back to article Microsoft and Nokia dub Google troll moan 'desperate', 'frivolous'

Nokia has labelled Google's patent trolling complaint to the EU "frivolous" and "wrong" while Microsoft said the move was a "desperate tactic". Google said last night that it had filed a complaint with the European Commission claiming that Nokia and Microsoft colluded to raise mobile prices by sending out patent trolls to do …


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  1. Anonymous Coward


    Android marketshare: 70%

    Microsoft Phone marketshare <1%

    Surely the only desperate people here, are Nokrosoft, with this weeks "burning platform".

    Microsoft and Nokia have earned the Shitpeas Epic Fail of the week award. Congratulations, your prize is in the post, just as soon as my lunch has made it's way though my digestive tract.

    1. dogged

      Re: Desperate?

      You failed to read the article Barry.

      Android market share is precisely the reason MS gave for calling this action "desperate".

      Fail troll has failed.

      1. Arctic fox

        @dogged. Re: "You failed to read the article Barry."

        He manages to get the wrong end of the stick (accidental on purpose like) so often that it is IMHO a waste of time trying to point it out to him. Though kudos/respect for trying.

    2. sabroni Silver badge

      Re: Desperate?

      if only you were 70% as funny as the real mister shitpeas...

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Desperate?

      Odd that you often complain about people working for MS in Reading (why is it needed to mention that they're in Reading? Odd that.) and their supposed posting in threads about Win Phone, when it's invariably you who's the first poster. Is there a Register update app for Android that I don't know about?

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: Desperate?

        It's called RSS. It's been around for about 20 years....

  2. HollyHopDrive


    I don't remember (and I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong) google actually *starting* any patent fight, they usually retaliate *after* somebody poked them.

    Not saying they are angels btw, just an observation from the sidelines.

    MS/Nokia are on the offensive rather than defensive, imho.

    1. dogged

      Re: Actually.....


      Could you explain that? Are MS or Nokia suing Google anywhere?

      If so, I missed it.

      (Note - Motorola Mobility case was launched before Google bought Moto so that one doesn't count).

      1. g e

        Re: Actually.....

        Umm read the article.

        They claimed they wouldn't, now they bunged the patents to someone else who is. All Google needs do is show Nokisoft has any involvement in these companies to seriously improve their cry of foul and I'm sure Google have done their homework.

        Google likes homework.

        1. Ginger

          Re: Actually.....

          I find this a bit wierd. Nokia claimed/pledged/promised they wouldn't file patents against Linux kernel and now it's being used as evidence? How about google's pledge not to do evil?

          These aren't contracts. They're public statements of intent and hence are only valid until they change their mind.

          1. Paul Shirley


            I'd bet on the Nortel patents being part of this (we have few details of the complaint), either directly or as a logical extension of the regulators opinion of that deal.

            Before the pool of companies were allowed to buy Nortels patents they had to undertake not to use them offensively, that *is enforceable* and a proper use of competition authorities if they break the spirit of the undertaking - which they have for the Nortel patents.

            Even without any binding undertakings Google probably believe the EU authorities may find the same dodge unpalatable. Unfortunately the corporate friendly US authorities have already bent over for their Microsoft masters.

            If nothing else it adds to the pressure to nuke this entire troll industry.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Actually.....

        @hollyhopdrive: Google haven't started any fights because when it comes to patent battles they're the skinny kid with thick glasses hiding behind a lunch box. I.e. they'd end up badly beaten and handing over their dinner money.

        Think about it: google's business is advertising. They've only been into operating systems (android) for a few years, and android is mostly linux and java, neither of which google invented. Their actual 'inventions' are therefore very limited. Compare that to MS and apple (and even nokia) who've been doing this stuff for decades - they have a *massive* advantage.

        @dogged: Nokia, MS, apple, and a whole lot of smaller companies are suing, but they're going for the OEMs rather than google. That's because the OEMs actually build and ship the devices, actually implement the patents, and actually receive money from the sales.

        Think of these companies in terms of rival drug gangs. They can go take out some rival crack dealers, stopping the rival gang from supplying the market and bringing in instant cash, or they can go after the banker who's financing them but doesn't hold any actual product. You take over the streets first, but you keep an eye on that banker for the long term plan.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Actually.....

