OS versions

        Sorry, ordinary consumers buy a phone and use it without any notion of what version of Android it's running, or even notice very much when software upgrades are pushed to their phone. Ordinary users running 2-year-old Droids don't care that they're only on v2.2, they only notice that new apps are a bit slow compared to their mate's new phone, and the phone is getting banged up enough that it's time for an upgrade. Ordinary users simply do not "upgrade and improve their phone's software", even if it's possible and easy.

        1. Jonathan White

          Re: Only us geeks care about OS versions

          The graph suggests Apple users DO upgrade their phones. Unless you assume the vast majority of iPhones were bought in the last 12 months...

          1. Lallabalalla

            Re: Only us geeks care about OS versions

            iPhones upgrade themselves pretty much automatically when you plug them in to iTunes - or, actually, just straight over-the-air nowadays, so it takes zero effort to do. The OS upgrade path for Android can be a more laborious process and there's always the worry that half your apps will break.

            The point about your droid not being as fast as your mate's new one, and it's looking decidedly tatty, is a good one. No matter how many apps I install my 4 runs the same now as when it was new (19 months ago) and it still looks like a brand new phone. If you put it next to mate's brand new 4S you wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Native apps (like iCal or the phonebook) fire up at the same speed too.

            Sometimes they go wrong though. at which point, instead of fighting tooth and nail with your operator or insurance company, you just drop in at any Apple reseller and get handed a new one.

            No-brainer for me I'm afraid, despite Apple's other obvious drawbacks.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Lallabalalla

              'you just drop in at any Apple reseller and get handed a new one.'

              No, you get a refurbished one and they charge you £179

          2. g e

            Re: Only us geeks care about OS versions

            Don't most iThing owners use IThingTunes ?

            Doesn't that push/enforce updates on the devices as and when?

            I think that means apple upgrades the devices rather than 'most users'. For Android it's the carrier's decision, oftentimes, to deploy an update as they have to rebrand it, e.g. Vodafone needs lots of Red bootscreen crap and voda-specific apps, etc. In the event an update comes available it's still the user's choice to apply it, also.

            1. GotThumbs

              Re: Only us geeks care about OS versions

              "Don't most iThing owners use IThingTunes ?"

              Ah, there are ZERO other options. Apple has successfully played consumers in to believing that Apples controlled/restricted environment (aka Prison) is the option they need. Who cares if you don't use FB...Apple is telling you that you DO need to join the sheep herd.

              Reality is that most general consumers are dopes and have zero clue about what options are out there. They just follow Apples lead and gleefully accept what Apple thinks they should have and how to hold the phone :->.

              Hey if the "drink the cool-aid" app comes out...then we'll be rid of quite a few blind followers.

              1. CmdrX3

                Re: Only us geeks care about OS versions

                I don't believe that is necessarily true, although I'm sure there are blind followers of either OS that swears the other is terrible. I'm in the have both camp. I wasn't thrilled by my android phones, so gave up and got an iPhone 4S which I really like, I could jailbreak it but have no intention of doing so generally because I really don't feel I need to. On the other hand I have an Asus Transformer and love it. I have fiddled about with an iPad and am not overly keen on it. The TF is a great little performer, which I rooted and installed a custom rom & kernel on, in order to overclock it to make it really snappy.

                So not everyone who buys into Apple are being played, are dopes, sheep/sheeple, have zero clue or just gleefully accept Apple as their master. Some people just want a decent smartphone that does exactly what they need with the minimum of fuss. While many find Android suits that purpose for them, I and many others don't. While many people find Apples iPad suits their purposes perfectly, I and many others don't and have an android tablet.

          3. TakeTheSkyRoad

            Re: Only us geeks care about OS versions

            "The graph suggests Apple users DO upgrade their phones."

            More likely their phones are mostly upgraded for them when they sync to itunes to update their music and photos. itunes will prompt, they'll blindly click through the options and hey preto they are upgraded !

            Also Android users generally do not expect an upgrade... the general man in the street hear that iphones get upgraded but are perfectly accepting that every other phone out there stays with the software it was purchased with.

            That's being the state of play since the early days and hasn't changed much. Especially since new software is something many manufacturers use to to flog us new phones.

