Trained to sell a Blackberry?
I wonder how many will get trained before they go bust then?
Oh well, one way to lower their headcount.
Everything Everywhere is to launch OS-specific training for its staff, awarding accreditations in iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phones, or in the ability to sell them at least. The money will be spent on the new Development Academy with 7,000 staff benefiting from the initial round of training which will be focused on …
In an Apple store there are *lots* of staff; having to wait for help is not particularly common.
In an Orange store, you can wait for *DAYS* before being served. If you can't get the attention of a member of staff, no amount of training is ever going to help.
...unless you want to get some work done.
Yes, blahblah type safety blah. You don't get in a formula one car and try to drive around the M25. You don't try to aim for the moon with anything made by Estes. You don't piss into the wind, don't tug on superman's cape, and you certainly don't design anything in a dynamically typed language without taking into account that the language is dynamically typed.
Or "Duck Typed", or whatever funky things the Ruby crowd come up with these days.
"you certainly don't design anything in a dynamically typed language without taking into account that the language is dynamically typed."
In an ideal world that would hold true - it's just a pity that quite often, it doesn't. It also reminds me of a joke about String Theory, but that would just be trolling :)
Maybe I just need to drink some Kewl Aid and 'get down'. Damn I remember being kewl once, I think. Saturday mornings, 12 years old, sipping the Cool Aid (that's how us oldies spelt it back then), learning to 'code' on the ZX80/81.
Damn, I need to get out more :)