          > Google haven't started any fights because when it comes to patent battles they're the skinny kid with thick glasses hiding behind a lunch box. I.e. they'd end up badly beaten and handing over their dinner money.

          Oracle thought that was true and they just got their heads kicked in. I guess the skinny kid knows karate or something.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Actually.....

            Oracle thought that was true and they just got their heads kicked in. I guess the skinny kid knows karate or something.

            They didn't get their heads kicked in, Oracle went after them with claims the judge didn't agree with. If someone else comes after Google with claims a judge does agree with, Google's small patent portfolio outside of Internet search could present a real problem for them, as it makes a cross licensing deal a non-starter.

            1. Vic

              Re: Actually.....

              > They didn't get their heads kicked in

              Yeah, they did...


      3. James Gibbons

        Re: Actually.....

        MS collects $5 to $15 for every Android Phone. How'd they do that?

        MS likes to give money to others and let them do the dirty work like the SCO/Linux fight. This is just more of the same.

      4. zanto

        Re: Actually.....

        mosaid keeps 1/3rd of the troll money. the rest is shared between micros~1 and the burning platform.

        so actually this is about paying the bully to do your dirty work for you.

  3. TeeCee Gold badge

    Come again?

    So, let's get this straight.

    1) Nokia promise not to sue using their patents.

    2) Nokia flog their patents to a patent troll so they now no longer control them.

    3) Patent troll sues Google.

    4) Google blame Microsoft?

    That one's straight out of the department of tinfoil hats. You could possibly criticise Nokia for not making their earlier promises incumbent on the troll in the terms of the sale, but MS?

    1. Magnus_Pym

      Re: Come again?

      1. Microsoft is allowed by the various monopolies watchdogs round the world to buy into Nokia as long as they don't use Nokia's dominance in the communications IP arena to stifle competition.

      2. Nokia IP get flogged to third party to do the stifling for them.

      3. Google calls foul.

      1. Arctic fox
        Thumb Down

        @Magnus_Pym, RE: "to buy into Nokia "

        Sorry old chap. When did MS buy a shareholding in Nokia? As far as I am aware they have a commercial agreement between them, not the one "buying into" the other company. If you have some new information in this regard to share with us, please do post the link concerned.

        1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge
          Big Brother

          Re: @Magnus_Pym, RE: "to buy into Nokia "

          My take on the subject is that MS is biding their time until the Nokia share price dips below $1/share. Then Balmer will swoop, buy the company lock stock and Finnish Sauna. Then he'll retire and Elop will take over the reings on a crumbling empire.

    2. swanny78

      Re: Come again?

      5) Microsoft still earn more revenue per Android device sold than WinPho. Who's looking stupid now. Back in your box Google!!!

      1. Mikel

        Re: Come again?

        From the looks of things, Microsoft is in the hole several $hundred in marketing, engineering money for every WP handset sold.

    3. zanto

      Re: Come again?

      microsoft controls nokia much in the same way bush controlled blair during eye-rak-2, it wasn't formal or in black and white, however it was obvious enough to anyone who didn't have their head stuck up their arse.

      besides, mosaid is supposed to split the loot 3 ways between themselves, microsoft and their lackeys from finland.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Spreading the shit

    I believe google are the current record holders for current, on-going anti-trust investigations thanks to their recent purchase of Motorola - in fact the motorola action is all about patent abuse, so the pot is most definitely blacker than Cole.

    So, what to do.. being the current market abuse champ doesn't look good, and people might think you don't really mean it when you say "don't be evil". Solution? Spread the shit, try and get some other companies investigated!

    I think this will likely get kicked out. The barnes + noble anti-trust complaint was dismissed as being 'without merit' already, and it's one of the main things google are pointing to.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. eulampios

      Re: Spreading the shit

      Hey Chris, when did Google last time sue anyone for patent infringement?

    3. VinceH

      Re: Spreading the shit

      "in fact the motorola action is arguably all about defending against patent abuse"

      There. Fixed it for you.

  5. ukgnome

    Naughty Step

    Someone should take away the toys - all companies are not playing nice.

