Clouds reduce opex by 25% and capex by 50%? Pull the other one, it has corks on.
What is more, the Australian market isn't huge so the need for massive scale is small. Not even the banks run with the redundancy that the larger clouds provide (and cost for). My internet link goes down whenever it rains hard. The traffic lights tend to go out in bad weather too. What makes you think the infrastructure is up for it?
I'd like to know where in the US there is 75% cloud adoption? Are we just talking a vmware license? Amazon? Office365?
Methinks the analysts have just looked around and thought, "who has money to spend? Ah, Australians! Oi, you! Your rubbish 'cos you haven't bought our stuff!"
What I don't understand is that "clouds" are supposed to be location agnostic. Yet, tell a cloud provider you want it all in Australia for legal reasons and they look at you blankly. As far as I'm concerned, if you can't manage it across the pacific links, I'm not using it across the pacific links.
I'm impressed that Ms Campbell managed to say the words, "adopt cloud computing and set a firm foundation" without cracking up. Well done!