            1. Craigness

              Re: Only us geeks care about OS versions

              "perfectly accepting that every other phone out there stays with the software it was purchased with"

              Not true. With a pc, you can run a 10 year old OS and have a week-old browser, email client, calendar, office suite, etc. It's the same with Android - the main apps get updated on top of the OS and you can use non-stock versions of core apps if you like, setting them to be the default app to handle their given tasks. Being on a 2 year old version of the OS means nothing; your apps can still use the ICS themes and activity bar even!

      2. gort

        Re: What a silly argument!

        Amusingly those graphs show that Android is about the same or possibly more homogenous than iOS from a developer's point of view, with a large majority of the userbase on the almost identical (for developers) 2.2-2.3 versions.

        And with Apple about to introduce yet another screen resolution, and the orphaning of the iPad 1 by iOS6, it's only going to get worse for Apple fragmentation.

    2. Richard 116

      Re: What a silly argument!

      "Of course there are more versions of Android than iOS out there in the market. The Android ecosystem is much more diverse than the iPhone's, with many manufacturers serving many different global markets with very diverse feature requirements and price points. "Fragmentation" isn't a problem for consumers -- only for a company like Apple trying to control the entire "experience"."

      But couldn't it also be said that there are many more versions of Android out there because handsets just get 'left behind' by manufacturers/operators? ie 18 month old phone and no more upgrades. This is one of the reasons I've avoided Android sets so far.

    3. JDX Gold badge

      Re: What a silly argument!

      Of course fragmentation is an issue. Hardware fragmentation means as a consumer I can't know for sure if an app will work smoothly on my particular device, and as a freelance developer I cannot realistically test on more than a fraction of the target devices.

      OS fragmentation means I have to either put in a lot more work making per-OS versions, or cater to lowest common denominator.

      It's exactly the same problem which has troubled the PC games industry since the year dot, compared to those making console games. More variability in target systems means more bugs, more work and more support requests.

      1. Annihilator


        "It's exactly the same problem which has troubled the PC games industry since the year dot, compared to those making console games. More variability in target systems means more bugs, more work and more support requests."

        And yet... There seems to be a rather thriving PC gaming industry the last time I checked.

    4. This post has been deleted by its author

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: What a silly argument!

        iOS may have 650,000 apps versus 270,000 or so for Android. However, a big chunk of iOS apps are pointless fart apps, whereas most Android apps have a real purpose. It really doesn't matter if one OS has half a million + or or not; once there is between 50,000 to 100,000 apps then just about every need is covered in some way or other (excluding games). iOS and Android both have well designed app and their fair share of very badly designed apps. My point is, once there are 100,000+ apps, then there is an established developer support, enough to sustain a platform. Even Windows Phone now has 100,000+ apps and I think that's enough to keep Windows Phone in the game. None of the 3 main contenders provide an exclusive function or feature.

        1. Frank Bough

          Re: What a silly argument!

          absolute horse shit

  5. P. Lee


    My version number is bigger than yours so it must be better?

    Stop being juvenile and do something innovative.

    1. neek

      Re: Seriously?

      I got the feeling their point was that they are releasing new major versions more frequently than Android - "They released a dairy product, 4.0, about the same time that we released iOS 5." If one can assume that a major version increase includes significantly improved features (which is debatable, I'll grant you), Apple are saying that since the versions were Android 4 and iOS 5, Apple are now up to iOS 6 and the ball is in Android's court to play catch up. They're bragging about their rate of progress, not the size of their tackle.

      1. Tom 7

        Re: Seriously?

        new major versions more frequently

        is that bug fixes, bad software design or drip feeding. When ms do it they're pilloried when apple do it they're cool?

        1. It wasnt me

          Re: Seriously?

          Apple don't charge you for it. MS want a metric fuckload of cash every 5 minutes.

          1. Giles Jones Gold badge

            Re: Seriously?

            Which is surely better than buying a handset every 6 months?

        2. Sirius Lee

          Re: Seriously?

          And by Fanbois speaking out of both sides of their mouths at the same time.

      2. Charles 9

        But consider the timing.

        IIRC Android 1.0 came out later than iOS1 or whatever they were called at the time. If Android has always been about a major revision behind from the beginning, then it could be argued that both are still evolving at about the same rate: Apple's only advantage has been a head start. Further, you can't just count the numbers in the major revisions but you have to look at what's underneath.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Seriously?

