Re: Not surprised really
Seems you are the one that's been brainwashed by Microsoft's viral marketing. have you even PLAYED a PS3? Or is your whole basis of what a PS3 is, based on what you have read on the American internet?
GT5 is 10x the game that Forza is. Forza is a ARCADE racer, it's physics are basic and don't relate to real cars, if you want to play this type of game, play Burnout, it's more fun. GT5 is in a whole different league.
As for FPS, Resistance and Killzone series both totally obliterate Halo, both storyline, graphically and gamplay (online and offline). You don't want to see a Halo killer, so have closed your eyes to anything but Halo.
And as for the PSN hack, again, you seen to have selective memory. I'm guessing you have forgotten the 3 week Xbox Live outage over Xmas? And the last 18 months where millions of Xbox Live accounts have been emptied of all their cash. Nobody actually lost anything over the PSN hack (infact I got lots of very good games for free). XBox Live owners are losing REAL money daily, and Microsoft are unable to stop it and unwilling to talk about it, rather playing the "keep the media sweet and persuade them not to report it" tact that they also took with RROD.