We get it. You're a luddite, and you take pleasure in pointing out your asceticism. We, by comparison, are profligate, foolish, and most likely unintelligent and wear our pants too low. Sorry. Let me ask - do you buy a new computer every 20 year? Are smugly pointing out how you've got a blurry-ass 13" monitor and you need to send URLs through the post to view a web site? Are you reveling in your manful opposition to consumer culture?
Ah. Didn't think so.
Sorry - you can dismount your horse now. You know - the high one. You're just bragging that you don't care about television, and don't know anything about it OR anything you might watch on it. See 'low height screens sold as "widescreen"'. I had to go back and read that twice. Let me spell this out for you.
1) There is a reason that directors like to shoot in wide screen formats. It is not fashion. It's because people have a wider horizontal field of view than a vertical one. Now, if you're a cyclops - and maybe you are, I don't know - if you're a cyclops, then you'd have a point. But if you've got two eyes, one next to one another (even if they're quite close) a wide aspect ratio makes sense.
2) Describing widescreen as 'low height' is like refusing to buy a larger single-floor home since it's not taller, or stalking out of a movie theater because the roof is too low.
3) The screen is the size of the content. If you desperately want to, you can buy a 16:9 screen and put duct tape over the sides so you can have the pleasure of a screen which has not had its height reduced.
4) They make the content for that size. Do you refuse to buy a flashlight because you think that long, narrow batteries are a rip-off? Well, enjoy the darkness, 'cos they make the flashlights so they fit the batteries.
And complaining that your 'full height screen' (I still have a hard time wrapping my head around that) will be further away because it's thin... well, christ, put the damn thing closer! There was already some method by which the front of the CRT was positioned there, and any of the space behind it must by necessity already be unoccupied, so what's the problem?
Hell, make a giant cardboard thing to put on the back of it so it's like your existing TV; you can even forego the duct tape and have it flip over the sides and obscure the sides of the image to make the TV taller!
Hell, if you really want to go all out, you could even find some wood grain vinyl and slap it on there. The only problem you'll have is that it'll use much less power and generate much less heat and be much sharper. So you could get an orbital sander and have at it for a little bit with a buffing pad; that should whack it right down to NTSC color and resolution.
And actually, if you put a running hair dryer behind it'll you'll have the heat and power usage of your beloved CRT as well! Sure, it's a little loud, and if you put it inside the cardboard box it'll probably go on fire and burn down your house, but we all have to make our sacrifices not to be whores to consumer culture, eh?