      They're just pointing out that Apple support is generally better. All users with a phone that is about 0-3 years old get the software updates, unlike Android users who either have to upgrade their phone or use community firmware.

      1. Da Weezil

        Re: Seriously?

        I have an Android because I WANT to use community software rather than the bloatware that came with the phone.

        I realise some Sheeple may fel secure in being in a walled garden but thats not for me.

        1. Frank Bough

          Re: Seriously?

          sheeple - good one

      2. g e

        Re: Seriously?

        Yet my wife's Galaxy2 had ICS made available to it by Vodafone. It's 18 months old.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Seriously?

      What, like vector based mapping? Sorry, I forgot that of Apple do anything, it categorically *not* innovative...

  6. Dan 55 Silver badge

    Google have done it again!

    They somehow have this knack of making the competition use ridiculous version numbers.

    1. JDX Gold badge

      Re: Google have done it again!

      yes, 6 is a ridiculous number.

      1. Craigness

        Re: Google have done it again!

        Ios6. Essex?

  7. AOD

    Sorry, can't talk right now...

    Hmm, some of those call handling options sound very similar to Profiles on older Nokia handsets

    I seem to remember an app on my E61 that would do pretty much everything described in terms of call handling/messaging etc and was location aware (granted via cell mast id rather than GPS but at least it didn't nag you to switch on wifi to improve accuracy ).

    Was very useful as it would switch profiles when you got into the office or back home or any other location you setup.

    Of course if Apple provided the relevant API access then 3rd party devs could have done the same some time ago.

    1. Lallabalalla

      Re: Sorry, can't talk right now...

      Yes, profiles was incredibly useful, had them on my old ericsson, and miss them greatly (now I've been reminded of them!).

      Wish they'd put *that* on iOS6!

    2. Craigness

      Re: Sorry, can't talk right now...

      That's good to see. It seems to be the only "new" feature which google/android doesn't already have, and I'd be mighty peeved if Apple were able to stop anyone "copying" it after nicking so much for themselves.

  8. Mondo the Magnificent

    Where's Redmond?

    No mention of Windows Mobile 8 at ADC?

    Why? Do Apple not see it as a tangible "threat" or did the ElReg article author have too much fun poking fun at the Chocolate Factory?

    1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

      Re: Where's Redmond?

      I think Apple might be having much the same thoughts about WM8 and many other commentators namely that it is irrelevant.

      The question then is...

      Are google & apple going to get their noses severely put out of joint by the 10 of millions of WM8 phones that are gonig to be sold in the next 12-15 months.

      somehow I don't think so. I think WM8 may get 10% of the market (thus filling the sector vacated by BB)

    2. Techs UK

      Re: Where's Redmond?

      Windows PHONE 8. although the numbers don't look any more significant when you call it the right thing. I'd really like it to be relevant to Apple, but it's not at the moment. There is a nod to it in the article, in that FB integration has been in it from the start (a lot of other stuff hasn't - I KNOW), but there is the balance of the device.

      I expect Redmond to keep mum about WP8 for a few more months - or does anyone know when we're likely to hear if they have anything to wow us with soon? E312 tells us we'll get a zune rebrand.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Where's Redmond?

        Some people will continue to call it WM8. At least, until you can show them where WP1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are.

  9. gribbler

    Google Maps

    "In addition, the Maps app is vector-based, making zooming and rotation smooth and seamless – and making Google Maps look oh-so last decade – and supporting a 3D Flyover mode with real-time rendering of buildings in select locations."

    Google Maps on Android have been vector based for some time ( It looks like Apple (quite reasonable) got upset with being offered an inferior service.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Google Maps

      PLEASE tell me Google is suing Apple for copying the vector based mapping.

      That would just make my day.


      1. The Baron

        Re: Google Maps

        Aye, looks like some of those roads have rounded corners!

  10. Pen-y-gors

    Patent pending?

    I assume they've patented all those wonderful new features?

  11. mrdalliard
    Thumb Down


    I'm really not sure about this integration with Facebook. Facebook usage is going to gradually shrink as they hack off more and more users to the point that having such integration in your phone is going to be as silly as sharing to BeBo or MySpace or Friends Reunited.

