Re: IP IS Theft
Just... wow.
You really have no clue at all how Copyright laws came about in the first place, do you? If you did, you sure as hell wouldn't have included Shakespeare in your list. Also "the wheel" is not IP. It's a tangible, physical invention, not a piece of music.
And as for Open Source: you do realise that the GPL relies heavily on the very concept of IP, right? Without IP laws, the GNU's GPL—and all those other "CopyLeft" and similar licenses—wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on! How can you attach strings to source code without the laws that permit you to attach such strings in the first place?
You're confusing Open Source with Public Domain, which is where copyrighted works end up once their copyright protection expires. Hell, the Public Domain is why you can read everything Shakespeare wrote for free, courtesy of the Gutenberg Project and the like.
Before IP laws existed, art was subject to the patronage system: rich bastards would pay artists to make stuff for them. Stuff that NOBODY ELSE WAS ALLOWED SEE WITHOUT THE PATRON'S PERMISSION. All those museums you see today? The vast majority only date back as far as the 1800s—i.e. AFTER the creation of IP laws.
Many began simply as private collections that were bequeathed to the public by the wealthy magnates who built them. Until that bequeathing, those collections were private. The hoi polloi were NOT allowed in. So if you think ditching IP laws is such a grand idea, I hope you have a better alternative than patronage by wealthy businessmen (and businesses themselves).
Imagine a world where Warren Buffett or Richard Branson were the only people willing to pay for quality workmanship and the artisans needed to create it. Imagine if, whenever you, Joe Random Public, wanted to go hear the latest songs by some famous musician, you were told to bugger off by the butler at the musician's patron's front door?
Mozart was sponsored. As were many of his peers. Even Michelangelo got paid for his work on the Sistine Chapel. He sure as hell didn't work his arse off on it for free.