Lasers battle cattle burps
Most of the methane from a cow is emitted via burps, not bottom burps.
(as to which end of an apatasaurus the methane came from - good question.)
It’s not exactly “cows with freakin’ lasers!”: the aptly-named Methane Research Cluster is to use lasers to measure the methane emissions from Australia’s vast herd of ruminants. The University of Melbourne-led project wants to improve “measurement and management” of methane emissions, starting with grazing lands in the north …
There have been serious suggestions in Australia that kangaroos be eaten instead of cows... kangaroos don't have a bovine-style stomach arrangement, and don't produce methane in anything like the same quantities as cows. Also, they have pads, rather than hooves, causing less damage to the native grasses (which aren't as tolerant of hard hooves as grasses in other continents)
So we're talking Methane rocket powered cows now? What sort of range will they have? Can they do a translunar injection burn?
And, here I always thought the expression was "When pigs can fly!".
P.S. Mine's the one with the ultra strong umbrella with it. Have to protect oneself from falling, umm, debris.