    It would have been better if they'd had a "Social Networking" button (or equivalent) and then used plug-ins for the site of your choice. That would have future-proofed against sites tanking after their IPO, although I guess they don't want too much interoperability with G+.....

    1. JDX Gold badge

      Re: Facebook?

      FaceBook isn't going anywhere in the lifetime of iOS6. I don't really want such a feature but millions will and since I never even noticed it had Twitter support built-in, I assume FaceBook support won't get in my way either.

    2. Craigness
      Thumb Up

      Re: Facebook?

      That button you mention is already in Android. It uses "intents" so that any app can be set up as a handler of various sharing methods or other actions. So sharing a URL to twitter, facebook, pinterest, friends reunited etc is nothing new to Android users, but we can choose which ones are in the list by installing only the apps we want. In addition, Facebook calendar events are already imported into my calendar and recent status updates appear in my contacts list. Well done for "innovating", apple!

  12. Mr Jolly
    Thumb Up

    Long sentence incoming....

    Perhaps the reason so many Android users are on an older version is because it works and does exactly what people want without needing to throw the whole thing away each year when the next release comes out with a pointless feature which doesn't work properly outside the US and which renders the older hardware obsolete requiring the whole piece of kit to be replaced?

    1. JDX Gold badge

      Re: Long sentence incoming....

      No it's because the carriers don't let you upgrade.

      Cue some nerd who thinks that because he upgraded his phone manually this means everyone is able to...

      1. Sirius Lee

        Re: Long sentence incoming....

        <<No it's because the carriers don't let you upgrade.>>

        Commenter must be from the US. Just clicked on the option to upgrade my phone to ICS while updating some app from the Google marketplace (or whatever they call it these days). Went smoothly.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Long sentence incoming....

          Not so much to do with being in the US or not - more pot luck based on your combination of country, device and carrier (if network-locked). With Android, you never really know when, or even IF, you'll get OS updates. Unlike Apple's controlled managed ecosystem, Android has so many parties with competing interests.

          Once Google release a new version, the handset companies then mess around with it to make it better/worse, then they have to work on the 'customised' builds for the carriers - that's assuming your carrier cares about supporting your existing phone. More often than not, the carrier would prefer you to buy a new phone and lock you into another 12 18 24 month contract.

          1. Craigness

            Re: Long sentence incoming....

            I'm on 2.3.5. Tell my why I'm missing out.

            1. M Gale

              Re: Long sentence incoming....

              Uhm.. face unlock (in some cases), reject-with-message, unlock-to-camera, and Google Play Music controls on the lock screen.

              Yeah I know, I can't think how those are really essential functions either. Most of them can be done with 3rd party apps in 2.x anyway.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Long sentence incoming....

        No, but Android users get the latest version of Google Maps through the market. IOS users have to do a 200mb download...

  13. Mark Wilson
    Thumb Down

    Easy to reject a call - big deal

    The difficulty rejecting calls from the lock screen has always bugged me as the screen only has the option to accept a call, if you press the power button once it silences it but does not reject it, if you press it twice, then it rejects it. How intuitive is that. So much better than pressing a hang up button like every other phone I have owned. And yes I do have an iPhone.

    Back sometime last millenium I had an old Panasonic that could do pretty much everything that these changes give you. Except that phone would allow you to do a partial lock which meant you could make calls to people in your contacts list anytime but needed to enter a code to dial a new number - great for a phone for the kids.

    This iOS6 seems to be more of a iOS5.1, what major things does it change? A new maps app, so exciting.

    1. g e

      Re: Easy to reject a call - big deal

      The Mr Number app on Android rejects all 'unknown caller' calls automatically for me... works a treat.

      Can be set all sorts of ways.

  14. Kristian Walsh

    Mapping providers...

    The core mapping and navigation software has been supplied to Apple by TomTom. [’s-Content ].

    TomTom's mapping data, in turn, comes from TeleAtlas. Who also provide Google with mapping for large chunks of the globe, so this is partly a case of cutting out the middleman.

    The 3D fly-by function is from Swedish company C3 Technologies, acquired by Apple several months ago. If you want to see this technology in action, have a look at ... just be prepared to waste half a day -- especially if you live in one of the cities with full 3D mapping.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I've only ever heard of Apple complaining about this, and they don't even develop for Android. Dare I say they're spreading FUD?

