back to article Asia leads global BYOD race

Asian IT professionals are racing ahead of their global rivals when it comes to implementing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies in their organisations, according to new research from BT. The telecoms giant interviewed 2,000 IT users and managers in 11 countries and found that those in the region were the most forward …


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  1. Nights_are_Long

    BYOD = Bean Counter Heaven.

    Let's be honest the whole idea of BYOD is lead by bean counters who see IT as a nasty regular overhead, anything they can do to reduce that cost will be pushed hard.

    It's only a matter of time till the first serious Data breach in a BYOD environment due to a compromised machine and the user will be lambasted in the press for "lax security practices" buy the employer looking to weasel out of responsibility.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: BYOD

      Interestingly it shows how vulnerable the whole idea is. It will probably take a serious data breach to finally stop this madness.

      Its really a way to save a little money with the possibility of catastrophic repercussions.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Now I feel old

    There are some things that seem foreign as we mature, trying to secure the network, data and other users against every bit of equipment users want to bring in is for me, a big one.

    Could be an upside, at reviews I have to say what I've done and it normally resolves around proving a negative "how much time and money has been lost to downtime?" once the whole thing blows up in someones face and they realise nobody on site has the wherewithal to fix it they may just see there is a value in unseen "boring" IT.

  3. Semaj

    They Don't Care

    Well yeah - obviously those countries "lead" the way for BYOD. Mainly because companies in those places don't give a monkeys about data security, viruses being on their network, spam being sent from their servers, or pirated software being used for their work (more than likely theirs is anyway) or any number of other security no-nos. All they see is a saving because they don't have to supply stuff, which means more profit when they sell their shit quality products.

  4. jungle_jim


    Bring Your Own Dog?

  5. EOTB


    Bring your Own eat??

    If they did bring this in, can you imagine the transformation of the IT department? Dumb users asking 'my computer is running slow', 'its not booting', 'how to I connect up (for the 1000th time).

    They would literally spend all their time resolves issues that just would be apparent in a control network.

    The biggest issue really is AV/malware etc - you are putting your network at the mercy of users making sure their own AV protection is up-to-date - as well as all the other apps that asked to be updated (which users generally say no to).

  6. arrbee

    Presumably this includes lots of off-shore software development companies and support centres - no worries there then.

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