  6. g e

    Not a Google fan

    I'm sure Google wants to own the world as much as anyone else but I think as an organisation they're generally smarter, understand the long game better and don't start an argument without checking their facts.

    As for antitrust investigations all the big companies have their share of that stuff, often instigated by the childish foot-stamping of their competitors, it's how many large companies think you do business these days. Didn't help Oracle, did it.

  7. Magnus_Pym


    If two guys in the street pull guns and start shooting at each other it doesn't mean no law has been broken because they both do it. And it doesn't mean there will be no collateral damage to those nearby.

    If these companies can't be trusted to use their IP safely they should have it taken off them and put on a high shelf where they can't reach until they have grown up.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Nokia Share Price Info

    12 Months Ago : $6.69

    Now: $2.64

    Google 12 Months ago : $525.60

    Now :$570.82

    Looks to me it's Nokia in shit street and not Google. For all those people who bought a WP7 phone and saying how good it is there is a meeting being held on the A49/A513 crossroads phone box.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Nokia Share Price Info

      12 months isn't really a fair time span.

      Go back to before the Burning Platform announcement, and then compare.


      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Nokia Share Price Info

        Yep here you go updated:

        10 Sep 2010 (Elop's appointment date) $9.94

        10 Sep 2010 Google $476.14

  9. Jeebus

    Notice the Anonymous Pro-Google are out in force, not reading the article and furrowing their brows in a vain attempt to understand the very simple situation.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Oh Really ?

      Looks like MS are up to their old SCO tricks here using a third party. Seems to me your missing the simple situation here.

      1. Jeebus

        Re: Oh Really ?

        I also like how they assume I'm an MS fanboy because Google are full of shit and for some reason they feel an attachment to a company that hates them.

        Tough break junior, I have no time for any of these companies. I'd be just as lollery when Ballmer cops it as when Jobs did, to put it in a way you might understand.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Oh Really ?

          @Jeebus: You laughed at someone's death? Wow. I had no fondness of Jobs, but I wouldn't actually laugh because he died.

        2. Spanners

          Re: Oh Really ?

          @jeebus you laughed when Jobs died? What a nice person you are. /sarcasm

          I have never bought an iPad or iPhone and intend to keep it that way. I dislike the iShinyShiny image and all but to laugh at someone slowly dying of cancer? That is just foul.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Google are ace!

    When do I get paid?

  11. Big_Ted

    Oh dear

    Nokia........"We wont use these patents against anyone"

    Nokia...... "Shit the share price is dropping we need cash, quick sale those patents we can't make money on"

    Mosaid......."Ooooo lookie, nice patents.......Kaching......."

    Google......."Wait a minute, this looks fishy to us"

    Google......"MS, Nokia etc demanding the EU should investigate us over patents we don't even own.....right bitch set the EU on them too...."

    Seems about right to me, we all know IP is the new cash cow and Nokia knew they couldn't make money from them so sold them for as much as Mosaid was willing to pay. Mosaid like ll patent trolls are only interested in raking in money from other peoples work without any effort at all.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Oh dear

      You forgot the big about the HUGE payments that Microsoft make to Nokia on a regular basis. I don't think anyone can explain what they are about...

      I suspect they fit in this jigsaw of devious tactics somewhere.

  12. Ommoti

    Baldly or Boldly?

    Nokia had even more to say on the complaint, stating baldly that Google was just plain wrong

    Do people in Finland have trouble growing hair?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Baldly or Boldly?


  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I hope Satan and the Grim Reaper go back to Hell

    That's Steve Ballmer and Steve Elop farting sulphur and being swallowed back by the Darkness where they come from...

  14. Mikel

    This one article is about Nokia

    But RIM is self-destructing too. Google should buy those patents on the cheap while they can - unless they're already licensed to the Evil Twins. This is all-out war.

    And since Microsoft and Nokia are about this spinning off of patent trolls strategy, that's what Google should do with them - only instead of one patent troll, a horde. Maximize the value by dividing up the patent weapons into a host of little patent trolls to harass the enemy on every front. Because the courts won't hear more than a few patent claims by any one party at a time anyway because the issues are too complex.

    That should keep the lawyers busy and the courts full the world over while Google's main force goes about the business of building us amazing technology wonders.

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