@Anon2 --- Why you are wrong.
Anon1> Welcome, my friends, to the glory of Socialism, Communism, and Progressive Taxation. As long as looters, through their greed, want to get money from people who create wealth via tax by putting a government gun to their heads - there is always the opportunity that people will leave.
Anon2>> The fact that you've used words like "communism" and "socialism" to describe the utterly capitalist globalised corporatist world economic system that we are currently living under indicates that you are making up new meanings for words as you go along, or to put it another way, talking crap.
The move towards socialism, communism, and fascism world-wide is undeniable.
One of the largest growing economies in the world is self-proclaimed communist, where the state owns much of the economic sector.
More private resources are being taken over by governments world-wide (i.e. former private energy exploration is ever increasinly being taken over or limited by governments world-wide such as: oil in various middle eastern nations or venezuela most recently; precious metals for electronics in china; new oil exploration basically turned-off in the united states, etc.; student loans in the u.s. under the guise of health care reform; u.s. take-over of general motors.) The most critical monopolies are driven by governments, not by corporations.
The shift of nations towards fascism is most interesting (the u.s. government forced the ceo of gm to resign, forced the sale of chrysler to foreign interest by edict, drop charges against baton-wielding black panther for voter intimidation by a presidential administration of similar ethnicity, the call by a president to his own ethnicity in the congressional black caucus to "take off your bedroom slippers, put on your marching shoes", the refusal of the executive branch to prosecute black panthers after making public statements to pay for the lyncing of a hispanic man under investigation, targeting and/or killing of american citizens of non-ethnic commonality on foregin soil, etc.)
In north africa and middle east - governments stick your religion on your birth certificate and you are not allowed to change it, except in the direction of the non-native religion of the land. The religion being considered set at "birth" is merely a way to isolate ethnicity. When someone wishes to identify with the non-dominate religion, they are not legally allowed, and if they publicly say they wish to associate otherwise, they can be killed for apostacy. If it was not about ethnicity, it would not be assigned as birth, and they would not kill people.
There is an argument for the increasing trend from capitalism.
Anon1> Economies in Asia and Europe self-destructed under Progressive Taxation (the U.S.S.R. did not last long.) People in Europe, once they retire, move to places where their money lasts the longest (Turkey is a nice destination, from what I hear.)
Anon2>> Here's a clue for you: if the workers don't control the means of production, it's not "communism" or "socialism".
As long as individual workers have the freedom to control their own production, produce as they desire, acquire capital, save capital, and spend capital - there is capitalism. (The more a worker earns, the more the government penalizes them through higher percentages of tax - increasingly penalizing the acquisition of capital is not capitalism... yet it is advocated by socialism and communism.)
When individual workers are legally discouraged or denied the ability to control their own production, there is communism, socialism, and fascism. (Progressive taxation with income cliffs significantly discourage individual increases in production, by forcing the worker to take home LESS MONEY for incremental increases in production!)
When a groups of people (i.e. government) puts a gun to the head of others (through law enforcement) to take away the capital the worker acquired or the worker saved, you have socialism. When a group of people (i.e. government) tells individual workers what they can not produce (via laws/rules), you have socialism.
When a government owns increasing quantities of resources/rights and indivuals own fewer quantities of resources/rights, you have communism. When laws restricting individual ownership and individual rights increases, the trend towards Socialism.
A simple reading of the communist manifesto easily describes the global movement towards communism from the time it was written. (1. renting of land to mineral exploration, income redistribution of taxes; 2. progressive income tax ; 3. death tax; 5. taking over of educataional loans; 6. internet regulation/kill switch; 8. "fair" wages, some too high, some too low; 8. establishing vollunteer corps; 9. encouragement of suburban growth; 10. compulsory citizen education in government operated schools.)