back to article Whiptail flashes new kit, launches 72TB storage monster

Whiptail, the flash array startup from Whippany, New Jersey, has boosted and renamed its XLR8r flash array, and launched a 72TB flash storage monster called INVICTA. The XLR8r array becomes ACCELA, a brand name reminiscent of New England's high-speed Acela train service, and gets this new stuff: Random Read IOPS go from >175 …


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  1. thegreatsatan

    given that at a recent sales presentation by two whiptail reps where neither knew what VAAI was or if their array supported it (mind you this was last week) I'm curious as to what exactly "native VAAI support" is other than a marketing term created out of thin air.

    Are they supporting all 5 primitives or the original 3?

    And really, comparing Whiptail to Kaminario is like apples to orangutans.

    1. chris coreline

      honestly, if they are celebrating a full VAAI roll-out as a product feature they have probably ran out of other features to shout about... it may aswell have a big 'SUPPORTS SCSI!!!1111' on the front bezel.

  2. Chunky Lafunga

    7 year working life! The lot will be toast after 7 months

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    $50,000 for 1.5TB? How many times faster is it than 6 x 512GB SATA flash drives in a RAID10 array?

    1. Morg

      Re: Sorry?

      It's slower, many times slower.

      With LSI raid10 6x 512GB sata, you'll reach 4k saturation for the controller, i.e. 400k iops read or write. Which is more than their craptastic 15TB unit.

      Flash kit like this is what makes crapware like FusionIO and Violin sell.

  4. Morg

    What a load of

    omg this is such a piece of crap. wtf. 7 years of service ? who cares, the performance is already last gen.

  5. Vostor

    backblaze.. thats all i will say lol

  6. Ryan Snell

    Wow, haters galore - incredible...

    Go beyond blogs and wikipedia for information before you speak - read an analyst report every now and then. Rampant ignorance here….

    @thegreatsatan - all of it. It's being finalized and released as we speak - once it's GA, then the field is trained. This is common practice. You talk like every other all flash array has VAAI when none of them do. We're the first and have the most comprehensive support. Agree about the Kaminario comparison, they're a shared DRAM and caching appliance with some flash mixed in. We're a standards-based, accessible and serviceable all flash array.

    @chris coreline - 650k usable IOPS for the common man, 6 GB/s usable throughput, plugs into anything, stupid easy to manage, centrally manage 72TB of all flash capacity, zero single points of failure - this is all that matters, this is what the industry is missing. No one else has all of this (with a customer base currently in the field). Customers don't need more storage "cupholder" features when it comes to storage performance. Performance, stability, and availability first, bells and whistles later...

    @chunky lafunga - we've been shipping these units for four years with AutoSupport enabled. VDI is up to 99% write and we have VDI customers pushing multiple sustained TBs per DAY through even the smaller units over the course of YEARS. In fact, on the INVICTA user interface, you'll be able to monitor drive wear in real time. Whether you believe it or not, it's real - these drives last longer than 7 years even under a full daily write workload. Visit our side for a video demo of the UI.

    @anonymous coward - the 1.5TB unit delivers 250,000 IOPS 100% random, 100% write, sustained at 4k over 10 GbE iSCSI. For $50k. And that's at RAID 5 with a hot spare. First of all, you can't even get that kind of write performance from anywhere else, and if you could, not for less than millions of dollars (or pounds, or euro...). Second of all, visit our website for the ESG third party performance lab validation report. No one else in the all flash array space has third party lab validation. Third of all, hard drives can get you about 200 IOPS each (less after RAID), so you're looking at about 2k IOPS per $30k tray. It's not even a contest.

    @morg: see above for 7 years being a crap number. Actually, it's more like 20 years. As for performance being last gen, compared to who, or what? I'm not sure if anyone every taught you this, but YOU CAN'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ! Check the SPC-1 performance benchmark record - the current storage performance title holder is a 10 rack $4 million, 2,000 hard drive monster from IBM and it does about 520k IOPS. And it's not even GA. Go to our website and click on the video showing 650,000 IOPS in 14U drawing less than 2,000 watts of power. Last gen? What's now gen? What's next gen? Silly.

    My email is Please feel free to send me an email with any questions before posting some bitter, ignorant rant.

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