Of Virtual Waters and Stormy Sees ...... The Great Game has New Fab Fabless Players?
Given the stealthy sophistication of the "well-coordinated, ongoing, state-run cyberespionage operation"* and its named targets/systems it is detected in [in Iran, Israel, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Egypt*], is it more likely to be a Western state or an Eastern state intelligence service?
Or is to tar the likes of an NSA/GCHQ listening post or a Russian or Chinese operation with the responsibility, unhelpful and even subversive, as it would immediately shift global perception on the competence of nation states to defend themselves cyber intelligence wise against invisible and intangible attacks/squirmishes/sorties?
Interesting days ahead, methinks, ...... which will make a pleasant change from all of the usual sub-prime nonsense peddled to sustain dodgy markets and corrupt systems of administration.
* ..... from a Wired report on the ITU and Kaspersky Lab find.