back to article Apple 'iTV' looks like Cinema Display, says Throat

This, according to a mole who claims to have seen one in action, is what Apple's new TV looks like: Apple Cinema Display with ATV UI Yes, it's the Cinema Display, and it's a scaled down version of the so-called 'iTV', the insider, who spilled the beans to Cult of Mac, said. The Deep Throat also said the telly uses Siri …


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  1. R 11

    This will be interesting

    I tried the voice recognition on a new iPad 3. I spoke the name of a popular children's cartoon and the iPad displayed "su*k bi*ch" without the asterisks.

    Not sure I'd want to leave the kids alone with a Siri powered Apple Television.

    1. Andrew James

      Re: This will be interesting

      Having seen my other half trying to get to grips with Siri on her new iPhone this weekend I cant see me having much desire to use it in a TV either, with or without the kids. Being able to use the iPod touch, iPad or iPhone as a remote on the other hand, that would be quite nice... especially if the tv could stream its image to the small screen during toilet breaks or getting a drink etc so everyone doesnt have to hit pause and wait for you to come back.

      If indeed this tv actually exists at all. Seems obvious it will arrive eventually, but during terrible economic times? Seems illogical unless it doesnt something hugely beyond what a £500 tv and a £99 Apple TV can do already - since you'd expect an iTV to cost £2000 or something up that way.

      1. jubtastic1

        Re: This will be interesting

        You may be expecting 2k, Im thinking more like $500 for a 32" 1080 set with AirPlay and Siri for recommendations, recording, notifications etc.

        1. Andrew James

          Re: This will be interesting

          You might be thinking that. But its not going to happen.

          Look at the prices of their other tech. The 27" display with thunderbolt is £899. Comes with built in camera and microphone ... would need a bigger screen, and addition of some computing power... thats not going to make it any cheaper, is it.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: This will be interesting

            The 27" screen has thunderbolt (expensive) and firewire etc. - so for a higher volume product would not expect the iTV to be that much more. Of course you can get a TV for £500 and add an Apple TV except that is no microphone, no webcam etc.

            I recon a 32" version will be about £799-899 in the UK, $1299 in the US?

          2. jubtastic1

            Re: This will be interesting

            I suppose I should have thrown in some reasoning, the main point is that it's going to be a 1080 tv, not a high res color accurate computer monitor, panels for TV's tend to be way cheaper. The computing guts are already on sale in the ATV, which retails for $99, it's worth noting that apple is churning out variants of these systems (iphone4 etc) by the millions, so economies of scale apply.

            But the main reason its going to be cheap is because all their new stuff comes out at around half the price people were expecting, for example, MBA refresh, was $1700, drops to $999, iPad expected at $1000, debuts at $500, even the ATV came out at less than half the price of Logitechs GTV box. Basically, if Apple are going to sell TVs you can be damn sure that there're going to be competitively priced from the off, and that means around the $500 mark for a 32" set. There will be a lot of disruption.



        2. TeeCee Gold badge

          Re: This will be interesting

          "...Im thinking more like $500...."

          Let me guess. You don't work in marketing for Apple, do you?

        3. Alan Bourke

          Re: This will be interesting

          Good luck with that.

        4. Seanie Ryan

          Re: This will be interesting

          " Im thinking more like $500 for a 32" 1080 set with AirPlay and Siri for recommendations, recording, notifications etc."

          Yeah, and i am think $2000 for a new AMG Merc.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: This will be interesting

        hook yourself up an xbmc setup to your tv and you can do the remote control from iphone bit already (without the toilet break thing, which is quite a cool idea)

      3. miknik

        Re: This will be interesting

        "Being able to use the iPod touch, iPad or iPhone as a remote on the other hand, that would be quite nice... especially if the tv could stream its image to the small screen during toilet breaks"

        That would be funny, watching Samsung hit back at Apple for copying the "look and feel" of the tech their TVs already have.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: This will be interesting

      Don't know what sh*t you let you kids watch but where's that number for social services...

  2. Chris_B

    The lawyers are lining up as we speak

    What with Apples propensity to sue the stuffing out of everything it will be interesting to see what ITV make of this

    1. Bob Vistakin

      Re: The lawyers are lining up as we speak

      Oh its much, much better than that. Remember how they got the famous "round corner" injunction against Samsung for the S2 - right to the point where the S3 looks like its been designed by lawyers? : Now, bear in mind how many years (decades?) Samsung have been selling large rectangular boxes for displaying moving pictures on, otherwise known as TV's. We're led to believe Apples legal nastiness was all back in the wicked old days of Steve Jobs, and there's a new brush now where its all sweetness and light and Mr Cook would much sooner sort things out amicably. I bet he fucking would - lets see them come up with a TV that doesn't have the same look and feel as the ones Samsung have been selling since back when Apples stock was worthless.

      Let's all remember the phrase Apple used against Samsung: "Apple, based in Cupertino, California, sued Samsung in the United States, alleging the product design, user interface and packaging of Samsung's Galaxy devices "slavishly copy" the iPhone and iPad". Oh how the company who copied the Beatles record labels name hates copying.

