How long before Apple sues them into oblivion?
Brydge pledges to turn iPads into MacBooks
Tablet naysayers will - not unreasonably - claim that adding a keyboard to a fondleslab only goes to show how much better laptops are in the first place. Brydge's Brydge iPad keyboard kit But that didn't stop Asus offering just such an add-on for its Transformer line of tablets - just for you, iPad naysayers - and now here's …
Thursday 26th April 2012 16:01 GMT Anonymous Coward
Probably not
1) It doesn't duplicate an Apple product. In fact Tim Cook categorically said he has no plans to make an iPad/laptop hybrid. So they're not in the firing line for now.
2) Lots of people produce laptops that completely rip off the macbook keyboard area layout-look at the last HP Envy 15! Apple clearly are focusing on their primary targets: Samsung and Android.
I think as long as this just adds to the reasons to buy Apple they won't mind.
Thursday 26th April 2012 13:46 GMT Anonymous Coward
but they did help to discover it....
..wasn't it a falling apple product of some sorts that inspired Newton (in folklore at least) - perhaps it was an Apple Newton!
I wonder when Apple will use this connection to try an patent gravity. Then they will rightfully be able to claim to be the suckiest company in the world.
Thursday 26th April 2012 11:37 GMT Wibble
Where's the pointing device?
A keyboard also requires a pointing device close to hand; a mouse, trackpad or nipple. It's just not acceptable to expect to point around the screen whilst, say, editing a document. One's hands are rested on the keyboard; the screen is up in the air; pointing at it is very difficult from this angle, and damn uncomfortable as well. That's why I'm using a mouse as I slide my hand from the keyboard to the mouse.
Alas iOS (and Android) doesn't support pointing devices so this is at best only a half-solution.
Ironically Windows 8 may fare better in this respect as it's more Windows than Tablet OS. Of course Windows 8 doesn't yet exist, nor will it ever run on an iPad.
Thursday 26th April 2012 11:52 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Where's the pointing device?
"...(and Android)...) There's a fully working trackpad on my Asus Transformer.
If the patent lawyers can argue rounded corners successfully then this gadget is going to be easy prey for them. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes when Apple and Asus lawyers gang up on them.
Pity though, I rather like tablets with docking keyboards, the Asus is excellent, I'm waiting for a detachable touchscreen equipped ZenBook as the Windows 8 machine of choice.
Thursday 26th April 2012 12:48 GMT Mondo the Magnificent
Pointless device...
I don't see the merits in this "accessory" at all, I have both an Apple and a Samsung fondleslab and I get along with them just fine without the urge to turn them into wannabe laptops.
I also have a desktop and laptop, which a fruit co. branded 13 inch of the aluminium variety and should I need to embark on anything that requires a lot of typing/editing, I use these opposed to the often tedious task of using Office-esque Apps on the tablets.
Thursday 26th April 2012 16:09 GMT Andy Christ
Looks like Crux beat Brydge to it with the CruxLoaded.
It has both a trackpad and I believe the software also provides a cursor on the iPad's display. Still only in development and $250, but they are apparently taking orders.
Also, I doubt Apple would sue either of these companies, as long as they do not employ the Apple logo or claim any such endorsement.