I quite liked Megashark vs Giant Octopus...
I await witty put downs, thumb downs etc.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to announce the winner of our reader poll to select the worst film never made. And the winner is... Our movie poster for The Phantom Menace: The Musical Yes indeed, the nightmarish prospect of Eddie Murphy as Jar-Jar Binks swung the popular vote, with The Phantom Menace: The …
it's awesome! One of my favourite bits was watching the clocks jump around in the background of scenes where they were cut together from so many takes. That kind of attention to apparently not paying attention to detail requires a particular level of commitment that I think commands respect.
All I'm saying is, if Banksy had sprayed Megashark vs Giant Octopus up as one of his atrocious stencils then it would be a whole different story, except that it would have been retrograde derivative bilge.
What sort of sadistic twisted mind comes up with an idea like The Phantom Menace: The Musical ?
Was he/she dropped on their head as a baby? Did they suffer abuse and bullying in childhood? Whatever it was, I've never in all my years, countenanced such diabolical evil as this.
Justin Bieber as Aniken Skywalker? Oh, the humanity!
Answers in descending order....
A depressed one who now appears to have wan a collection of pain and suffering that surely must be a breach of the Geneva Convention and certain weapons treaties.
Frequently, frequently and Mwah, ha haaa!
As for Bieber as Skywalker and Striesand as Amidala - think of the implications for the kissy scenes in episode 2...
........the casting of Eddie Murphy as Jar-Jar Binks. Given the nightmare that the original Jar-Jar was (it was the first and only time that I felt an overpowering urge to bite the back of the cinema seat in front of me and howl noooooo at the top of my voice) I feel that only Mr Murphy can truly do justice to this role.
Oh come on, the whole premise of the film is right there in the fricken title!
That's like going to the supermarket and buying Hedgehog Flavoured Crisps and then complaining they taste terrible, WTF did you expect?
(I actually did have some hedgehog flavoured crisps as a kid, they did taste terrible, and I did like Snakes on a Plane because I knew what it was going to be like before watching it - a silly popcorn hollywood flick with no aspirations of being anything with substance)
They apparently were a flavor:
"In the UK in 1981, Hedgehog Foods Ltd decided, as a joke, to produce Hedgehog flavoured crisps (potato chips). To everyone's surprise, the crisps were a huge success.
Hedgehog flavoured crisps were actually flavoured with pork fat and no hedgehogs were used in the manufacturing process."
Worst Film Ever - check
Worst Film Never done - check
BEST Worst Film, Really Really Bad Film that was so bad it's hilarious, favorite bad film you have to watch when it's on TV, i.e, cult classic, etc. Why not do that list?
Entry number one - The Barbarians
Number two - Killer Clowns From Outerspace
And - Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is the obvious one that comes to mind - let's pass on that one, be more original
My nomination for this category would be Deathstalker. It totally fits the 'so bad it's hilarious' description. In fact, it seemed to dawn on the makers what ended up happening, so they tried to do it on purpose with Deathstalker II, but you can never pull off that sort of thing on purpose, so it was just very bad.
Oh, Luke, do not be mad
When I tell you I'm your Dad
Honest, it's a blessing, not a curse
Though I missed the whole palaver
Of being there as father
Gotta say things could be so much worse, so
Come on, Luke, join the Dark Side of the Force
,.didn't want to post the whole lot, you can read the rest here:
No applause. This is simply a list of SFX-riddled nonsense which anyone could wave a fist at and say stinks. I agree - where are the pre-cgi suckers? This says as much about the voters as it does about what they voted for. Seriously, what sort of sad bastard would even switch on the TV for anything with "megashark" in the title?
But even if I handwave that, a list that doesn't at least mention the remake of the Flight of the Phoenix is worthless in a "worst movie ever" enumeration.
I second that request.
As soon as my daughter saw it, she asked me to print it so she could put it up in her room at the boarding school.
She is gleefully expecting the explanation sessions about where the poster came from and how Twilight is so bad it only made the 3rd spot in the Worst Films Ever Made list.
Dear Lord, what have I done ? I have unleashed a monster on the face of this poor Earth !
Highlander II was so bad, when Highlander III came out they even ignored the fact that there was a II, now that is how to tell you made a CRAP movie. Hell it didn't even fit the story line which excluding 2 was pervasive in all (8 of them I think, including an anime version) the movies in the series.
Highlander II was so bad, when Highlander III came out they even ignored the fact that there was a II, now that is how to tell you made a CRAP movie. Hell it didn't even fit the story line which excluding 2 was pervasive in all (8 of them I think, including an anime version) the movies in the series.
Unobtanium was a kewl idea as was mind melding into an avatar. The world mind is an old idea and I don't thing getting from here to unobtanium gets us any where near creating THAT...and I could do without the resource-extraction=bad, nude natives=good baloney. Yet it's a tear jerker in the traditional style and the mine melding with the buzzards or whatever that they ride on, that was kewl too.
I agree I didn't like Titanic except for the engine room scenes. Don't accept the premise I guess.
Manos - The Hands of Fate ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060666/ ) should be on the list. Appallingly awful, without any of the redeeming qualities of Cat Women of the Moon (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0045609/ ), my other favorite for inducing nausea. Where else can we enjoy Victor Jory as the love interest?! Yikes!