      You never know, they might well come up with a design that doesn't have the look and feel of any of Samsungs models from the last 10 years. But I'm not holding my breath.

    2. Stuart Castle Silver badge

      Re: The lawyers are lining up as we speak


      a) That Apple call this product the iTV and

      b) This product is actually more than the fevered imaginings of a load of Analysts who want Apple to try something different.

  3. Chrome

    Did I just read the word 'enormo' in this article? The time saving must have been worth it or El Reg employs 12 year old Twitter followers?

    Normally I ignore people saying the Reg has dropped to the 'standards' of The Sun but this is a bridge too far

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Deliberate typo to prevent extraditions..

      There is an 'anti-extradition' filter on the Reg reports that eliminates all occurrences of 'US' to ensure that the author cannot be extradited as a terrorist for upsetting Apple (or any US corporation). Hence "enormous" becomes "enormo".


      1. Chrome

        Re: Deliberate typo to prevent extraditions..

        Possibly the best response I could have hoped for. I retract my complaint ;)

      2. Steve Knox

        Re: Deliberate typo to prevent extraditions..

        So close.. I'd love to give you credit for that, but since the entire interjection reads:

        - most likely rather bigger, given Apple's focus on the US [emphasis mine], where punters have room for enormo sets -

        I'm afraid I can't. Nice try though.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    How long until...

    ..Apple start suing other TV manufacturers for producing TVs of the same shape.

    1. Andrew James

      Re: How long until...

      Don't they already have the patent rights for the rectangle? If so, they'll be coming after every manufacturer of anything with a display sooner or later.

      This is why in Battlestar Gallactica, post Applepocalypse, everything is octagonal.

  5. Ellis Birt 1

    I can imagine this exchange:

    User: "Siri, BBC Two Please"

    Siri: "Sorry, I can only select TV Stations in the USA"

    1. cliveski

      Re: I can imagine this exchange:


      Siri: "Sorry *Dave*, I can only select TV Stations in the USA"

      1. LinkOfHyrule

        Re: I can imagine this exchange:

        "Siri, plonk Dave on for me mate so I can watch Stephen Fry talk out of his lovely arse for the millionth time will ya!"


  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Two barely credible rumours as articles within hours? Has this site turned into The Register of Apple Rumours or something?

    Did tech become so boring that you can't find actual news to write about anymore?

    Bring back the El Reg tombstone icon.

  7. Jean-Paul

    I like the CD for a computer but...

    I wouldn't have a montrosity like that in the living room, too small a screen and too big a bezel and stand.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I like the CD for a computer but...

      and aren't TVs now wall mounted in modern living rooms anyway?

      1. thesykes

        Re: I like the CD for a computer but...

        Wall mounted? No thanks, I currently have 10 different connections into/out of my TV (counting component connections as 1, not 3 or 5).

        All those would have to be hidden in trunking, and one of them is the power cable.

        Then I'd still need some kind of cabinet/stand underneath to take the 6 different boxes that are currently hooked up underneath.

  8. Tom 35


    "the CD design would clearly differentiate the 'iTV' from every other top-end telly out there"


    It's sitting on a silver bent metal thingy and not the black stand most TVs have? It's got an Apple on it? It has rounded corners?

    Looks like just about every other TV out there to me. If anything the "CD" looks more like a TV then a typical computer monitor.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    There is no money to be made from selling TV sets

    They are commoditised, with wafer-thin (if any) margins. In fact most manufacturers actually lose money on TVs. I'm reasonably fanboi-ish, but, of the following two options, I'd go for b) every time:

    a) Buy a TV with an inflated price, so that Apple can make its usual margins, which offers: a chic looking box; a nice screen (but in only a couple of available sizes); Apple user interface; Siri for voice control

    b) Buy cheapo box that plugs into any TV, which offers: Apple user interface; Siri for voice control

    What I'd really like is b) and a dumb screen without the usual TV manufacturer's ham-fisted stab at a UI

    1. qwarty

      Re: There is no money to be made from selling TV sets

      A variant on (a) would be a TV where the computer part is removable and upgradable. Seems to me most people treat TVs like furniture and keep them for years, so (a) is hardly a followup to the iPhone (2 year perceived write off on contract) or the iPad (three year typical lifetime). Some sort of upgradability feature wouldn't be new or magical but could be marketed as such.

      Agreed though, dumb screens rule,

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Not quite...

        Perhaps you could slide your iPad into the side like a dock? Like the Asus Padfone's big brother.

        1. Dave 126 Silver badge

          Re: Not quite...

          Perhaps... but seeing as you can't yet do this with your iMac (where there is arguably a reason for doing so: additional iMac screen real-estate whilst file syncing and device charging) then perhaps not. That, and the fact that the iPad would make a handy remote control for the Apple TV.

  10. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge
    Big Brother

    Webcam, eh?

    The world gets more Big Brother like every day.

    1. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Re: Webcam, eh?

      Bluetac is your friend : D

  11. JDX Gold badge

    Can you imagine how beautiful the box would be for an Apple 42" TV?