    Also, Google update core apps for older versions of Android anyway, where as Apple roll them into a whole new version of their OS. For example, a device with Android 2.2 will get the latest version of Google Maps, where as a Iphone older than the 3GS wont get the latest version of Apple's "new" mapping system.

    Furthermore, Apple is to a degree hiding it's own "fragmentation". Yes, the 3GS gets IOS 6, but it doesn't get the same feature set as the 4, or 4S. (Siri, anyone? It was working fine on the 3GS till Apple pulled it...)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Fragmentation

      No no no no no N0000!! You obviously don't understand what 'fragmentation' is. Don't worry though, a genius-wannabe will be along shortly to put you straight.

  16. BigAndos

    Will it work in the UK?

    Will new features like "turn by turn", and the rather mystifying "passbook", work in the UK? Apple is great at plastering the web with new features than turn out only to work in the USA. Siri is still so hobbled in the UK it is almost useless.

    1. You have not yet created a handle
      Thumb Up

      Re: Will it work in the UK?

      Turn by turn works in the UK - used it this morning. Haven't worked out what to do with passbook yet though - it just seems to be a holding screen for the app, much like the newstand was with iOS5

  17. Anonymous Coward

    Apple Maps

    Sorry, but I really can't see Apple being able to achieve even 10% of what Google Maps is.

    Sure they own PlaceBase and C3, nut neither of these have the resources to map every single street in every single country around the world.

    Whilst they may get similar 3D maps of major US cities (as Google are doing), they won't get ANYWHERE near the global mapping data of Google, which over global satellite maps, 3D maps, streetview and turn by turn navigation.

    Prepare for a downgrade Apple owners.

    1. mrh2

      Re: Apple Maps

      >> Sure they own PlaceBase and C3, nut neither of these have the resources to map every single street in every single country around the world.

      Surely Apple has more then enough resources to map anywhere Google has done so?

  18. g e

    I suggest...

    That re-supply that pie chart this time next year so we can see how many devices they 'obsoleted' from ios6.

    Apparently all ipad1's for a start, and I'm willing to bet only the 4s phone onwards gets #6 which is maybe why they released that incremental 'meh' version of the 4, to obsolete the rest this year with a new ios to hopefully force the shiny pavlovian massive to get the V5 phone so they could spout hyperbole.

    1. Henry Blackman

      Re: I suggest...

      Sadly IOS6 won't be working with the original iPad, and only 4th gen iPod Touch. However it will support all the way back to 3GS according to

  19. Alex Bailey

    But what about fixing what's broken?

    I can see a lot of things in iOS 6 that I think I will really like... but seeing this "eyes free" thing does make me a little mad.

    I've very much had this with my Nokia bluetooth hands free car kit for many years, it worked perfectly through iOS 4, the display telling me a whole load of things about the status of the network and my calls.

    Then comes iOS5 and suddenly half of that no longer works. Patiently waiting for the first patches made no difference and despite the many comments on the Apple Communities forum there is still no fix. My local Apple store fobbed me off telling me "it must be the Nokia, get them to upgrade it"... which they can't because it's not made to be able to do that! Sending feedback via their website has made no difference either.

    So, come on Apple, you have made some brilliant devices and have some fantastic ideas but how about listening to your customers and fixing what's broken?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: But what about fixing what's broken?

      Apple. Listening. Fantastic ideas.

      Are you talking about the same Apple Corp.?

  20. Lallabalalla

    Maps- Great if you're in the US?

    Can't see the UK versions being much better than diabolical though, especially live traffic and all that. Siri is worse than useless here still if you want to find anything local and I don't see that changing either.

    Or is there some reason why UK & Europe maps should be useable?

    1. Henry Blackman

      Re: Maps- Great if you're in the US?

      As they are using TomTom for global mapping, why wouldn't it work in the UK?

      They've never said Siri will work in the UK for location based services. So no problem there.

    2. Frank Bough

      Re: Maps- Great if you're in the US?

      TomTom HD traffic is pretty good in the UK - Google's traffic data is weird. Who knows which will work out best? I would imagine the crapload of iPhone traffic data will massively improve TomTom's dataset and we'll all benefit.

