back to article Mr Sulu causes DDoS panic after posting link on Facebook

Star Trek hero George Takei unleashed such a wave of interest after posting a link on his Facebook page – to a website which was selling a 'Takei T-shirt' – that the site's ISP assumed that the traffic was a DDoS attack and took the site down for several hours. The Star Trek star posted a link to a gay-pride T-shirt with a …


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  1. Christoph

    What, they didn't make the obvious comment?

    The Web Servers canna take it Captain!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What, they didn't make the obvious comment?

      The web servers canna Takei-it

      /I'll get me coat

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: What, they didn't make the obvious comment?

        It's a DDoS attack Jim, but not as we know it

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Paris Hilton

      Re: What, they didn't make the obvious comment?


      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        @Big Dumb Gay

        I see you still can't find the caps unlock key, maybe it's dark in that closet.

  2. M Gale

    "This is the first time I heard a malfunction threaten us."

    See title.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Star Trek: Spock's Brain (1968)

    Sulu: Ship's Log, Lieutenant Sulu recording. I am holding the Enterprise in orbit about planet Sigma Draconis VII. Captain Kirk's hunch that Spock's brain is on this planet appears to be correct. Ensign Chekov remains on the surface to act as liaison between the Captain and the Enterprise.

    With line like that what can you say?

  4. Anonymous Coward

    We have / had the slashdot effect

    Now I guess we can add the "Sulu effect" to that list as well.

    1. laird cummings

      Re: We have / had the slashdot effect

      Beat me to it. :-/

      Call it the "Oh Myyyy."

      Tech: Site's gone down. May not be back up for quite some time.

      Manager: Why?

      Tech: Oh Myyy.

  5. IglooDude

    "The shirts feature a range of puntastic gay-rights slogans playing on the name of the star, who played Hikaru Sulu, Captain of the USS Excelsior in the first Star Trek series and six Star Trek films."

    No, Hikaru Sulu was navigator on the Enterprise in the first Star Trek series.

    *sob* I can't believe I typed that correction...

    1. BillG

      I Canna Stop Myself

      Sulu was NOT Captain of the USS Excelsior in the first Star Trek series, he was the Chief Helmsman of the U.S.S. Enterprise..

      I could not stop myself from typing that correction. I tried, I really tried, I just couldn't help myself.

      Chief Helmsman of the U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701. No bloody A, B, C, or D.

    2. John 104


      I can't believe you had to on this site.... Such a shame...

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Whaddaya expect....

      "The shirts feature a range of puntastic gay-rights slogans playing on the name of the star, who played Hikaru Sulu, Captain of the USS Excelsior in the first Star Trek series"

      What do you expect from a girl, eh?

    4. Arctic fox

      @IglooDude The only reason I did not post a correction myself is because reading............

      .............reading that part of the article induced a catatonic state from which I have only just recovered. This is however, not the first time they have sinned so grievously. In the following article they were apparently unaware that Majel Barrett-Roddenberry played Nurse Chapel* in TOS. ( According to them the good lady was, in practice, only well known for the voice of the ST computer. How did they let that through, are they unaware of the geek ratio here? There are certainly people posting here who can manage whole episodes by heart and some of them can probably speak Cardassian never mind Klingon - what were they thinking about?

      *Or for that matter Deanna Troi's mother Lwaxana in STNG.

      1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

        Re: @IglooDude The only reason I did not post a correction myself is because reading............

        Not forgetting the role of First Officer in the original pilot...

        1. Arctic fox
          Thumb Up

          Re:"Not forgetting the role of First Officer in the original pilot."

          No indeed. -:)


  6. Anonymous Coward

    Sulu was NEVER a Captain in the Original Series

    Only in one of the later films did he attain command rank, (The Undiscovered Country??)

    As well as ST-TOS, he has picked up a lot of fans from appearing in TBBT.

    "DOH!", because not knowing your Trek is like admitting you are cool.... err..... or something.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Now that's asking for it...getting a Star Trek fact wrong...

    Did you say "Hikaru Sulu, Captain of the USS Excelsior in the first Star Trek series and six Star Trek films"? Did you really say that? Did you really really say that, on a website designed for geek eyeballs? He was Captain of the Excelsior in TOS? I think you meant to say Helmsman of the USS Enterprise. I think you did.


      Re: Now that's asking for it...getting a Star Trek fact wrong...

      All it takes is one missing comma to turn Churchill and Stalin into strippers.

  8. Midnight

    Followup story

    The Register writer Anna Leach unleashed such a wave of nerd-rage after posting a statement on – mistating that Hikaru Sulu was the Captain of the Excelsior in the Star Trek series rather than only in "Star Trek VI: The Captain Sulu Movie" – that the site's ISP assumed that the traffic was a DDoS attack and took the site down for several hours.

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Followup story

      Is that the same Register which starred as the Main Accumulator in the first series of the Lyons Electronic Office?

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Feel Good story.

    While I can understand the love of an old theatre. What I don't understand is why people can't put the same energy into things which would fix our respective countries.

