I agree with most of the arguments made here, and probably wouldn't like to see this Bill in law as it is now.
However. However…
We as a society seem to have spent billions on ad tracking technology, consumer tracking technology etc. Ads are so precisely targeted, they know where you are, where you've been, and what you bought last week.
The police and intelligence services don't have that information or tools, and probably should, in certain scenarios.
I don't want the police to be able to monitor cell phone locations, but if there is a murder, they should be able to get a list of all phones within 200 metres of the incident at the time of the incident. It shouldn't require court orders, it should be available quickly, the police should use it to aid their inquiries and dump it afterwards.
Similarly, if the SIS are monitoring a potential terrorist, an action that requires many court orders already, they should be able to see who they are communicating with. Are they opening a VPN to Karachi and shovelling all their traffic through that? Again, they should be able to see it. Who else is talking to that IP range in Karachi? Bosh, terror cell identified.
What should not happen is PC RacistTwat looking up what web sites I look at for a laugh.
I suggest that if this information is collected, it is only queried by one independent agency. All queries go through them, and must have valid reasons. If a user's details are examined, they must be informed, unless it is a case of national security. People working for the agency would have criminal liability for leaks; the privacy of the data should be sacrosanct, you should be doing bird if you betray the public trust.
It is our data, we are merely allowing the government to use it for the purpose of crime prevention or detection.