Old and has money and wants to do and is doing some good. Perfect type to be persecuted by a military regime. Maybe a bit of a backlash against the intellectual class who always get beheaded by the fuckton by juntas.
McAfee founder raided in Belize by gang-busting police
John McAfee, retired founder of McAfee Antivirus, has had his Belize laboratory raided and his dog shot during a dawn raid by thirty officers of the local police Gang Suppression Unit. At 6am on Monday morning the officers with a warrant stormed McAfee's laboratory, which researches ways to use bacterial communication to fight …
Friday 4th May 2012 20:01 GMT cybersaur
Sounds like America
Where paramilitary raids and pet executions have become common.
And if the guy that founded the suckiest antivirus software evah doesn't involve himself in politics then he shouldn't bitch when politics involves itself in you! All that is necessary for Evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.
Friday 4th May 2012 20:55 GMT Destroy All Monsters
Re: Sounds like America
> real, trained journalists
Trained to not piss on the powers that be, leak when they should and shut up their mouth when told to? Sure.... I have serious reports that all is well and your chocolate ration will be increased by A FULL 10% tomorrow... even the WaPo says so.
No wait! Let's look for "swat incidents map" ... uh .... yeah ... land of the freedom fries ...
Sunday 6th May 2012 15:06 GMT Daniel B.
SWAT + dog execution
There was this one case in the US where an idiot cop thought the cracking sound of a door (which was being RAMMED down) was a gunshot sound went on and shot a teenager kid who has stolen a PS3. Er, shot and KILLED the kid... and while you might argue that a SixAxis control looks like a gun, you'd expect a cop to say "drop your weapon" wouldn't you?
Oh, and when the dead kid's dog went on to attack the cop, he shot said dog dead as well. So there you go.
Saturday 5th May 2012 18:41 GMT w smith
Re: Sounds like America
Judging by the number of downvotes for cybersaur it seems like reg readers are either Mc Afee fans or are missing out on the wider news. The routine killing of dogs by the police is becoming a source of discontent among some groups in the US, as also are the armed raids by swat teams for petty offences. Take a look at http://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut , but be prepared for stories of chihuahua puppies being blasted while they sleep in their dog cage.
Saturday 5th May 2012 22:15 GMT Andy Tunnah
Re: Sounds like America
You forgot to put the troll face icon because there is no way this is a serious post.
This is the sort of post I expect from one of the RSS-educated plasticgeeks who forms their opinions from whatever fart-thoughts are discussed the loudest.
Let's assume you're not trolling for a second. For one it's not politics involving itself in his business, it's a politician's abuse of power using a police unit under his command to execute his plan of extortion.
For 2...you know what, I can't carry on, you are trolling, if I'm to keep this little bit of faith in humanity intact, I need to believe you're trolling.
Friday 4th May 2012 22:18 GMT asdf
Yes the US government can be very embarrassing for a developed government but compared to every other country in our hemisphere besides Canada the US is the land of milk and honey. I guess that is what happens when you have a whole hemisphere of Catholic countries. You get the PIIGS club like in Europe but on steroids.
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This post has been deleted by its author
Sunday 6th May 2012 02:14 GMT amanfromMars 1
Re: Dr Moreau?
Sounds like Guantanamo has already been done and convincingly failed to deliver the goods, bitten.
What is wrong with a private paradise island on which to do future world research? Assemble Exploratory Virtual Assignments with Magic Moments Installed and Incorporated and Guaranteed on Demand and Cast them Free for Bounty Capture into Virtual Webs and Cloud Clusters.
Cast virile seed anywhere and they grow. Weeds, flowers, trees, humans. Is it possible to broadbandcast a virile virtual seed with needs to be provided for ..... Product to be Immaculately Servered and Serviced. :-)
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Monday 7th May 2012 20:52 GMT Anonymous Coward
My guess is that he stopped paying someone
I've been to Belize many times (we have a place there). Last visit, we went by Mcafee's place (compound) along the river. I remember our guide pointing it out.
Some more details:
"The property, the site of Belize Ecological Foundation Ltd, consists of nine houses, a shed, a freight container and a warehouse, all enclosed by a perimeter fence with two guard huts at the entrance. According to the GSU, it announced its presence and purpose was to search for drugs and illegal firearms. Two armed guards were observed on the compound, and upon directive immediately surrendered. Simultaneously the houses on the premises were cleared, one of which was serving as a laboratory. Present on the premises at the time were John McAfee, his girlfriend who is a seventeen year old Belizean minor, five security guards. During the search ten firearms—seven, twelve gauge pump action shotguns; one, twelve gauge single action shotgun; one Taurus nine millimetre pistol and one, nine millimetre CZ pistol were found. Five air rifles with scopes resembling sniper rifles that use six point two six millimetre slugs were also found and two hundred and seventy twelve gauge cartridges. Additionally, thirty nine millimetre rounds and twenty point thirty-eight rounds were also taken. According to the GSU, McAfee produced a company firearm licence for all the above firearms except the single action that is licensed to Tyron Morales and the nine millimetre CZ pistol.
Analysts at the Forensic Laboratory, and personnel from the Ministry of Health were taken to inspect the facility and samples of an alleged antibiotic apparently being manufactured at the Laboratory were also taken for analysis. The Ministry of Health has already confirmed that no licence has been granted to McAfee or any of his agents to manufacture antibiotics in Belize. Doing so without a licence is an offence under the Antibiotics Act."
It's amazing how affordable corruption is there. A "special meeting", as they call it, with a local politico is only $100. You can even get a receipt!