    1 Expose Globalist UN Agenda 21 ties to local, state, and federal offices and people, and NGO's

    2. Hire bounty hunters for banksters

    3. Fix Fukushima (dont need the UN for that!)

    4. Expose poisons in our food, water. Gmo's, flouride, radioactivity, etc.

    5 Remove Monarchy (UK) Remove DHS, and Restore Constitution (US)

    6 Arrest the fed and all the oath breakers

    I can think of a lot of things more important than a theatre in San Diego, which won't matter if Fukushima gets worse.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Feel Good story.

      7. Force paranoid lunatics to go back into their caves and stop posting drivel on the internet....

    2. John Bailey

      Re: Feel Good story.

      Off you go then.. We were just waiting for you to lead us.

      1. Peter2

        Re: Feel Good story.

        If there was a choice of abolishing the Monarchy in Great Britain or abolishing Parliament then I think the politicians would be a lot more worried about the outcome than the Queen would be.

        We like her. We don't like politicians.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Feel Good story.

          Which is why the monarchy is not getting abolished. We'd have to trust the politicians to do it properly.

          1. Glyn 2

            Bwa ha ha

            They can't sort out the tax rate on pasties, what chance have they got on firing the queen

  10. Shonko Kid

    From the article and comments, we can deduce 2 things;

    1) Anna Leach is a real actual girl.

    2) El Reg readers are indeed male geeks in their mid-30s to late-40s.

    1. charlie-charlie-tango-alpha

      Re: From the article and comments, we can deduce 2 things;

      late 50s...

      1. Oldfogey

        Re: From the article and comments, we can deduce 2 things;

        Early sixties.

        1. Oldfogey

          Re: From the article and comments, we can deduce 2 things;

          And a fanatical devotion to the pope

          From the article and comments we can deduce 3 things

        2. DrTechnical

          Re: From the article and comments, we can deduce 2 things;

          Sadly ... yes. I watched it in all its original-run glory in the late 60s. That makes me ... Early sixties.

        3. Gazareth

          Re: From the article and comments, we can deduce 2 things;

          Early 30's.

    2. cosymart

      Re: From the article and comments, we can deduce 2 things;

      Anna "To boldly go where no man has gone before".

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: From the article and comments, we can deduce 2 things;

      Actually we can deduce 3 things...

      She is blonde.

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Paris Hilton

      Re: From the article and comments, we can deduce 2 things;

      I object to statement 2.

      Some of us are in fact aliens, damn sexy ones too as all asari are.

    5. Spanners

      Re: From the article and comments, we can deduce 2 things;

      Early fifties

    6. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: From the article and comments, we can deduce 2 things;

      The sad thing is if they are not Treckies their will be fracking BSG fans.

      Mine is the one with the Viper badge on the sleeve.

    7. This post has been deleted by its author

    8. cordwainer 1

      Re: From the article and comments, we can deduce 2x(leach÷π) things;

      2a) and female geeks

      ...(iii) [or possibly (iv)] in their early 50s.

      BTW, this particular female's first real date, at age 13, was with a guy who invited her to a Star Trek convention. I wouldn't have gone out with him otherwise. But a free Trek convention, and a sold-out one at that? I said yes immediately. No, I hadn't yet grown out of hypocritical selfish-child mode.

      I now do penance for that sin by confessing before the entire Reg readership...until I read this article, I thought Sulu's first name was "Mr."

      Lash away,


  11. dssf

    Re-Sis-Stance is



  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It could have been worse, she could have said "Solo" from the Man from Uncle or even Su Lui the Mother in law of Henry Fonda or Su Li a character from Harry Potter. At least she got Star Wars right ;)

  13. Anonymous Coward

    Su Li?? Why mention my wife??

    She prefers to be called Jasmin these days anyway :-)

    Anna, we dont blame you, we blame the editor for not spotting the obvious (to a man), mistake.

    Girls like babies and Men like Trek, it is a well known fact.

    Mine's a Romulan Ale, thanks.

    1. Francis Boyle

      Girls like babies and Men like Trek

      You're forgetting all that slash fiction I'm afraid.

  14. Thomas Gray

    DD OS

    AKA Windows Ramones....

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oh well played.


    1. Spoonsinger

      Re: Oh well played.

      Can't believe you went there, but you did and should be saluted - probably. Mind in the back of your mind you did really want to do some "Klingon's on the forward bow" type comment, but as an AC it might of been too much of a risk.

  16. Homer 1

    More double entendre opportunities than Captain Pugwash

    "More power to the aft thrusters"

    "If I give her any more she'll blow"


  17. DrTechnical

    The whole thing can be easily fixed with some Bear Skins and Stone Knives. Just ask Sulu to ask Spock about it. Oh, and don't forget to bring home a tote-sack full of vacuum tubes/valves as well, you never know when you're going to need them.

  18. DryBones
    Thumb Up

    Alternative Title...

    George Takei Fans Get Shirty, Knock Over Website

  19. Jacqui

    GT on BBT

    In the erotic dreams of Howard Wolowitz. FWIHH he has a wicked sense of humor.

    Regarding Howard himself

  20. Alan Brown Silver badge

    In 1964

    Persil made your husband gay, Rock Hudson was a man's man, sexuality issues were uptight and drug references were rife.

    Now we're open about sexuality (but not as open as in the 1970s) and in denial about drug issues. Where does the pendulum go next?

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