    1. Dave 126 Silver badge

      to JDX

      Errrr..... Much like the box for a Macbook or Cinema Display? ie, plan and elevation views on a white background, large text in grey, small text in black. Made of glossy cardboard. Ummm... Have I missed your point?

      1. JDX Gold badge

        Re: to JDX

        Yes, beautiful like those but gigantic.

  12. Daniel Owen

    Apple TV

    I don't understand this, Apple already do a TV product don't they? If they had all this extra wizardry available to them, why not throw it into the already established set top box and be done with it?

    Apple don't even produce their own screens do they? I though they bought it from the likes of Samsung?

  13. Silverburn

    Apple making TV's eh? Well, well...

    It will make a change from the soup, kettles, chairs, walkmans, sweets, sponges, clothes etc they make in China.

    Copyright infringement FTW!

  14. Kristian Walsh

    Not on sale in the USA, but...

    Philips already have a range of TVs that look very much how you'd expect an Apple set to.

    Of course, Apple's one will be completely different. It'll be aluminium for a start, with a fully-flush black gloss front, and there'll be an oversized mirror-effect Apple logo centered at the bottom lest anyone forget what brand of consumer product it is.

    1. Dave 126 Silver badge


      Phillips? Or B&O?

      Note the picture at the bottom of the page... a photo of a BeoVision TV displaying an Apple TV interface.

      (Dunno if Phillips still make the panels for B&O)

  15. DJGM

    iTV ... hmmm, don't think so!

    This "product" will not be called "iTV".

    The UK's biggest commercial TV broadcaster (est. 1955) won't allow it.

  16. Antidisestablishmentarianist

    Go on Apple

    Make it fully bezel-less. LG I think got 3 out of 4 edges. Go for the four. Do it.

  17. Colin Millar

    Cinema display

    Looks a bit like the old Windows Media Centre

    Couldn't they have copied something good?

    ..................and let the fun begin

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Did anyone else think...

    ..."giant iMac"?

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Apple win either way - buy your own TV and plug in one of those micro set-top boxes or buy a TV that does it all and adds video and microphone. They could probably even sell an add-on for the set top boxes to add a camera with mic (as the Apple TV has a so-far-unused USB port on it).

    If you have actually used an Apple TV (new versions) you will realise how easy they are - far more polished that pretty much anything else and pass the wife / gran test with ease.

    1. Andrew James

      Option A - buy a tv and an Apple TV box.

      Option B - buy an iTV (except in Britain where its the new Apple TV instead)

      Option C - buy a cheaper alternative that does the job of watching tv perfectly well

      Right now, I'm very much in Option C territory. Until such time as there is something magical and revolutionary to have me waiting in line and setting fire to £10 notes.

      However, that said, since most tv's now are wall mounted (i have not researched this, so if my stats are wrong, bite me) why doesnt someone make a tv that matches its screen to the pattern of whats behind it, with minimal bezel, it would remove the massive unsightly black rectangle from the room when not in use.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        why doesnt someone make a tv that matches its screen to the pattern of whats behind it

        The TV would need a camera that could take a TV sized image from a distance of less than a cm, plus lights to illuminate the wall. Not trivial...

        Alternatively, photograph that area of the wall before mounting the TV, and resize/crop the image to fit the screen. You just need to find a way to display the image onscreen when it's not doing TV duty. There's bound to be some colour correction needed, so endless satisfying fiddling till it's just right.

        For more fun, make some prank videos, eg the Hulk's head bursting through the wall, or a large hairy spider crawling down...

  20. thesykes

    Aspect ratio

    Will Apple take the lead from the iPad and make a revolutionary 4:3 TV?

    1. Andrew James

      Re: Aspect ratio

      It will be a sphere. A perfect sphere. It will be viewed perfectly from any angle, and will start a new trend for siting tv's right in the centre of the room, suspended from the ceiling, like a disco-ball except with the appearance when turned off of being a stainless steel apple with a bite taken out of it.

      1. Tony Paulazzo

        Re: Aspect ratio

        >It will be a sphere. A perfect sphere<

        A HoloTV showing perfect glassless 3D (converted on-the-fly). It will piss off every other tv maker, and change TV usage for ever.

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    How will Siri on an iTV know the difference between your voice

    and the voice of the TV presenter(s)?

    Really: how could Siri on a TV ever work?

    1. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Re: How will Siri on an iTV know the difference between your voice

      >How will Siri on an iTV know the difference between your voice and the voice of the TV presenter(s)?

      Pretty easily. The TV knows what audio signal it is sending to the loud speakers. This is then cancelled out from the sound received by the microphone.

      Many mobile phones do this to reduce background noise, by using two microphones situated a distance apart. Using the inverse square law, it removes sound that is of much the same volume across the two mikes.

      However, the system could evolve to give 'on the fly' subtitles for the deaf.

      1. Sceptic Tank Silver badge
        Paris Hilton

        Re: How will Siri on an iTV know the difference between your voice

        @Dave 126

        Yup, sounds pretty easy to me too.....


  22. SpitefulGOD

    already done

    look on youtube for the amulet remote

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