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Vector maps

    As others have said, Google Maps on Android has had vector maps for a couple of years now and made a big improvement to the performance of the app and allowed offline caching.

    1. M Gale

      Re: Vector maps

      What I would like to see is the option to "buy" Google Maps. Like, a paid-for version. I don't care how many gigabytes it would take to put all that lovely satellite imagery and vector mappage onto an SD card, I'd just like the option to use Maps without an Internet connection!

      Right now, the offline caching is a bit so-so. Only the vectors are pre-cached (so no satellite view), and you have to cache each journey as you plan it. Want to change plans halfway through the journey? Well, you need a network connection. In the middle of the M6 with a wifi-only device is not the best place for that.

      Oh well, I guess there's always CoPilot.

  22. David 138

    This OS release is another iPhone 4s. Lacks innovation and essentially its just catching up with android 2.3. Was it really worth a 6!!! 5.2 maybe?

    Honestly i was disappointed by this i thought they where going to fix the dated OS interface with something new and fresh. Had an iPad 3 for a bit but hated it, the OS was worthless.

    In face everything Apple has announced has been poor so far. The new Mac Pros look good, but that retina display is going to need some punch to push that many pixels no hight end games im afraid.

    Apple will be fine though the blind Fan boys are already lapping up the waste coming out of Apple heralding it to be the greatest innovation man has ever seen.

    On another note i hope car manufacturers have the sense to use NFC or something for the in car stuff. Limiting yourself to one phone with a Apple only connection seems like a poor move.

  23. Tony Paulazzo

    >According to Apple, most iOS devices are up-to-date. Android, not so much<

    I call FUD. Unless you include working iphones (original, 2, 3 etc) - and for ios6 you can now include the original ipad and iphone 4, compared to the fact that ICS was never designed to work on the older tech android phones like HTC Wildfire which are still widely in use. (NOTE: Wrote this before reading the comments).

    >Facebook integration<

    Thank the gods, because Zuckerbergs ios app (for ipad at least) is beyond useless, you still can't share other peoples posts, and you have to go on the website just to ensure what you posted in the app 'took'.

    >and what appear to be vastly improved Chinese-language capabilities<

    Our new BFF, and who are in no way guilty of human rights violation that would ensure the leaders burned in hell (if such existed), after death - let's just hope karma proves true.

    >Safari Updates...

    Jeez, finally a full screen option (via tap no less), well done Apple, only taken you three years to do this - still no touch options to navigate (like swipe right quickly to go back a page), maybe ios7, eh?

    1. Frank Bough

      surely liking someone else's post is the same as sharing it?

  24. Anonymous Coward

    "the Maps app is vector-based, making zooming and rotation smooth and seamless – and making Google Maps look oh-so last decade"

    Hasn't Google maps has been vector based since, erm, the last decade?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Oh I see everyone is all over that one already. I don't suppose it will stop Apple patenting it though.

    2. Charles 9

      Hard to say.

      Because when I first fire up Google Maps, it sometimes shows me a pixelated map screen. Pixelization ONLY comes from RASTER maps. So I suspect Google is in a hybrid state: raster base maps, vector maps in places as well as vector map guides and so on.

      1. M Gale

        Re: Hard to say.

        The satellite imagery is obviously bitmapped. The roads - that you'll be using to navigate by - are vectors.

        You can switch to a vectors-only mode if you want Maps to look like a TomTom.

  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "making Google Maps look oh-so last decade"

    They've got ALOT of work to do to make the iPhone not look so oh-so-last-century, with its naff glass and steel (dodgy pre2000 kitchens look and feel)

    No wonder they are developing iOS6. After all iOS5< was just rubbish. Apple do seem to have some good ideas but not many, and not many NEW (i.e. not someone else's regurgitated) ideas.

    1. Z80

      Quick tip:

      If you're one of those numpties who think "alot" is a word, don't highlight the fact in capital letters.

    2. Frank Bough

      yeah, I'm SO over glass and stainless steel - give me the luxurious textured plastic of a Samsung Galaxy any day of the week.

      seriously, people who criticise iPhones like this tell us so much more about themselves than they do about iPhones.

  26. Nev

    Phone app "improvements"...

    ...Stuff that standard voicemail/handsets has been offering for the past 15 years. Sheesh.

