Linux ?
Nope, seems not, according to the screen I was offered when I went to http://drive.google.com/
Will carry on with Drop Box.
Google has thrown its hat into the cloud storage ring with the long-expected launch of Google Drive, an online vault integrated with Google Docs that allows sharing and collaboration online. "Whether you’re working with a friend on a joint research project, planning a wedding with your fiancé or tracking a budget with …
Too bloody right....
Now if only one of these cloud storage providers would provide a standard rsync based interface they would earn the undying gratitude of all Linux fans... Seeing how most of these providers are probably running Linux/ *nix servers this shouldn't be an enormously complex thing to build I think...
And no the rsync cobble via s3fs fuse mount on the Amazon S3 service doesn't count... And neither does s3rsync.com.
Thanks Phil, had a look, seems good... Although the site is a bit like Mother Hubbard's storage!
What do you use it for and how? I'm only interested in backing up the usual personal rubbish (finance, taxes, photos, videos, the next great novel etc).
So just need to encrypt and store/ restore... And do incremental changes only mostly.
They recommend Duplicity but that is in Beta so not too sure about that... Or have you developed some encrypt and rsync scp/SSH scripts of your own?
> What do you use it for and how?
Backups of important stuff like source code, email, and similar; mostly via hourly or daily cron jobs.
> So just need to encrypt and store/ restore... And do incremental
> changes only mostly.
Encryption doesn't work well with anything incremental; I think that's a fairly fundamental problem.
for offering all those fantastic freebies, like free storage protected from your snooping, free OCR in no way feeding the data into your own systems, free ads on the side, as usual in NO way related to the contents of my (my?) G-locker.
but hey, who cares about privacy, it's all freeeeee, so come on, ya freetards, in your millions, come to daddy!
It only offers offline viewing (not editing) and only for those documents you recently edited and only documents and spreadsheets (not presentations, etc).
It only works with one account, the account you first activate it with. After that it won't play. The offline documents seem to be stored deep in some obscure chrome data files.
Google are hoping we'll store all our data in their cloudiness so they will probably never offer folder syncing to user chosen folders on a local drive (as could be expected).
As an existing Hotmail user (only for 'junk' subscriptions) I got a free upgrade to 25GB of Skydrive storage on BOTH of my separate Hotmail accounts. I'll now stroll over to Google and see what's happening to my two Google accounts.
Maybe my free Dropbox account and my free Sugarsync account will be upgraded as a response to all this too. I've no idea what I'll do with all this cloudy goodness.
A few years back they'd have taken the whole market - but with offerings like sugarsync providing not just web backup not just single root folder sync like dropbox, simpler to set up than spideroak, Google could really hit a home run by emulating their model and crushing the competition
It all looks a bit limited. It is really a shame they have gone with the crappy Dropbox model. Having to move all the stuff you want to sync into the "sync" folder is just crap. You end up duplicating stuff all over the place when the general idea of cloudy sync is to make life easier and avoid ending up with multiple, out of sync copies of things. I really don't understand why all these services don't just allow the user to choose what they want to sync from their current hard drive. I've been using SugarSync for longer than I can remember and, whilst a bit more expensive than Google Drive, it seems like a lot less hassle - especially given that the early interest in Drive seems to have brought down all their servers. I'm getting no response from Drive or the webpage!
"no duplication duplication at all"
That made me chuckle.
Oh, and in case it's helpful, Windows does symbolic links.
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I paid to have extra space specifically for my Picasa ($5/year) and according to the new storage plans document (http://support.google.com/drive/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=39567&p=butter_old_storage) I should be able to keep this plan BUT "If your account lapses, your credit card is declined, or you choose to change your storage plan in any way (upgrade or downgrade), you’ll be switched to the new Google storage plan.". I am NOT paying around $30/year for a similar allocation.
My Picasa currently shows I have 21GB available whilst Drive says I have 25600Mb.
Just signed in and was greeted with this:
Google Drive sta arrivando.
Vuoi sapere quando sarà pronto il tuo Google Drive? Se sei interessato, ti invieremo un'email all'indirizzo ***********@gmail.com non appena sarà
Google Drive is coming.
Want to know when he's ready your Google Drive? If you are interested, please send an email to *********** @ gmail.com as soon as
I'm a Skydrive and dropbox user anyway... So no biggie
Here's a quote from Google Drive T&T, from a link provided above, in full glory:
"You retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that you hold in that content. In short, what belongs to you stays yours"
now the good part. Put down that tea or coffee mug first.
"When you upload or otherwise submit content to our Services, you give Google (and those we work with) a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as those resulting from translations, adaptations or other changes we make so that your content works better with our Services), communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such content."
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