Old hat
Many GP surgeries ( including my own) allow patients full read-only access to their full medical records
Patients of 53 renal units across the UK are accessing results and clinical letters through a secure online system, often meaning they get the information faster than their GPs. Renal PatientView is used by 19,000 patients who have opted in to accessing their results online. The system also lets patients add their own data - …
Two NHS trusts collaborate to produce an open source solution in-house rather than spending millions on a system badly specified by pen-pushers and bureaucrats and badly implemented by money-grabbing private contractors.
I think that's a pretty fucking big story that large sections of the cash-strapped public sector could learn from: valuing skilled staff, delivering a good service and saving money not only for the institutions that developed the system but potentially for the sector as a whole.
The problem is this. Often times when a smaller part of an organization comes up with a good plan that should be easy to implement, some one along the way finds a way to screw it up. This is due to some idiot having to put their touch on it . Then you have jobworths that feel this is a threat to their job. Lastly you have cronyism.