"and Spotify now only accepts new signups using Facebook's authentication."
I've yet to work out why music *has* to be social anyway. Is it because "social" is The Next Big Moneymaking Opportunity? I've successfully managed to stop Spotify splurging all of the tracks I listen to onto my Facebook wall (or timeline, or whatever it is called this week) - but to do that I had to selectively revoke enough permissions to prevent this and not enough to make Spotify think it isn't properly "linked" to Facebook.
If the feature were optional fair enough, but I for one don't want to spam my friends with up-to-the-minute updates about what music I'm listening to. Even if I did, I'd want to share it with those friends that I knew had similar tastes to me. And I certainly wouldn't join Spotify if I wasn't already a member just to get this feature.
Don't these companies think things through at all?