    My operator even lets me listen in to people leaving messages on my voicemail and pick up, whilst they are leaving a message, after screening who it is/what they want.

    C'mon Apple. INNOVATE!

    1. chr0m4t1c

      Re: Phone app "improvements"...

      Maybe I missed something, but which mobile operators/handsets allow you to listen to a voicemail message while it's being left and then decide to take the call anyway?

      There's an awkward problem here; your landline phone handles the voicemail itself, whereas the mobiles have to do it in the network because the phone is more likely to be off the network.

      Technically there's no reason why the phone (any phone) couldn't do this, but you would then need some good integration at the network end to avoid ending up with both "online" and "offline" messages to listen to - ok, that's not the end of the world, but it's something I would find a massive pain in a fairly short amount of time.

      Ultimately, you have three problems:

      1) Persuading network operators to spend money on their end.

      2) Making the whole thing standard so you don't have to match handsets to systems.

      3) Persuading a reasonable number of handset/OS manufacturers to support the standard & make it work.

      Seems like a huge amount of work for minimal gain, but if you're drowning in cash feel free to create all of this; I can't see anyone else bothering.

  27. Watashi


    I don't think I've ever seen a more meaningless set of statistics than the "Installed base" figures supplied by Apple. My Galaxy Ace, which I got in Feb and is currently available for free on Vodafone for £15 a month, runs fine on Android 2.3. As it's a bottom of mid range phone I wouldn't expect it to run v4 of Android. The cheapest new iPhone I could have got is the iPhone 4, available at £36 a month on Vodafone, and I'd be pretty p*ssed off if it didn't support the latest version of iOS.

    Look at the market and these figures tell you only one thing:- companies offer cheap mobiles that run older versions of Android and expensive mobiles that run the new version of Android. You might as well say that the average Jaguar owner has a bigger engine in their car than the average Ford owner.

    1. Henry Blackman

      Re: iTards

      Why not let 'cheap' phones run the latest and greatest. The 3GS will run IOS6 according to Apple. How on earth can you justify cheap Android phones are better because they run older software is beyond anyone with any common sense. The 3GS is free remember.

      1. M Gale

        3GS, free?

        Tell me where. I want 10.

        Oh, "free" on contract. Ho hum.

        So about 500 quid then.

  28. Robert Caldecott

    iOS6 map compared to a Google Map...

    ...of Kings Cross, London. The Google one is in a different league IMHO.

    (thanks to @corxo)

  29. LawLessLessLaw

    I thought the future was Twatter ?

    Ideas running short

  30. Gil Grissum


    It would be great if they redid Siri's voice so she actually sounds like a woman instead of a neutered hermaphrodite. I will not be using any of that Facebook sharing nonsense and have no need of adding anyone's Facebook info to my Address book. I do not need any more Facebook integration than I have no. All FB notifications are turned off and shall remain that way indefinitely.

  31. Anonymous Coward

    One word.







  32. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Apple is only managing to avoid fragmentation by making its users believe they must have the latest hardware. Once Apple has released a ew more device updates it will be pretty fragmented too and will probably stop supporting older devices to force upgrades of hardware so that it can continue claim to have the least fragmentation.

    1. Henry Blackman

      Re: Fragmentation

      Or actually supporting old devices.

    2. chr0m4t1c

      Re: Fragmentation

      In case you haven't noticed, they stopped supporting older devices quite a while ago, but as they're supporting devices up to three years old, I'm not sure how far back you would expect them to go anyway.

      I have no idea how many pre-3GS devices are still out there being used, but how many HTC Dream/T-Mobile G1 phones are still being used today? (They would be around the same age as the next oldest iPhone, the 3G.)

      Any news on ICS availability for the original Droid (about the same age as the 3GS)?

      Don't forget, these announcements are from a DEVELOPER conference, fragmentation is likely to be a significant headache for quite a few of them and Apple's ability to move 80% of their user base onto the latest OS in such a short space of time is not to be scoffed at; most other vendors dream of being able to do that (esp. Microsoft).

      But of course you are correct, the iOS space is already getting quite fragmented with it's one release of OS and four screen resolutions you need to target to hit 80% of the users.

      It's barely any better than the Android space where you have a choice of 12 screen resolutions from the current HTC range alone. Not.

      For some developers this will be no problem, but for others it will be a nightmare.

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