"PIN" not "PIN Number" Grr...
bofh_sideybofh "My bloody voicemail isn't working. Again." the Boss snaps. "You've forgotten your PIN number again, haven't you?" the PFY asks. "No, it's just not working!" "What's not working about it?" "It won't let me log in. It tells me there's a message but won't let me log in." "Because you're using the wrong PIN …
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It is NOT a tautology, because it's not a tautology (that, by the way, is a tautology).
It is RAS syndrome (redundant acronym syndrome syndrome).
And I hope Simon disciplines his PFY appropriately - 40 joules per utterance from the BOFH cattleprod should do nicely.
And 20 for himself, for letting The Boss grow this much of a clue before "resetting" him.
I'm surprised the pfy diegned to start going over the types of greetings with the boss.
I had flashbacks of extreme boredom tediousness and impatience just reading about it.
After going through that once - i wrote some basic instructions and now just throw them at the user in question when this arises
Oh come on now guys. A PIN number is simply the number of PINs you have, so if you have 6 bank cards your PIN number would be 6. For Joe public, it would of course be 1. Indeed, there is probably a direct PIN number ratio to a persons TSQ (tech savvy quotent), which would of course be the PINTSQR
The expression 'PIN number' is only used 3 times at the beginning of Simon Travaglia's monograph, but then the correct acronym, 'PIN', is used four times after that. Travaglia obviously put 'PIN number' at the beginning of his work to generate frivolity and bonhomie in the commentary of the old timers here.. Other commenters may have been in on the scheme.
According to some other posts, he has just returned after an absence and probably wants to be stood a pint or two.
I'd need to see the dust and particles on his luggage to say where he's been.