back to article Facebook tests parental-guidance tools in plan to pull in under-13s

Facebook is testing ways to open its social network to kids under the current cut-off age of 13. Many pre-teens will typically circumvent Facebook's sloppy screening process by simply lying about their age during the sign-up process. Facebook has acknowledged this widespread action by children under the age of 13 and is …


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  1. Only me!

    Two accounts for the price of one!

    So now all the under 13's will require 2 facebook for Mum & Dad (Update status....At School...Maths next great!!!) and one to communicate with their army of on-line "Friends".......great way to increase the number of accounts too......

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Two accounts for the price of one!

      On the other hand - that probably teaches them more about computer security and online privacy than their parents know

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Cynical and Manipulative

      This is a purely cynical way to target children with advertising, because the younger you can get them the better you can train them to be receptive to Adverts.

      Cynical and manipulative..

      And when it all goes wrong, who do they blame?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    kids adverts

    All I currently seem to get is ads for PPI claims, credit cards, singles dating sites (even though FB know I'm married), and moronic adverts that tell me to like a page so I can try their product or enter a competition. Can't see how they think kids will boost their revenue unless they're hoping they'll just click on adverts

    1. Colin Millar

      Re: kids adverts

      Won't boost their revenues when the follow through rate falls and the metrics collapse. Advertisers will leave in droves - GM won't be the first to spot that the emperor is butt nekked

    2. GoGlen

      Re: kids adverts

      They know you're married. This is *exactly* why you are getting dating ads. Many dating sites earn a lot from married folks looking for a "little extra something". Some, like ashleymaddison, are completely open about it.

  3. John70

    Under 13's

    My nephew is 10, he uses it as well as his class mates.

    Like the story says so much for the age-verification process during sign up.

    1. JDX Gold badge

      Re: Under 13's

      So might as well accept this will happen and get parents to preempt it by setting up a monitored account. If the link automatically severs on the 13th (or whatever age) birthday this could be a neat solution.

    2. ItsNotMe

      "My nephew is 10, he uses it..."

      And your nephew's parents should be horse whipped for allowing him to use it. Better yet...sterilized might be more appropriate.

  4. Big_Ted

    Ah but

    I keep reading that FB is not cool with kids any more and they are turning to twitter instead.

    Add to it that their parents would have access to their account and you know they will not bother in the future.

    Well done FB your close to 1 billion users is about to drop big time......

    1. iGoto

      Re: Ah but

      keep reading that FB is not cool with kids any more and they are turning to twitter instead.

      ^ This

      Definitely noticed a shift away from FB in the last 9 months or so by the teen relatives in our family. Was surprised to see them pop up on twitter more and more. Seems to give them a better voice and connect with more people in a way that FB doesn't allow them to.

    2. GoGlen

      Re: Ah but

      My wife's cousin (we call her our "niece" as she is young enough to be our daughter, just entered college) is visiting.

      Apparently, FB & even Twitter are "yesterday". She's all about Tumblr. With me in my 40's, I know less about that, than Twitter - which I've no interest in. Ironically, I've a Computer Sciences degree (UT Austin), and have worked for IBM, Intel, HP, etc, as a "systems analyst". I just choose to disconnect when I leave work!

      I'm still getting the hang of text messages ;)

  5. Jelliphiish

    get em while theiy're young

    tried and tested.. se Roman Catholic Church for examples.

  6. Khaptain Silver badge

    So sad

    This is something very disturbing and very sad about under 13s spending their days on FB.

    Behind the scenes it means that someone will be seriously targetting very young kids for marketing purposes.

    As mentioned above, the various Religions have been doing it for years, now it's MZs turn.

    1. turnip handler
      Thumb Down

      Re: So sad

      "Behind the scenes it means that someone will be seriously targetting very young kids for marketing purposes."

      You mean like all the advertising currently targeting children! See any children's TV channel, magazine or even youth activity sponsorship. Why is web advertsing more evil than the other forms of advertising??

      Given that there are plenty of sites currently aimed at children under 13 out there, ranging from CBBC to Moshi Monsters. Is a Facebook really that much worse?

  7. Pete 2 Silver badge

    The hardest part ...

    > access the site under parental supervision

    ... Isn't preventing children from access the internet (or FB, whichever is more "interesting" to them). The biggest obstacle is overcoming parental indifference. Maybe the easiest way to force parents to take an interest in the doings of their offspring (and maybe cleaning the 'net up as a beneficial sideeffect) is to somehow require the family credit card to be registered against little jonny's FB account. That way, even if those responsible for him/her don't feel the inclination to perform their duties, the possibility of all their benefits beer-money draining away might appeal to their venal instincts and lead to the desired effect.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Honest, officer! She said she was 18!

    ('Running bear' icon required)

  9. Anonymous C0ward

    Yes, the preteen market can be lucrative for advertisers.

    And as evil as this might sound, is it any more evil than existing FB advertising to teens/adults plus existing TV advertising to children?

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Advertising to children

    Is opening a service for children with the primary intent of advertising to children legal?

    1. Old Handle

      Re: Advertising to children

      Yes it is (in the US.)

  11. Alan Brown Silver badge

    They have adverts on Facebook?

    I've never noticed.....

    As for the kiddiewinks lying about their age, it's hardly something confined to FB.

  12. Arfur Smiff


    I thought they were going to figure out a way for the over thirteens to use it.

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