Re: Actually.....
@hollyhopdrive: Google haven't started any fights because when it comes to patent battles they're the skinny kid with thick glasses hiding behind a lunch box. I.e. they'd end up badly beaten and handing over their dinner money.
Think about it: google's business is advertising. They've only been into operating systems (android) for a few years, and android is mostly linux and java, neither of which google invented. Their actual 'inventions' are therefore very limited. Compare that to MS and apple (and even nokia) who've been doing this stuff for decades - they have a *massive* advantage.
@dogged: Nokia, MS, apple, and a whole lot of smaller companies are suing, but they're going for the OEMs rather than google. That's because the OEMs actually build and ship the devices, actually implement the patents, and actually receive money from the sales.
Think of these companies in terms of rival drug gangs. They can go take out some rival crack dealers, stopping the rival gang from supplying the market and bringing in instant cash, or they can go after the banker who's financing them but doesn't hold any actual product. You take over the streets first, but you keep an eye on that banker for the long term plan.