Maybe they should concentrate on the shambolic Android app instead.
Spotify dances onto iPad
Spotify has pushed its music platform onto Apple's iPad. The new app, specifically designed for tablet use, takes things up a notch from what is currently available through the iPhone and other smartphone versions. Spotify for iPad Music buffs are now able to browse Spotify's catalogue, view cover art and search playlists on …
Wednesday 2nd May 2012 16:41 GMT Tom 38
Re: Don't worry
Let me guess, you have neither an ipad nor spotify, yet felt drawn to read and comment on a story about both.
I don't need to justify my geekiness, it is apparent in every facet of my existence. The ipad doesn't "qualify me for geekdom", it is just my tablet and, unlike you, I don't think I am defined by my choice of tablet made two years ago.
Wednesday 2nd May 2012 23:17 GMT Sir Cosmo Bonsor
Re: Don't worry
Regarding me: you guessed wrong.
Regarding you: you don't need to justify something, but then you go on to protest it at length?
Look, you're posting in a community populated by Assembly programmers, aeronautical engineers and bearded guys who code using only a magnetised needled and a steady hand.
In this context, you, Mr. Shiny New Trinket, are not a geek.
Thursday 3rd May 2012 09:21 GMT Tom 38
Re: Don't worry
It riles me that certain types of people want to infer everything from my choice of tablet. You're still doing it, for instance.
Look, you're posting in a community populated by Assembly programmers, aeronautical engineers and bearded guys who code using only a magnetised needled and a steady hand.
Indeed, I'm part of that community - that's why I'm posting here - although I prefer vim to a magnetised needle.
It's geeky that I got excited about a software update to a music player. What's your excuse?
Wednesday 2nd May 2012 16:09 GMT Gareth.
Why is it only for premium users?
OK, so I'm gonna come across as a cheapskate here, but why do Spotify only make access to mobile devices available for Premium users?
I'm on the not-freetard-but-not-quite-Premium £5 p/month package and would love to be able to use Spotify on my Android tablet (yeah, it's not an iPad... I'm a cheapskate, remember) but when I last tried using it, I would've had to upgrade my account to the £10 p/month one to get it to work.
I'm happy paying a fiver a month for Spotify as it doesn't have much of the 90s trance music I mostly listen to... but for me a tenner a month is harder to justify.
They couldn't get away with charging Mac users more than Windows users, so why differentiate based on type of device? I don't see how my choice of what I use to access their service costs Spotify Inc any more money to distribute.
Wednesday 2nd May 2012 16:45 GMT Tom 38
Re: Why is it only for premium users?
Two main reasons:
1) The desktop client uses P2P as well as direct downloads to source media, where as the mobile client only uses direct downloads. Therefore, it does cost more for them to offer access to mobile devices.
2) Mobile access is the USP of the premium account. It is the main feature differentiator between the two account types. If mobile access was allowed on the mid-range package, no-one would buy the premium account. The account type you are in is specifically designed to make you want to upgrade to the premium account.
Wednesday 2nd May 2012 16:45 GMT Chicken Marengo
Re: Why is it only for premium users?
Why don't you just spend a single tenner on any one 90s trance music CD? It's all the bloody same anyway.
More seriously, I believe what you're paying extra for with premium (well I am anyway) is really the offline listening ability, I agree that that rather than the target device should be the differentiator
Wednesday 2nd May 2012 19:05 GMT Wintermute
Re: Why is it only for premium users?
If Gareth had not of already said it, I would. The doubling of price just to listen to it on an iPad vs a Mac is a big turn off.
I use my fondleslab much more than my Mac at home, the lack of non-premium access is pushing me in the opposite direction, toward dumping Spotify entirely. I only wish Spotify devs read The Reg.