We have to read:
"Future discoveries may yet include the Higgs Boson, aka "the God particle", whose appearance or non-appearance will not merely upset but completely pulverise applecarts up and down the entire street market of physics."
What the hell? Let's get this straight:
1) The Higgs Boson may have already been "spotted" as there are currently tentative bumps in the statistics at somewhere arund 130 GeV I think. It will probably be "more strongly confirmed" (the probability that decay events expected trough appearance of a Higgs Boson are due to random chance or mismeasurement will go down, down, down...)
2) World + Dog actually expects the Higgs boson to be there - it means that the last missing piece of the Standard Model is indeed there. Considering that LHC might well not find anything else of interest, that would mean one could leave the arena for the showers, because there would be no definite way to enhance or rejigger the Standard Model into something grander in a testable way.
3) Now, if supersymmetric particles were to show up or something else entirely fresh, THAT would upset some carts. But it's unlikely.